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@Thurindir.3268 said:

@Thurindir.3268 said:My asura Weaver:


Cool armor!

Sorry I didn't notice your post before. Thanks, I've actually updated her look when I changed her to condi. Asuran cultural armor (Genius) with holographic weapons and backpack (Super dagger and focus, Holographic Dragon Wings)!


Nice! She looks like an evil Queen of some kind :P I only go for one look and thats Cute Charr Weaver haha

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys. Mighty stylish in here, figure i'll share some of my own! This is my second ele James ...which I rolled because I wanted to try a new staff build, lol. Having more fun with staff now that arcane utility is improved.

-Primary colors:Blue ShadeGlossy BlackMithrilGrayFrostingHW24sTz.jpg3wekMac.jpg

-Saving the day pose:M4YcBun.jpg

-Addressing the Queen:5npzJEs.jpg

-Rescuing a hare from some unscrupulous Jotun:xhLNeis.jpg


edit:I had some rare free time and posted characters in multiple threads at once lol, if anyone is interested in seeing the other professions:• mesmerengineerthief • elementalist •cheers

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  • 4 months later...

Omg, very nice to see everyone's Ele character. They all look nice and I can tell everyone has put time, thought and/or effort into their creation into what "look" feels best for them. I know ya'll take pride into what you decide to make them appear as, even down to the weapons :)

The bond between players and their characters can't be broken...I think Anet knows this as well...It's more than pixels on a screen, that's why it burns me inside to see people type, 'You don't like your profession, make another one' >:(

Looking at all these wonderful creations while listening to "Far from home" of the HoT soundtrack, brings more life to these pictures, nice job all.

Please post more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a picture of mine. I'd really like to play her but Arenanet killed the elementalist class so I quit the game several months ago. I doubt I'll ever come back. This is the appearance I ended up with after 6 years of playing GW2 and this is how she will remain in my memories. Farewell.


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@"cursE.1794" said:Here is a picture of mine. I'd really like to play her but Arenanet killed the elementalist class so I quit the game several months ago. I doubt I'll ever come back. This is the appearance I ended up with after 6 years of playing GW2 and this is how she will remain in my memories. Farewell.


At least she is still good at Fashion Wars.Did you quit GW2 altogether or did you only stop playing Elementalist.

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@"Tabasco.1743" said:Hey guys. Mighty stylish in here, figure i'll share some of my own! This is my second ele James...Whoa hold on. If James was the second Elementalist which was the first?Enter Nassauvia! Rolled this character shortly after my main, and have completed as much of the game with this one as I did with the Mesmer. She maintains four gear sets for the various role shenanigans. Favorite color: red.

Hybrid Kit

Primary Colors:CherryBloodOxbloodMidnight FireChocolateEarthen


Complete Glasserker

"FIGHT ME."Primary Colors:BloodMidnight FireEarthenPottery


Condi Tempest

"They don't make fire hot enough."Primary Colors:BloodOxbloodGrayPeach IceAbyss


Support Staff

"Blasting water fields since 2012."Primary Colors:BrickSea GreenBloodOxBlood


! :joy: BEAR!! jCHvTWe.jpg...

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  • 2 weeks later...

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