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Legendary Trinket Transcendence

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Will we get a legendary amulet for PVE at some point?Because I just say it: I am a scrub in PVP and I will 100% NEVER be able to get into a tournament, let alone win one.

And I think that applies to almost anyone else except a very small number of players.

The reason I ask is because I basically have almost a full set of legendary equipement for my main and I would love to finish that.

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@Kabansky.9160 said:You only need tournament wins for the visual effect though. For the legendary amulet itself 120 ranked wins is enough.

True.its still odd to me that all other trinkets are so easy to acquire WITH the effect.Even the WVW only requires you to kill 100 enemies. That's nothing.Winning a tournament tho...

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I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

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@Dark Red Killian.3946 said:I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ?

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@Clyan.1593 said:

@Dark Red Killian.3946 said:I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ?

In lfg there is plenty, rank is mostly in descriptionyou play 3-4 matches, if you lose you will face a team that also lost, so you will get wins eventually

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@Clyan.1593 said:

@Dark Red Killian.3946 said:I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ?

enrollment open up 15 mins before the tournament start so you have to be on at the right time to enter mate.Since you need a team of 5 you have to join others.There were usualy all welcome groups in the lfg, when I used to do it before they change the system and you dont get kicked after first loss

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@Clyan.1593 said:

@Dark Red Killian.3946 said:I would have to say after playing pvp for about a month, I have been able to get into some tournaments through lfg. I got 5 matches won already. This one won’t be too bad as long as you can set aside some time to play 3 consecutive games. The 120 ranked games aren’t bad either, but will take some time, especially playing from the beginning (if you aren’t level 20 yet). I am just playing what I can pvp wise in-between working on conflux in wvw and pve strike missions.

So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ?

no. you wount meet just silver players. you meet any and all ranks from bronze to legend. usually there is a majority of ppl who actually enjoy and play pvp regularly that enter tournaments. so in general its a lot harder to win matches in tournaments then its in ranked games. although its suggested by lots of gold making guides to enter tournaments at odd hours to be able to get gold for participating regardless of win/loss results.you easily spend an hour for each tournament with no guarantee to win even one game. making it take anywhere from 5 hours to 100s of hours to get those 20 tournament match wins.as for the 120 wins in ranked, its a pain. I dont enjoy pvp but im not great but im also not bad either. yet I struggle to get more then 50% win in the games I play. majority of the games is either you stomp the other team or they stomp you. even within the same rating its actually rare to get an even match. its not just for me but a lot of ppl i have spoken too have the same issue. which means you need 240 games to get close to that 120 wins. including waiting for matchmaking, ppl to click ready, map selection and ingame ready as well as the match itself I average a game to be 15min at least. that makes 240 games take 60 hours of pvp. which is insane compared to the wvw ring which takes a couple of hours at most for the achievements. who in their right mind came up with the number of 120 wins??? worst employee of the decade imo.

one could argue wvw takes a lot longer as well since you need wvw tickets which have a weekly cap, the same can be said about the pvp amulet as it too need pvp limited currency. most ppl play a little wvw to get gift of battle and maybe dailys to have enough or close to enough after a long time of doing so.

compared to the other legendary trinkets and even the new wvw ring, the pvp amulet requirements is insanely high and extremely unreasonable.

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