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Buff Druid Staff


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Staff seems to be a subpar utility weapon compare to Revenant and Ele Staff. Not enough healing, weak damage, no condi options. Needs some kind of rework the same way the Guardian Staff had.

  1. Solar Beam - make it a splash healing with radius of 180. Keep target to 3.
  2. Astral Wisp: Rework to ground target. Send a wisp that heals allies and damage enemy upon impact. Can be detonated to cause blind and vulnerability
  3. Ancestral Grace - keep. (only useful thing in the kit TBH)
  4. Vine Surge - reduce casting time to 1/4s. Remove cleansing. Now applies immobilize, bleeding, and poison.
  5. Oasis - create a ring of oasis around you. Allies within the oasis are cleansed of conditions (3) and gain regeneration. Heal allies for each condition cleansed.
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@lare.5129 said:so where is the problem? not see it. Feel that staff not good ? not use it. Not all weapons should be equal. And this is fine ..Not like ?? On next step we will give everyone two hand sword, and same skills ...

You probably don't even know what you're talking about.A support druid cannot use a different weapon, because it is the only weapon that can generate astral force to use Celestial Avatar.This weapon is weak and needs a rework, currently its only function is to make the Druid mechanic work and it shouldn't be like this.

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@Revolution.5409 said:A support druid cannot use a different weapon, because it is the only weapon that can generate astral force to use Celestial Avatar.You probably don't even know what you're talking about, you can generate avatar with ANY weapon, take sword ant test.

This weapon is weak and needs a reworkNO. Very nice that this weapon weak. Not like ? change weapon, or class, biuld or etc.

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@lare.5129 said:

@Revolution.5409 said:A support druid cannot use a different weapon, because it is the only weapon that can generate astral force to use Celestial Avatar.You probably don't even know what you're talking about, you can generate avatar with ANY weapon, take sword ant test.

This weapon is weak and needs a reworkNO. Very nice that this weapon weak. Not like ? change weapon, or class, biuld or etc.

Evidently you don't consider the time it takes for other weapons to generate astral force which is much longer, but perhaps you've never played a support druid.

Other professions can support and do decent damage without having to give up one of these aspects, Druid must give up an offensive weapon in order to quickly generate FA in order to support the group.

Each weapon must be competitive and usable.

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@Revolution.5409 said:Evidently you don't consider the time it takes for other weapons to generate astral force which is much longerno, I use axe on main, it generate also very fast. Staff on swap. Don't see any big difference. Enough for me.

Other professions can support and do decent damage without having to give up one of these aspectsso if you think so I don't understand how more anet shoudl nerf driud to prevent people like your swap biuld and class ..

Druid must give up an offensive weapon in order to quickly generateNo, it not must be. It can be broken absolutely, and this si will be ok, too.

Each weapon must be competitive and usable.I don't think so. All weapons should be different, some of them should be more useless in some modes ... But now you prove that it is balanced ALREADY !!

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@DragonSlayer.1087 said:Staff seems to be a subpar utility weapon compare to Revenant and Ele Staff. Not enough healing, weak damage, no condi options. Needs some kind of rework the same way the Guardian Staff had.

  1. Solar Beam - make it a splash healing with radius of 180. Keep target to 3.
  2. Astral Wisp: Rework to ground target. Send a wisp that heals allies and damage enemy upon impact. Can be detonated to cause blind and vulnerability
  3. Ancestral Grace - keep. (only useful thing in the kit TBH)
  4. Vine Surge - reduce casting time to 1/4s. Remove cleansing. Now applies immobilize, bleeding, and poison.
  5. Oasis - create a ring of oasis around you. Allies within the oasis are cleansed of conditions (3) and gain regeneration. Heal allies for each condition cleansed.

Only 2 needs rework. And 4 quicker cast time only. Everything else is a bit too much imo.

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Yeah I like all these.

For #1, I'd rather add more damage. For example, 1 burn stack on the third tick. And yes, add some poison and bleeds on #4. They're vines/thorns for God's sake.

This way, staff can be used in hybrid condi/healing builds. Druids are in a rough spot right now in PvP because their main mechanic and elite weapon are utterly useless. CA needs to be reworked to deal some condi damage as well.

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@"InsaneQR.7412" said:Druid in general could use a good rework tbh. Not just staff.

I have druid and I agree. How ever, it's not just Druid.

Range weapons (longbow) in Ranger/Druilds are well design but weak, so that I use at the moment traps to make damage, because both my main weapon (staff and longbow) are pretty useless. In general ways why is that everyting works fine for heavy armoured classes that use range weapons. But light and medium armored "range" classes are allmost forced to use melee weapons, because they don't do enough damage otherways. Maybe Elementalist with staff is little exception for that. Why classes what are design to be long range combat classes are weaker than heavy armored classes in sama range combat?

In general I find Druids very weak and I don't mean just damage wise. In Druid staff only action (3) is really usefull, because basicly it's teleport with healing. As for Druids astral form, I find it also very disapointing. While you can heal, it's like drops in the rain, I ques it's because avoiding the holy trinity gameplay.

Of cause in general ways hole defence situation in GW2 is pretty weak. I think it's only ways GW2 development are able to support gameplay what aren't holy trinity.

So the real situation now in GW2 is. Allmost all active defences are situational or weak or long recharge time or so short effect time that they aren't worth using. Only few classes has good active defence skills. Also range damage is alot weaker than melee. In this gameplay design only thing what does matter is DPS and so most classes use melee weapons, even if they are design to be someting else. The real defence, over 50%, in this game is dodge and running around target (headless chiken dance). Any of my heavy armored characters can kill any enemy or multibe enemies alot faster than my ranger/druid. Some of then can also do it alot safer than druid with all the "illusion" of healing.

I like playing druid/ranger, but it feels so weak. You can notice it, when you play same content with some other classes. Don't get me wrong, Druid isn't the only class what has issues, example mesmer is on other. Only way to keep GW2 developers idea of combat in Druids, is just increase damage. This means single target damage skills, not aoe damage. Because in this gameplay design every class is DPS class. Single target damage should be alot stronger than aoe, like twize as strong. This is because it has to kill enemies one by one. Aoe damage can kill all enemies in one action.

I don't really understand why they keep destroing good fun classes to play with nerfing then to ground. Why not improve those classes what has issues. Is it because PvP side had issues?

As for classes been in balance, that's biggest joke there is in GW2.

@"DragonSlayer.1087" said:Staff seems to be a subpar utility weapon compare to Revenant and Ele Staff. Not enough healing, weak damage, no condi options. Needs some kind of rework the same way the Guardian Staff had.

  1. Solar Beam - make it a splash healing with radius of 180. Keep target to 3.

This needs to be stonger damage skill, because it's only one Druids have. Also it's only single target damage anyway. It doesn't even need to heal at all.

  1. Astral Wisp: Rework to ground target. Send a wisp that heals allies and damage enemy upon impact. Can be detonated to cause blind and vulnerability
  2. Ancestral Grace - keep. (only useful thing in the kit TBH)
  3. Vine Surge - reduce casting time to 1/4s. Remove cleansing. Now applies immobilize, bleeding, and poison.

These I agree. But in my opinion they need only minor adjusting to be little more usefull. Also 3 is fine as it's.

  1. Oasis - create a ring of oasis around you. Allies within the oasis are cleansed of conditions (3) and gain regeneration. Heal allies for each condition cleansed.

I agree, this need to be redesign, current form is not good. It has to be somekind of ring effect. I think game developers where just lazy and keeped same format "all" staff have, but changed the effect, without understanding how hard it is to use so that it's usefull.

I don't get it, don't game developers play they own game?

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staff needs condis on it. in spvp, healing coefficients got neutered, pets got gutted. so druid needs some damage back.

  1. Third tick of staff 1 needs to inflict a burn
  2. Staff 4 needs to be a small condi bomb (bleeds + poison). We should be able to use the Sage amulet without needing to equip traps.
  3. Staff 2 needs some kind of buff.
  4. Staff 3 and 5 are great.

CA needs some damaging condis. Because healing coefficients got gutted, even on Menders with 1k hp, it's often not worth staying in CA.

At the very least, there seems to be a consensus that Staff 4 needs condi damage on it. It's beyond me why this hasn't been put in the game yet.

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Are we talking about Druid Staff in pve or pvp? In pve I don´t need it most of the time and I just camp axe/warhorn, only when more healing is required I swap to staff. In terms of healing the weapon is totally fine, autoattack and staff 2 are good heals, then you can combo staff 5 and staff 3 for area healing. Also the immobilize on staff 4 comes in handy on certain bosses.

That being said, this applies only to raids/strikes, since you have other classes doing the dps. In open world of course I wouldn´t use druid and just go soulbeast or any other dps class.

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I was talking Open world PvE.

Normaly I just use longbow when I do solo content or event's. But in some event's there are alot of players, so I often switch to staff, because so many are running glass cannon gear. This allows me to heal them as much I can. How ever, I do want to do damage too with staff, not just be healer bot with actually very limited healing possibilities. Don't get wrong, any heal in this game is worth of something, but no healer can keep others alive if they don't protect them self. Many stronger mobs can 2 hit to dead and weaker characters even one hit. With slow small heals means allmost notting in these situations.

In my opinion every class and weapon combination in this game should be good enough to solo basic content. If some weapon does so little damage that it takes like 10-20 times longer to kill content than other weapons, that's not so good. Just because staff can be used healing, it should also be able to do decent damage.

So, I think Druid staff should be made more usefull. Druid is healer, but it's also one of elite class. This games gameplay is all about DPS, healing and defence is in this game very limited. Every class should be so that they can solo content without it to be painfully slow experience. I don't mean every class should do it as quicly, but when the differences are so huge that players don't even use weapon or class in certain normal mob killing situation, that's not good.

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Personally I don't like the idea that staff should become a condition weapon, as other users have suggested in other posts and discussions as well, I'd like to see the damage increased and that offers more CC / Support.

I would like Astral Wisp to be added to Solar Beam with the addition of a third ability to create a real chain of attacks.

Give us a new skill in slot Two that has no more than 5 seconds CD.

Ancestral Grace should also give Protection to allies and not just pets.

Vine Surge: I wish Druid with this ability could root the enemies around him, Radius 360

Sublime Conversion: become a bubble.

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@Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Druid in general could use a good rework tbh. Not just staff.

Agree, it's the only Elite Spec designed around healing and it's not desired in end game healing because its so clunky.

Can't really say that it isn't desired in end game content.It packs good heals, can provide lots of might by itself, and also has a bunch of unique buffs for the party with frost spirit/spotter to boost the damage of the whole team.

Never saw that a druid is unwelcomed in a party.

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@Kodama.6453 said:Never saw that a druid is unwelcomed in a party.

True, but I was in event today. Killing some big dragon in coast. I did heal, resurect and try to do damage too. How ever, I did not get full reward what that event gives. Maybe because I wasn't faster enough on my movement or because my healing and damage was just so low. With Guardian I did get full reward in same event in earlye in same day. My Guardian is slower than my Druids in movement, but does like five times more damage.

PS: I think the reward situation is because account reaward loot just ones per day. So one chest less for other characters.

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@Kodama.6453 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Druid in general could use a good rework tbh. Not just staff.

Agree, it's the only Elite Spec designed around healing and it's not desired in end game healing because its so clunky.

Can't really say that it isn't desired in end game content.It packs good heals, can provide lots of might by itself, and also has a bunch of unique buffs for the party with frost spirit/spotter to boost the damage of the whole team.

Never saw that a druid is unwelcomed in a party.

Its not meta anymore; its only taken in raids because Spirits affect ten people. And even in raids, the backup healer (Ele) provides most of the raw healing, while the Druid is taken mainly for damage boosts (Water Spirit, Spotter, Might stacking). In Fractals and other 5man content, Druid isn't desirable, people will usually let you pass but they'd prefer to have a Firebrand instead.

Druid's healing, despite having 200%+ in modifiers, is lower than Ele at a modest 165%. (I main both in PvE.)

Compare Druid Staff to Elementalist Staff Water Attunement, there's a huge difference. Ele can even Revive downed with Geyser, and all the Water Fields provided mean that people are getting healed alot from Finishers, too (and Auras on Tempest..).

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

Its not meta anymore; its only taken in raids because Spirits affect ten people. And even in raids, the backup healer (Ele) provides most of the raw healing, while the Druid is taken mainly for damage boosts (Water Spirit, Spotter, Might stacking). In Fractals and other 5man content, Druid isn't desirable, people will usually let you pass but they'd prefer to have a Firebrand instead.

Druid's healing, despite having 200%+ in modifiers, is lower than Ele at a modest 165%. (I main both in PvE.)

Compare Druid Staff to Elementalist Staff Water Attunement, there's a huge difference. Ele can even Revive downed with Geyser, and all the Water Fields provided mean that people are getting healed alot from Finishers, too (and Auras on Tempest..).

But does druid really have to be the very best at healing?

Druid has some advantages for itself, since core ranger comes with alot of unique damage buffs (spotter, frost spirit, etc).Druid also is able to provide alot of might for the party thanks to grace of the land.

I understand that elementalist outheals druid.... which actually makes sense. Druid got designed to fill a niche that was unavailable before for the ranger. Some classes had their core designed around the idea to be able to heal their team, like elementalist (water attunement) or engineer (med kit) for example.Core ranger never really had much healing for party members, besides providing some regeneration.

Druid is a support elite spec that was supposed to enable that playstyle on rangers, being able to heal their teammates.Tempest also is a support elite spec for elementalist, a class which was already designed in core to heal allies. So they have more tools to do that by default here.

But how I see it, druid doesn't need to be the very best healer in the game. It just has to be a viable healer, not the best. And druid already accomplishes that in my opinion, it is absolutely a viable healer, even if it might not be the best healer in the game by raw numbers.

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In my opinion, the issue isn't are druids best healers. It's not even about are druids support class.

It's about range / druid combination been viable class to play with weapon (staff) that is actually worth of using.

In generaly, simple ranger is allready little weak class. How ever, druid is even weaker than ranger in many ways. Just because you can heal more, that doesn't mean class is actually viable. This games focus is very offensive combat playing style. This is result of GW2 game developers trying to make gameplay combat more active than holy trinity. Only way GW2 developers has been able to do it, is limit support, defence, tanking and healing as minimum as possible. Meaning these stuff has been weaken. Now if you build hole class just for support, it will make it extreamly weak class because how the hole game combat is design. Because it lacks what actually matters in this game and that's offensive gameplay. They can't even really improve support alot, because it would allow game to be too much holy trinity gameplay style.

Why you think every class has offence, defence and healing. That's because support, tank and healing has been taken off as seperate roles and every class can do them self. Some classes are better in some area than others, that's created class variety, but it's all in every class. That is what makes hole active combat possible. In simple terms every class in GW2 is DPS class, with some other abilities.

So, Druids needs damage too, because as full support class it would be extremly weak and very situation class. Mostly needed in "Holy trinity" gameplay style, what should never happen. Point been there should never be full support or tank class in this game. That would break the active combat style. Ability help others with skills what class has, is totally different than become full time support class.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@InsaneQR.7412 said:Druid in general could use a good rework tbh. Not just staff.

Agree, it's the only Elite Spec designed around healing and it's not desired in end game healing because its so clunky.

Can't really say that it isn't desired in end game content.It packs good heals, can provide lots of might by itself, and also has a bunch of unique buffs for the party with frost spirit/spotter to boost the damage of the whole team.

Never saw that a druid is unwelcomed in a party.

Its not meta anymore; its only taken in raids because Spirits affect ten people. And even in raids, the backup healer (Ele) provides most of the raw healing, while the Druid is taken mainly for damage boosts (Water Spirit, Spotter, Might stacking). In Fractals and other 5man content, Druid isn't desirable, people will usually let you pass but they'd prefer to have a Firebrand instead.

Druid's healing, despite having 200%+ in modifiers, is lower than Ele at a modest 165%. (I main both in PvE.)

Compare Druid Staff to Elementalist Staff Water Attunement, there's a huge difference. Ele can even Revive downed with Geyser, and all the Water Fields provided mean that people are getting healed alot from Finishers, too (and Auras on Tempest..).

Druid is still your goto healer in raids. You even contradict yourself in your text. It isn't desirable but taken because of the buffs. So what? Either you don't want it and don't use it or you use it and want it. Yes Tempest only goes as second heal. Never main healer. That is always a druid.

In 5man content FB+Rev is better because you still have a lot of healing without a healer (Kalla is by a large margin the best healing skill in the game) and FB farts out almost all boons while providing decent damage. Berserker Druid damage is medicore at best and does nothing while buffing.

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