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(thanks for the help) Found a Burst Spec for my Thieve

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Haven't played much , but what can i do to improve ?https://imgur.com/R8PFMCn

If the Moderator , could leave this thread for a day , before it gets moved would be appreciated , in order to have more exposure .

Edit: Between the 1 sec Daze (Sleight of Hand)> 1 sec Fear (Rending Shade) >2 sec immobilize (Impairing daggers)> 2 sec stun(Fist Flurry ) , it gives me time to control + burst my target , without running out of resources too fast and trying to keep the burst under 5 sec on a ''heavy'' targets

The target will be forced to choose to Stun break the 1 sec Fear and then get immobilized (Impairing daggers) , or stun break the 2 sec stun(Fist Flurry ) at 35% HP .https://imgur.com/SxcEDG3

If i change my my healng spell + replace Escape Fortitude with Marauder , it will be exact META spec such as :https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol

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Use these instead:Daredevil healAgility or Assassin signet, or even Bandit's DefenseFist FlurryShadowstepBasi venom

Also definitely use sigil of exploitation.

Your amulet choice is a bit weird too, I'd say use marauder.

Other than that, theorycrafting is fine because all good builds come from it. Even I play heavily homebrew builds and I was high G3 to mid P1 (with 50-60 matches a season xD). However, think about your role and get AT LEAST one stunbreak and condi cleanse.

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A few things. Bound is not a good choice. Its too clunky for setting up burst, and makes your map mobility significantly lower, which is very important for thief. Shadows Rejuvination is bad, its only good if you try to stealth up in-combat, but any half-decent enemy will punish you hard for trying to. Rending Shade on the other hand adds boonrip and potential fear, which is a lot of utility. Assassin's amulet is inefficient, use Berserkers for a chunk of added damage. Fist Flurry and Impairing daggers are both bad, and your build has absolutely no stunbreaks. You want at least shadowstep.

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I believe its a little better nowBetween the 1 sec Daze (Sleight of Hand)> 1 sec Fear (Rending Shade) >2 sec immobilize (Impairing daggers)> 2 sec stun(Fist Flurry ) , it gives me time to control + burst my target , without running out of resources too fast and trying to keep the burst under 5 sec on a ''heavy'' targetshttps://imgur.com/SxcEDG3

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@"Captain Kuro.8937" said:Haven't played much , but what can i do to improve ?https://imgur.com/R8PFMCn

If the Moderator , could leave this thread for a day , before it gets moved would be appreciated , in order to have more exposure .

Your second trait in Daredevil increases damage after you use your endurance. Your endurance bar was full in video.

You can just post this is Thief section so more Thieves can see.

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@"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:re-roll to a rev

Mostly its a bet for my boyfriend , that whined about his thieve cannot no longer do enough dps after the patch .If i change my my healng spell + replace Escape Fortitude with Marauder , it will be exact spec such as :https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol

My skills are not in par with other people , because i play Fractals most of the times , but someone can reduce its TKK (time to kill) with his better RPM

@ParanoidKami.2867 said:

@"Captain Kuro.8937" said:Haven't played much , but what can i do to improve ?

If the Moderator , could leave this thread for a day , before it gets moved would be appreciated , in order to have more exposure .

Your second trait in Daredevil increases damage after you use your endurance. Your endurance bar was full in video.

You can just post this is Thief section so more Thieves can see.

Thanks for the input .I always forget about that damage increase

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:re-roll to a rev

Mostly its a bet for my boyfriend , that whined about his thieve cannot no longer do enough dps after the patch .If i change my my healng spell + replace Escape Fortitude with Marauder , it will be exact spec such as :

Thing is, he wasnt wrong. Youre also off by your utility from the meta build, since sadly, fist flurry and impairing daggers arent good.

My skills are not in par with other people , because i play Fractals most of the times , but someone can reduce its TKK (time to kill) with his better RPM

Its always going to stay pretty high. Thieves damage is not that great. Especially against enemies who have any kind of sustain.

@Captain Kuro.8937 said:Haven't played much , but what can i do to improve ?

If the Moderator , could leave this thread for a day , before it gets moved would be appreciated , in order to have more exposure .

Your second trait in Daredevil increases damage after you use your endurance. Your endurance bar was full in video.

You can just post this is Thief section so more Thieves can see.

Thanks for the input .I always forget about that damage increase

Within a game scenario you naturally get it, simply because you use Dash to move around the map faster.

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Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

eh no

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@Quadox.7834 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

eh no


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Instead of proving whose Thief builds are the best or useful or not...why not focus your self-pride Ego attention back to the OP. and empower him/her instead?

All I am witnessing are Thieves fighting among each other for show of dominance and it should not be this way especially to those who like the Profession and want to become better at it.

In other word, be a good role model and show good sportmanship for Thief Profession

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a looong cooldown.

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks ,leaving you with 0 resources and while waiting for the company to buff us

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

Whats the point of "catching" a player who can turn around and obliterate you? If anything, you should be running away from them as soon as they turn on you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

I mean, they could even cleanse the fear (assuming they have instant-cast cleanses) or have it be automatically cleansed by traits (good old Alchemy traitline). But yes, they can do that. You immob them, and they cleanse that. And ... now what? Hell, they could even dodge the impairing daggers, or block them, or evade them, not a big deal either way. And the Fist Flurry wont even hit 5 times to make the stun available since its trivially easy to stop.

Youre not going to get their HP to 35% off of a backstab and impairing daggers. Youll fail to hit 50%. And again, thats ignoring the fact that they can and will just fight back. Any half-decent player will take the opportunity to brutalise you and force you to escape without having accomplished anything.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks , while waiting for the company to buff us .

Not really. In +1 situations neither Fist Flurry nor Impairing Daggers are gonna be any good. And youre not going to be able to 1v1 anyone either way. You just make it easier for enemies, in particular condi builds, to blow you up.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

Whats the point of "catching" a player who can turn around and obliterate you? If anything, you should be running away from them as soon as they turn on you.

Thats why i must stunlock them , rather than Backstabing them once and try to duel them .

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

I mean, they could even cleanse the fear (assuming they have instant-cast cleanses) or have it be automatically cleansed by traits (good old Alchemy traitline). But yes, they can do that. You immob them, and they cleanse that. And ... now what? Hell, they could even dodge the impairing daggers, or block them, or evade them, not a big deal either way. And the Fist Flurry wont even hit 5 times to make the stun available since its trivially easy to stop.

Youre not going to get their HP to 35% off of a backstab and impairing daggers. Youll fail to hit 50%. And again, thats ignoring the fact that they can and
just fight back. Any half-decent player will take the opportunity to brutalise you and force you to escape without having accomplished anything.

After the Backstab , the majority will try to dodge . Its in the human nature .I will wait till its after and i will cast the imobilize .

Not every class has an auto cleanse like Engineer . And if they do , it has a higher cd than my own cds .

Fist can work with immobilize , or i can wait till they have burned their 2 dodges and then cast it .

The damage have been lowered across the board . In the worst case scenario i can dodge any dangerous attack .

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks , while waiting for the company to buff us .

Not really. In +1 situations neither Fist Flurry nor Impairing Daggers are gonna be any good. And youre not going to be able to 1v1 anyone either way. You just make it easier for enemies, in particular condi builds, to blow you up.

Thats why i must cc them . And hope my team8 cc the other

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

Whats the point of "catching" a player who can turn around and obliterate you? If anything, you should be running away from them as soon as they turn on you.

Thats why i must stunlock them , rather than Backstabing them once and try to duel them .

Warriors have a hard time reliably stunlocking people, and they have more and faster CC. What luck will you have? Besides, do you think if this was an option, that people wouldnt have made this build?

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

I mean, they could even cleanse the fear (assuming they have instant-cast cleanses) or have it be automatically cleansed by traits (good old Alchemy traitline). But yes, they can do that. You immob them, and they cleanse that. And ... now what? Hell, they could even dodge the impairing daggers, or block them, or evade them, not a big deal either way. And the Fist Flurry wont even hit 5 times to make the stun available since its trivially easy to stop.

Youre not going to get their HP to 35% off of a backstab and impairing daggers. Youll fail to hit 50%. And again, thats ignoring the fact that they can and
just fight back. Any half-decent player will take the opportunity to brutalise you and force you to escape without having accomplished anything.

After the Backstab , the majority will try to dodge . Its in the human nature .I will wait till its after and i will cast the imobilize .

Theyre feared. They cant instinctively dodge (unless they have auto-cleanse). But sure, lets ignore that. You immobilise them. You do know immobilise is not a stun, right? They can still block, they can still use evading skills, they can still just cleanse. And if just a single hit of Fist Flurry fails to connect, the followup becomes unavailable.

Not every class has an auto cleanse like Engineer . And if they do , it has a higher cd than my own cds .

True, not all of them do. Most however have either that, or instant-cast cleanses. There is an option there either way.

Fist can work with immobilize , or i can wait till they have burned their 2 dodges and then cast it .

Ive already explained why the first doesnt work, and how exactly do you plan to force them to burn their dodges as a thief? You dont have anything they have to dodge other than maybe backstab (and that one is situational because you cant always reliably dodge it).

The damage have been lowered across the board . In the worst case scenario i can dodge any dangerous attack .

Not enough to make thief explode any less. You were overkilled prior to the patch, now youre just killed. And sure, you can dodge some dangerous attacks, but not all of them. If you stay in the fight, you get exploded.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks , while waiting for the company to buff us .

Not really. In +1 situations neither Fist Flurry nor Impairing Daggers are gonna be any good. And youre not going to be able to 1v1 anyone either way. You just make it easier for enemies, in particular condi builds, to blow you up.

Thats why i must cc them . And avoid anything dangerous with dodge

Nice idea, but as Ive said, it doesnt work.

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@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

Whats the point of "catching" a player who can turn around and obliterate you? If anything, you should be running away from them as soon as they turn on you.

Thats why i must stunlock them , rather than Backstabing them once and try to duel them .

have a hard time reliably stunlocking people, and they have more and faster CC. What luck will you have? Besides, do you think if this was an option, that people wouldnt have made this build?

I personaly asked this build to be used by me .What other people have to do with me ?Congratz i guess , for Warriors having a stunlock spec too ?

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

I mean, they could even cleanse the fear (assuming they have instant-cast cleanses) or have it be automatically cleansed by traits (good old Alchemy traitline). But yes, they can do that. You immob them, and they cleanse that. And ... now what? Hell, they could even dodge the impairing daggers, or block them, or evade them, not a big deal either way. And the Fist Flurry wont even hit 5 times to make the stun available since its trivially easy to stop.

Youre not going to get their HP to 35% off of a backstab and impairing daggers. Youll fail to hit 50%. And again, thats ignoring the fact that they can and
just fight back. Any half-decent player will take the opportunity to brutalise you and force you to escape without having accomplished anything.

After the Backstab , the majority will try to dodge . Its in the human nature .I will wait till its after and i will cast the imobilize .

Theyre feared. They cant instinctively dodge (unless they have auto-cleanse). But sure, lets ignore that. You immobilise them. You do know immobilise is not a stun, right? They can still block, they can still use evading skills, they can still just cleanse. And if just a
hit of Fist Flurry fails to connect, the followup becomes unavailable.

I can imbozile them + Shadowshots + autos then ? Or restealth ? Or run away for 15 sec ?If they retaliate offensivly i use the Daggerstorm ?If they play defensivly i try to Headshot crusial spells, till my cds are up ?

@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Ive already explained why the first doesnt work, and how exactly do you plan to force them to burn their dodges as a thief? You dont have anything they
to dodge other than maybe backstab (and that one is situational because you cant always reliably dodge it).

Shadow shot ?Quick restealth for another roun d of Backstab + Leeching Venoms + Shadow Siphoning + Rending Shade ?

@UNOwen.7132 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The damage have been lowered across the board . In the worst case scenario i can dodge any dangerous attack .

Not enough to make thief explode any less. You were overkilled prior to the patch, now youre just killed. And sure, you can dodge some dangerous attacks, but not all of them. If you stay in the fight, you get exploded.

Thats why i must stunlock them , and use traits such as Marauder's Resilience + Weakening Strikes vs meeles

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks , while waiting for the company to buff us .

Not really. In +1 situations neither Fist Flurry nor Impairing Daggers are gonna be any good. And youre not going to be able to 1v1 anyone either way. You just make it easier for enemies, in particular condi builds, to blow you up.

Thats why i must cc them . And avoid anything dangerous with dodge

Nice idea, but as Ive said, it doesnt work.

I must cc them , rather than box them . Thief was not build for duels

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@Captain Kuro.8937 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

I am sorry , but i don't follow you .I asked the opinion of the forum's members to point me to the right direction and improve my build .I didn't ask sindrener 's help . In matter of fact he could have a secret Staff/Staff build , to be used on the July 2020 tournament .It could be so beautiful and fluent to be seen and executed on the stream , before so many new buyers and the thieves community will be ecstatic with joy in the forums , leaving behind their problems .

The end result based on the freedback from the community , that helped my to create a spec (for personal use only) , allows me to CC the enemy while i burst him .Something so i can ''try'' to control him , rather than let him heal up and run away from me .

Thats the thing though. Why would they run away? When a thief jumps you, you fight back. If its a 2v1, different story, but even then if youre a bunker build you can still fight back.

Any time they are not near be , its a loss of dps , because i will be trying to catch them rather than burst them . Also giving them the chance to heal up or counter-attack me .

Whats the point of "catching" a player who can turn around and obliterate you? If anything, you should be running away from them as soon as they turn on you.

Thats why i must stunlock them , rather than Backstabing them once and try to duel them .

have a hard time reliably stunlocking people, and they have more and faster CC. What luck will you have? Besides, do you think if this was an option, that people wouldnt have made this build?

I personaly asked this build to be used by me .What other people have to do with me ?Congratz i guess , for Warriors having a stunlock spec too ?

The point is if Warrior can barely do it, how would thief, who is not even half as good at it be able to do it? The answer is, they arent.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The ends results is almost identical by the Meta build , except some minor tweaks in the utilities department .Even in the Metabuild site , the one utility is ''open'' for everyone to choose .

The end result is a build that has only one stunbreak. What do you do against an Engineer slapping you with overcharged shot into Supply Crate or AEDs toolbelt skill? Or a Warrior Bull Rushing and Shield Bashing? Other than just die, that is. For that matter, what do you do against condi bombs? Your only stunbreak is also your only bust condi clear, and its a

And all of that, for what? An immobilise the enemy can just cleanse, and a stun that is so janky, walking back is often enough to stop it from hitting you?

Are they are going to stun break the one sec Fear ? Regardless of what they do , i will immobilize them later .Are they going to wait till their HP goes at 35% and then stun break my 2 sec stun (fists) ? I will keep Shadow Shot them .Are they going to use 2x stun breaks and condition removal my immobilize ? Then i am going to help somewhere else for 15-20 sec (till my cds are up) and come back

I mean, they could even cleanse the fear (assuming they have instant-cast cleanses) or have it be automatically cleansed by traits (good old Alchemy traitline). But yes, they can do that. You immob them, and they cleanse that. And ... now what? Hell, they could even dodge the impairing daggers, or block them, or evade them, not a big deal either way. And the Fist Flurry wont even hit 5 times to make the stun available since its trivially easy to stop.

Youre not going to get their HP to 35% off of a backstab and impairing daggers. Youll fail to hit 50%. And again, thats ignoring the fact that they can and
just fight back. Any half-decent player will take the opportunity to brutalise you and force you to escape without having accomplished anything.

After the Backstab , the majority will try to dodge . Its in the human nature .I will wait till its after and i will cast the imobilize .

Theyre feared. They cant instinctively dodge (unless they have auto-cleanse). But sure, lets ignore that. You immobilise them. You do know immobilise is not a stun, right? They can still block, they can still use evading skills, they can still just cleanse. And if just a
hit of Fist Flurry fails to connect, the followup becomes unavailable.

I can imbozile them + Shadowshots + autos then ? Or restealth ? Or run away for 15 sec ?If they retaliate offensivly i use the Daggerstorm ?If they play defensivly i try to Headshot crusial spells, till my cds are up ?

Yeah you can do that. They still kill you because their damage is much higher than yours, and shadowshot does not impair them nearly enough. "Restealth" if you try to do it mid-combat, you get exploded. Please, do restealth against me, Ill just chuck a nade barrage and down you. "Run away for 15 secs" thats 15 seconds during which you are useless. And keep in mind, when you return 15 seconds later, things are not going to play out any differently. "If they retaliate offensively I use daggerstorm", ok, and then what? They just wait out the daggerstorm, maybe heal or buff up. It does not do a lot of damage nowadays. " If they play defensivly i try to Headshot crusial spells, till my cds are up ?" good luck doing anything without initiative that you used up on headshots that do no damage. Keep in mind, interrupts doesnt put the skill on full cooldown.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Ive already explained why the first doesnt work, and how exactly do you plan to force them to burn their dodges as a thief? You dont have anything they
to dodge other than maybe backstab (and that one is situational because you cant always reliably dodge it).

Shadow shot ?Quick restealth for another roun d of Backstab + Leeching Venoms + Shadow Siphoning + Rending Shade ?

Why would I dodge a shadowshot? Ive got health to spare, and the thief being right on top of me means theyre in kill range. Its beneficial to me. "Quick restealth for backstab" see above. If you do that, I get a massive amount of free damage in and most of the time outright down you.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

The damage have been lowered across the board . In the worst case scenario i can dodge any dangerous attack .

Not enough to make thief explode any less. You were overkilled prior to the patch, now youre just killed. And sure, you can dodge some dangerous attacks, but not all of them. If you stay in the fight, you get exploded.

Thats why i must stunlock them , and use traits such as Marauder's Resilience + Weakening Strikes vs meeles

Sadly, you cant stunlock them. And Marauders Resilience + weakening strikes wont do you much good.

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

Again for personal usage ... and stop my boyfriend from nagging

As said before, your boyfriend was completely right. This build doesnt really disprove that.

Its a lot better than poping up Assassin and trying to do 5k Backstab and 3k Shadow shot +3k auto attacks , while waiting for the company to buff us .

Not really. In +1 situations neither Fist Flurry nor Impairing Daggers are gonna be any good. And youre not going to be able to 1v1 anyone either way. You just make it easier for enemies, in particular condi builds, to blow you up.

Thats why i must cc them . And avoid anything dangerous with dodge

Nice idea, but as Ive said, it doesnt work.

I must cc them , rather than box them . Thief was not build for duels

Actually, thief was originally built specifically for duels. But I digress. Anyway, its a nice thought, but you cant just CC them or stunlock them. Do that, and the enemy turns on you and kills you. The only way you can avoid losing every 1v1 as a thief, is to never fight 1v1.

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@"UNOwen.7132" said:What luck will you have? Besides, do you think if this was an option, that people wouldnt have made this build?

There is still way too much theorycrafting to do, lol.

Not saying anybody in this thread will find good new builds, but don't get blinded with "meta".

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