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Patch Notes posted in Profession Forums

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@Poledra Val.1490 said:Legitimately feel this patch could kill the pvp and wvw community its outright just god awful. I dont know were this balance team gets it feedback but they seriously need to change there sources.

Now is the time to give your feedback. Go to the main thread and post it there. Be specific and include good rationale and you might be heard and listened to.

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@Apokriphos.7042 said:

@Poledra Val.1490 said:Legitimately feel this patch could kill the pvp and wvw community its outright just god awful. I dont know were this balance team gets it feedback but they seriously need to change there sources.

Now is the time to give your feedback. Go to the main thread and post it there. Be specific and include good rationale and you might be heard and listened to.

It wont make the slightlest bit of difference every rationale and logical reasoning has been given out multiple times.

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@Eugchriss.2046 said:

@"bravan.3876" said:I mean sry but buffing anything that can be used by Holos is just plain stupid atm. Same for Necro but ty for the free no brain needed Top 10 title next season i guess. The teleport changes for Rev are just stupid, make them useless pretty much, and why Thief teleports are not ruined too? Inconsistent nonsense once again. And the Rev teleports where not the issue. Condirev doesn't even use most of them. Another bad change makes another class unnecessary clunky and destroys gameplay flow.

What is needed instead, are insane sustain reductions on Condirev, Necros and even Eles and maybe some others (DH bunker). Some dmg reduction on grenates and a look at explosive traitline for Holo, sure no defensive buffs for Engi (shield is good enough already). Dmg reduction on Lich. Nothing else. Except for Mesmer elites nothing needs buffs at this point, not even Warrior. A nerf to the broken stuff like Condirev would have been enough to bring him back.

Grats to Chrono players, at least they aditted this nonsense and changed it. Hf Mirage players to fight vs stronger classes with more sustain and more dmg with still only one dodge.

You misinterpret the Rev port changes, this will be a very nice quality of life change for them. Basically for every other classes targeted port skills (blink, lightning flash, steal, judges intervention, etc.) If you try to use them without a valid path you just get a message saying no valid path and they don't go on cool down. For Rev currently if you try to use a port with a non valid path it goes on full cool down and consumes full energy cost. This change just gives Rev the same quality of life the other classes with ports have had for years and is greatly appreciated.For me, it is an unnecessary buff which just increases the noob-friendly aspect of rev.
  • Before: If you try to tp to target standing on a no port spot. You will get punished by that poor decision (or spam whatever is up freakiness)
  • Now: you don t have to care anymore. There is no downside by using it, so just use it!

It was like they added a "hit check" for all skills. Something like "If your skill is going to miss because of range, los, blind, block, invul, stealth, barrier or damage to heal converters, your skill will automatically be cancelled to save your cooldown.

I don't disagree with your sentiment, but pathing in this game can be really awkward and no valid path occurs quite frequently when there should clearly be a valid path and it is just annoying failing a port because of wonky navmesh. Phase traversal in particular is extremely unreliable, likely due to the little dash animation at the start, it often fails in spots where other ports like judges intervention have no trouble.

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@LazySummer.2568 said:

@bravan.3876 said:The teleport changes for Rev are just stupid, make them useless pretty much, and why Thief teleports are not ruined too? Inconsistent nonsense once again.

I think the teleport change to rev is a buff because it sounds like it means the port skill wont go on cd now if you use it on an enemy on no port spots instead of being unable cast them on a target out of range LOL

God I hope not, not another half a year of Revs porting through half of Niflhel's terrain out of nowhere for unblockable quickness bursts..Who needs LoS mechanics anyway.

Guess 4+ Revs every match in P+ is here to stay.

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Finally registered an account here just to express how sad i am with this patch. If this patch came out even two months after that "major" patch i would be okay but I am honestly sad i waited this long for this joke of an update. I've been playing less because my main class has been in the dumpster but this might just be the nail in the coffin to make me fully quit until expac. I just had to comment to express how low effort and poor this patch, that came after MONTHS of waiting is. What a poor way to instill confidence in your community.

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No nerf to holosmith damage, instead buffs to condi.No nerfs to holosmith sustain.No nerfs to protect me/ranger sustain(mainly protect me's barrier needs to go)No actual nerfs to condi thief.No nerfs to condi rev resistance uptime.Buffs to scourge and druid, which no one wants to fight in PvP.

This patch doesn't fix any problem and instead adds more. Can we opt out of updating to it?

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@Shiyo.3578 said:No nerf to holosmith damage, instead buffs to condi.No nerfs to holosmith sustain.No nerfs to protect me/ranger sustain(mainly protect me's barrier needs to go.No actual nerfs to condi thief.No nerfs to condi rev resistance uptime.Buffs to scourge and druid, which no one wants to fight in PvP.

This patch doesn't fix any problem and instead adds more. Can we opt out of updating to it?

I hope that the condi rev nerfs will still be enough. They look decent. And hopefully some condi thief and grenade kit changes are missing from the preview. Why nerf shrapnel grenade but not grenade barrage and the auto attack? Why announce reworks to condi thief and only do a single change that doesn't even do that much? It doesn't make sense.

On the other hand the changes to necro look painful for WvW.

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"Quick comment, these release notes are not complete and in particular thief has more changes that we weren’t able to get localized for this early posting."

Let´s just hope there is a lot more in the final patchnotes.

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