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Let players choose what cosmetic armor type they want to wear for any class

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Best of luck on your suggestion.Though, as noted above, unlike Mounts, Expansions, etc., ArenaNet has stated that it would take an awful lot of work to change each of the thousands of existing armor items.

I think the best that can be hoped for is a new type of armor, like the dyeable backpacks.

So that means the can’t make it happen? Lol that’s not a good excuse. Just like they have different teams for different projects they can make it happen. I’m not throwing money into the gem store for them not to make nice things for the rest of us.

Ps: not attacking you, just stating that I would really appreciate it if Anet would stop making excuses . Just like they stated a while back they are weren’t going into Cantha , here we are in 2020.

They aren't saying can't more so won't because of what is involved and opportunity cost.

There are also fundamental differences between this and the cantha expansion so they really aren't comparable.

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@Headhunter.4796 said:See a tank in a mage outfit and a mage in a tank outfit. Nope, disagree!

My elementalist can already run around in full plate fit for a Guardian, and my warrior can march around in a frilly dress. Outfits already throw this argument to the curb and stomp it into dust. At this point, saying no is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.

Also at this point, I think the issue is what the game does in transmuting items. We're more transferring stats to a different item than changing the appearance of said item. So... the issue is largely to do with armor values? Because I'm not seeing where clipping would be a massive issue. Gloves and boots generally don't extend past the elbows and knees, and leg/torso armors don't typically flare out past the elbows/knees and when they do, everything past the wrists/ankles is removed on gloves and boots. It'd mostly be waistlines that might cause the most problems.

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@GummyBearSummoner.7941 said:

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:Best of luck on your suggestion.Though, as noted above, unlike Mounts, Expansions, etc., ArenaNet has stated that it would take an awful lot of work to change each of the thousands of existing armor items.

I think the best that can be hoped for is a new type of armor, like the dyeable backpacks.

So that means the can’t make it happen? Lol that’s not a good excuse. Just like they have different teams for different projects they can make it happen. I’m not throwing money into the gem store for them not to make nice things for the rest of us.

Ps: not attacking you, just stating that I would really appreciate it if Anet would stop making excuses . Just like they stated a while back they are weren’t going into Cantha , here we are in 2020.

ArenaNet never said we weren't going to Cantha. The only thing ever said about Cantha (and it really wasn't about Cantha, per se) was Josh F. gave an opinion on why the Canthan-style district from Divinity's Reach was removed.

And, he said he wasn't even sure about it.

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@Timbersword.9014 said:

@Headhunter.4796 said:See a tank in a mage outfit and a mage in a tank outfit. Nope, disagree!

My elementalist can already run around in full plate fit for a Guardian, and my warrior can march around in a frilly dress. Outfits already throw this argument to the curb and stomp it into dust. At this point, saying no is just being difficult for the sake of being difficult.

Also at this point, I think the issue is what the game does in transmuting items. We're more transferring stats to a different item than changing the appearance of said item. So... the issue is largely to do with armor values? Because I'm not seeing where clipping would be a massive issue. Gloves and boots generally don't extend past the elbows and knees, and leg/torso armors don't typically flare out past the elbows/knees and when they do, everything past the wrists/ankles is removed on gloves and boots. It'd mostly be waistlines that might cause the most problems.

See my post on page 1 for why its probably not gonna happen.

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@Strider.7849 said:When the game was released you used to be able to preview different armour class sets together and mix and match pieces. I created some really awesome looks. Not sure how I feel about actually allowing any class to have any armor look though. I kind of like it how it is only because it's more incentive for me to multiclass

I'm glad someone still remember that preview function.I'd like to be able to mix more tho, and since outfits are already breaking the weight rule, why not?I find new specs and mechanics enough of an incentive to try other classes.But with more mix and match opportunities people could be really content with what they create and outfits sales could suffer from it, so I guess it won't happen.

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@Dantert.1803 said:At this point with all the outfits that are going around there is nothing that should stop them to enable all the armor skins for all professions while just keeping the armor stats difference

But we already know it has to do with anchor points for the different types of armors. They would have to re-do them all, so yeah... there is a reason that is keeping them from doing this with existing armor sets.

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