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Leveling Weapons?


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I tried leveling a revenant in the past with s/s but got pretty bored of it... can't really tell why, but i don't enjoy using swords. i'm having way more fun with m/a but the fact that they're condition weapons makes me worried about dealing with structures.

can anyone who leveled with m/a tell me if they're good at higher levels?

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They are stronger in terms of raw damage and AoE pressure than the swords, and in the current balance status once your afford the Tormenting runes you become virtually unkillable by large amounts of mobs if the rigth gear and traits are combined. Being said that, and albeit condi Herald is probably the best soloing build in the game, for killing champions and collecting hero points I do prefer power herald with the s+s/staff, because the single target burst and sustain is maybe stronger, and has the strongest anti-defiant bar tools in the entire game. Aside from Newborn Mushrooms in Rata Novus and the Balthazar Champion in Auric Basin I've soloed every hero point in HoT with that build (have to try those two again). Mind also that in terms of sigils and runes I susually run what works for WvW roaming, I don't bother swaping those despite being l my armor and most of my weapons being legendary.

Links to the builds I use:

Power Herald


Condi Herald


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There's no worry really.

Just use Jalis Hammers for killing structures.Even without power scaling, Hammers does decent damage per second.

In fact, Jalis goes decently well with Mallyx anyway. (over Shiro at any rate, and definitely better than Ventari.)

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@Scoobaniec.9561 said:I would be bored of swords too if all i could is spam aa bc youll experience dps loss if theres more tha 1 target. Perfect desing.

Sword 4 my dude. Also sword 2 is not a dps loss even with multiple targets, if you use it at the start or between aa chains.We are talking levelling here anyway, everything dies in 2 hits.

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@RabbitUp.8294 said:

@"Scoobaniec.9561" said:I would be bored of swords too if all i could is spam aa bc youll experience dps loss if theres more tha 1 target. Perfect desing.

Sword 4 my dude. Also sword 2 is not a dps loss even with multiple targets, if you use it at the start or between aa chains.We are talking levelling here anyway, everything dies in 2 hits.

???Sword 4 loses single target damage and so does sword 2. Both need a "isolated" target to hit for the maximum damage potential. So yes if you are trying to solo a champ with the trash mobs around you lose damage against him. Imagine guardian symbos doing 33% less damage if hitting more than one target at the time. Thats the current state of swords.


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