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I feel Gw2 needs a more defined prestige implementation. Gw1 had some very prestigious titles and weapons/armor that people had to spend years to get. I feel legendary weapons were that way in the beginning. But new legendaries (armor, trinkets) don't seem to hold that weight really. Achievements and points could have maybe done that if implemented better i feel. Have certain titles/rewards for reaching certain ranks/points in all game modes etc. would be nice. I know some people say well i don't want to play all parts of the game to get something prestigious but that's what we had to do in gw1 to get really high end titles and gear and no one seemed to complain about it then. I really hope down the line something gets implemented to show comprehensive dedication to the game that all have access to even someone starting from scratch.

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Okay, but why? All you've said here is "I want it". How does this benefit them? How does this benefit me? How does this benefit you?

Also, I don't think paid much attention to GW1. Literally everyone complained about how unnecessarily hard GWAMM was to get, or Obsidian armor, or Destroyer/Tormented weapons... that's why things are the way they are now.

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Prestige World Wide!Times have changed, People have changed, Gaming has changed. Most times when something is difficult in this game it gets nerfed to make it easier or more fair. People tend to claim something like this is elitism. It would give more people more ammo to use for not accepting others into a group. So I don't really see this happening.

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@xan.8936 said:I feel Gw2 needs a more defined prestige implementation. Gw1 had some very prestigious titles and weapons/armor that people had to spend years to get. I feel legendary weapons were that way in the beginning. But new legendaries (armor, trinkets) don't seem to hold that weight really. Achievements and points could have maybe done that if implemented better i feel. Have certain titles/rewards for reaching certain ranks/points in all game modes etc. would be nice. I know some people say well i don't want to play all parts of the game to get something prestigious but that's what we had to do in gw1 to get really high end titles and gear and no one seemed to complain about it then. I really hope down the line something gets implemented to show comprehensive dedication to the game that all have access to even someone starting from scratch.

They already have unique titles for reaching certain levels of achievement points. Why do you want more?

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Whenever something in GW2 is hard or time consuming to get ppl cry and take it to the forums until ANet nerfs it to make it available to everyone. Nothing in this game is special, nothing in this game is "elite" or "prestige" by design, everything is a participation trophy.

This doesn't mean that things can't have value for you as a player.

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@"xan.8936" said:I feel legendary weapons were that way in the beginning.

Were they? "Oh wow! You have a credit card, soooo impressive!!!"?

Have certain titles/rewards for reaching certain ranks/points in all game modes etc. would be nice.

Too many of those are undermined by bugs/cheesing/purchased.

I really hope down the line something gets implemented to show comprehensive dedication to the game that all have access to even someone starting from scratch.

Doing things for the goal of admiration from your peers is probably not the best of goal to have. At best it is satisfaction at a job well done.

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@xan.8936 said:I feel Gw2 needs a more defined prestige implementation. Gw1 had some very prestigious titles and weapons/armor that people had to spend years to get. I feel legendary weapons were that way in the beginning. But new legendaries (armor, trinkets) don't seem to hold that weight really. Achievements and points could have maybe done that if implemented better i feel. Have certain titles/rewards for reaching certain ranks/points in all game modes etc. would be nice. I know some people say well i don't want to play all parts of the game to get something prestigious but that's what we had to do in gw1 to get really high end titles and gear and no one seemed to complain about it then. I really hope down the line something gets implemented to show comprehensive dedication to the game that all have access to even someone starting from scratch.

GW2 does have some prestige titles and gear but where there are those wanting more of that, there's probably more wanting less of it and existing prestige removed.

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They saved a lot of the nice looking skins for BLTC. Raids, strike missions, fractals also have some unique skins which will take some effort to get (more than spamming 1).

GW2 has so many more skins than GW1 it’s much harder to compare like for like.

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