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Why do you like the Mesmer / Why are you a Mesmer main?


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I liked the concept of mesmer because it was the first time i saw a mind powered class, plus i was adict to all kind of blink abilities.Right now its because i have more than 4k hours on it and loving it, however chronomancer was a let down for me (cant talk about mirage).

What i like more about mesmer, and liked it even more in vainilla, was the flexibility and how creativity could impact in your gameplay, also that it required good reflex and fast thinking. For me in core gw2 been a good mesmer needed for you to be smart, outplay your oponents and be in a high level of concentration and as such it was really nice with both its theme and how i like to play.

(Pd: not my main language).

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My first MMO love was City of Heroes. City of Heroes didn't have classes, instead you chose an archetype, which was basically a role (for example Controller, with a strong emphasis on cc and some support), and then a power set within that archetype, so even the same archetype played very different depending on what specific powers you chose.

CoH spoilt me a lot, and so I never had the typical wow-esque mentality about MMOs growing up. CoH didn't have a trinity, support was never about just healing (in fact the pure healing powerset, which was Empathy, was not even a particularly popular or strong choice), and there was much more variance of powers, instead of the whole DnD formula of rogues, rangers and wizards.

One of the powersets for Controllers in the game, and one of my top favourite ones was Illusion Control, which let you summon phantasmal heroes to fight for you, on top of other kinds of mind control and illusion abilities. The biggest complain people had about the set was that those phantasms looked like generic spandex-wearing heroes, instead of clones of your own hero, but technical limitations didn't allow that.

So, long story short, CoH is shut down, and I find myself in gw2 (I had bought gw1 way back when, but CoH monopolised all my playtime, so I pretty much started both gw1 and gw2 at the same time). As you can guess, mesmer didn't feel original or unique to me, but instead I felt right at home, my old Illusion control hero, now with real clones of my own character. I can still remember that day I started the tutorial as a sylvari mesmer, with scepter as the default weapon; I spent a solid 10 minutes killing those nightmare wolves at the start, only because of how awesome it felt to summon a clone every 3rd attack.

Unfortunately, the class, or rather gw2 in general, took a lot of getting used to. I was still clinging to my old CoH mindset, where as a controller I had all kinds of strong cc and group cc, where in gw2 a single 2-3s immob could have a 20s cd (in comparison a single target root and/or stun were one of the starting and thus bread-and-butter powers for controllers in CoH and could have a double-digit duration in the end game on a base 8s-10s cd that could potentially be more than halved). Of course, it was a matter of getting used to the new design philosophy and learning to combine and layer multiple powers to achieve the same effect, but mesmer still didn't live up to my expectations, with clones acting as little more than fodder and phantasms being tied to their targets and thus cumbersome for open pve, which was all that mattered for me as a new player. And mesmer in general was not the best at soloing stuff back then.

So, while mesmer always had a special spot for me, I mained other classes, mostly engineer and guardian. But mirage and the class rework completely changed that, and now mesmer really has that "army of me" feeling I've always wanted, and I can't see myself not being a primarily mesmer player from here on in.

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Necromancer refugee here. Been playing since day 1 of GW2, and I played exclusively necromancer (with the exception of trying out the other classes, to learn how they play for PvP reasons). I've been condition since day 1 too, DoTs tend to be my preferred play style in most MMOs.

Anyway, after scourge was released, I was pretty stoked. They got rid of Death Shroud (which I didn't like at all, reaper shroud I could mildly tolerate) and replaced it with the shade skills, which I loved. I played it, but the recent nerfs just made me not enjoy playing it. Specifically, the in-build lag (delay) on shade skills (that nerf was the straw that broke this camel's back). It just made the combat feel meh to me. I wasn't enjoying myself as much because of it.

My buddy, who is also a necro player, decided to try out mesmer. I did with him, and I enjoyed it immensely. It took the condi playstyle that I enjoyed from scourge, and it removed all the bad bits: the tenancy to be nerfed to the ground when things get good, the delay on key abilities, a poor balance manager. Something just clicked for me (the same thing that clicked when I originally played necromancer) and I've been playing it ever since.

Mesmer (Mirage, specifically) feels great and pretty much fits my playstyle perfectly. It was a bit of a challenge to get into (I still don't have my shatters down right just yet), but it was well worth it. And the mobility it provides is amazing, apparently mobility is the king of GW2. I ended up slotting in a few Boon Strips for sPvP, and now it feels just right. Its almost like a scourge light, which is fitting for me as Necro/Mes was my single-player (aka messing around) build for GW1.

That, and I can trade my green dyes for some lovely Blacklight Purple dyes. <3 Purple

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core Mesmer from the start (not found an elite I like yet)I like Mesmer because it purple, its skills are purple and have I said I like purpleportals are coolillusions are coolIt as stealth but isn't a squishy thiefcompetitive in all game modescan use duel swords (looks awesome)feels very unique to play as onenever been kicked or unloved for being a Mesmer (we have it so good)

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There are several reasons I love the mesmer:

  • It feels the most "jack of all trades" of the scholar archetypes, able to range, melee, condition, power, and all with the most viable choices if you care about the meta
  • It's flashy and interesting to look at as you play no matter the specialization or if just vanilla
  • The shatters give decent condition damage/effects that is useful even on no matter your build
  • It is tanky in a 'smart' way with the clones distracting mobs/players beyond just how much damage you can take
  • Feels the most 'tactical' job with you playing mind games in PvP trying to blend in with your clones
  • While supposedly one of the more complex professions, it feels extraordinarily straightforward to play
  • Finally...you become a one woman army. What isn't to love about that?

The only thing I really want more from my mesmer is that I am hoping the next specilization involves a rifle (maybe bow, but I prefer the rifle look). Having a mesmer focused on ranged damage I feel would be both fun to play and a nightmare to play against, in a good way. ^.^

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  • 5 months later...

@Nightmare.1234 said:core Mesmer from the start (not found an elite I like yet)I like Mesmer because it purple, its skills are purple and have I said I like purpleportals are coolillusions are coolIt as stealth but isn't a squishy thiefcompetitive in all game modescan use duel swords (looks awesome)feels very unique to play as onenever been kicked or unloved for being a Mesmer (we have it so good)

Yeah I agree, Mesmers can do so many things at once, that's why I love them!

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It took a while for me to settle on Mesmer.

I historically main Protection Warrior types. Sword and Shield, pure tanking, I like the leadership aspect of main tanking, it generally requires the most skill of the group and I don't trust others with that responsibility.

So naturally I pick Warrior in GW2 hoping to play that kind of thing and it just never existed in GW2 in any serious capacity. I did dig Berserker Greatsword Warrior before Hot though but it just wasn't what I really wanted when I rolled the class.

Come Heart of Thorns and I did play Power and Condition Berserker but I also went out of my way to try all of the Elite Specializations. I liked Daredevil a lot. Staff felt so fluid. I really liked staff Tempest a lot, just loads of damage and Staff really gives you that feeling of being a wizard raining wide AoE death on foes at least before they nerfed staff into the ground. Which sucks because it's the only Ele weapon I've ever really liked except maybe scepter and specifically Fire Attunement.

While playing other classes during Heart of Thorns but before LWS3 started coming out I geared up and started playing Boonshare Chrono in PvE. And it kind of gave me everything I wanted from a PvE class. Super defensive, with lots of blocks, it tanks, and it's valuable in how it buffs the party's damage. I also really ended up loving Mesmer theming. I loved illusions and how unconventional they are. It's like Anet took a class that would have all the fun quirky stuff that's usually spread out around 4 or so magic classes and just stuff mesmer with literally all of it. Illusions, dispelling enemy buffs and ally conditions, projectile reflections, invisibility, blinking, portals. And doing Boonshare Chrono in PvE made me want to do Condi Chronomancer in PvP.

See while I like Warriors in PvE I've also really liked the rogue archetype as the ultimate sadistic ganker class usually. And Condition Mesmer feeds that really sadistic scumbag type of build that doesn't fight fair. That kicks people when they're down. And I love confusion damage as a mode of dealing damage.

And I've basically never looked back. I'm committed to Mesmer through thick and thin at this point.

Even when I look at other games my first instinct is play the illusionist archetype.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly, mesmer and of course mirage and chrono are what makes gw professions to be different than other games, too many games with classic paladin/guard, warriors/berserkers, thief/assassins/ninjas, rangers, necros...

Maybe engineer is also different... But mesmer and its playstyle is very unique IMO and is something or was something that felt new and fresh

Don't get me wrong, I love to play all other classes, but Anet did something different with mesmer and just feels good and different to the rest even with the nerfs

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Not mained but I play it quite more often than other professions. First of all: It's meta. Second: boon support. Third: you can make gold by porting players (especially new players who are clueless at everything).I like the theme of the profession as well because it gives off the vibe of an illusionist and the mysterious one quite well.

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I have been brutally beaten and murdered into maining mesmer. I have tried all the high profile professions and i have been brutally beaten and murdered. I tried thief and i was surviving but also been completely useless to the team. Only with mesmer i can play on par with other players in sPvP.

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In Gw1:i can tell you in short "you cant attack", and "you cant cast spells " and "if you do, pay the price"Mesmer was most F***k you class ever made in MMO, was interesting, was fun, make balance diference... via shutdown, and punish for mindless attack/cast spells.Unique class with unique playstayle.

in Gw2:Bcos it isMesmer, but its no near fun as it was in Gw1. Its just another profession with dmg via phantoms. And tbh Anet "Phailed" to apply it propper.I remember early Ask/Q. On my Q i got return: Phantom are walking 3d hexes that walk after target, and they require few hits to get removed.And what we have? some phantoms that jump oncce per year with some minor debuff(? )on target. i Dont see punish efect on targed, beside Chaotic interrution, and Power block.( for those how dont saw Mesmer in Gw1: hexes mostyl endend on enemy action or stayed and puninsh them on action, and i mean rly punish, Backfire took 33% of enemy health per spell cast, or like Mistrust that interrupted next spell and deal 30% of HP. Or Clumsiness that interrupt next attack and inflict dmg. Or Crippling Anguish (elite) that make around 40% hp over 20s and apply 50% slow that cannot be removed if i good remember.)

Some random ideas:No phantom that gives emphaty effect, or Bckfire , or phantom that will interrupt any action for 6s. or Phantom that apply blind after each enemy attack. Or Phantom that attack one per 3s to remove 3 boons and make decent dmg (you dont want take dmg, then dont spamm boons etc) there are soo many things you can do, but they got on easy way.

Mby thats reason i play weekly, frome time to time, and dont pump more money in game.

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I primarily play open world PVE and 5-man content, and dabble in WvW. My main is a ranger, but mesmer is one of my primary alts. I originally enjoyed playing chrono and juggling my weapons and wells as needed for different situations, but since all the boon changes, I got tired of being torn between different functions and decided to switch to mirage. Nobody wants anything from a mirage but DPS, and I can do that while surviving better than almost any other toon in the game thanks to condi, Trailblazer gear, and a bag of tricks build. Bursty? No. But satisfying to play because you can stack condi and outmaneuver or outlast almost anything? Oh yeah.

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