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Your favorite content type in GW2?

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By “normal” I mean getting new maps, learning the new lore, seeing new types of environment, playing new events. I’m a lore fanatic and I love seeing the map expand more than anything. It’s kept my playing through times when the game annoyed me almost to the breaking point. If they stopped doing maps I’d eventually lose interest

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WvW is the only unique feature of GW2.

Everything else is done better in other games. Especially story - I could scarcely believe they dedicated so much effort to it, until I realised it's just a hook to regularly bring people back to the Black Lion Gem Store... and I thank them for it because it's they who make WvW free for my friends and myself.

.. and that's my love-hate relationship with GW2 in summary. I hate that WvW gets near-zero developer attention when the resources clearly exist to produce maps full of story and content on a regular basis. I love that I don't have to pay.

I'll also point out that by posting your poll in the General chat you're going to get respondees who are interested in General/Generic/Normal, rather than people interested in the other gameplay types, so .. the results will be skewed that way.

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There's enough content in PvE to keep me interested, happy, and perfect my professions.

I use weapons that I think looks the best with my character in combat, not what does the most damage.

I go into Fractals and WvW as a necessary evil to complete collections, but wouldn't touch them if I didn't have to.I've never done a single Raid so I can't speak of them. While I would like to get in there and reap the rewards, I'm not that good at stringing together skills so I'd probably be more of a hindrance.

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"Normal" PvE, because it's so easy to be a part of a group for events, then go on your merry way to gather a few things/find a vista, poi/etc. without explaining to anyone why you want to do that in that particular moment or what your gear/dps/whatever is to enter a group for event. Which doesn't mean I don't strive for the best, but it's just hassle free :)

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