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Standalone armor pieces


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@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:Where's the "Make me use everything on every class" option?I want certain light/medium/heavy skins on light/medium/heavy classes.

2 things: limited number of poll options, and mechanical feasibility. They won't likely spend time recording existing stuff

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@Fenom.9457 said:

@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:Where's the "Make me use everything on every class" option?I want certain light/medium/heavy skins on light/medium/heavy classes.

2 things: limited number of poll options, and mechanical feasibility. They won't likely spend time recording existing stuff

@Fenom.9457 said:

@"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:Where's the "Make me use everything on every class" option?I want certain light/medium/heavy skins on light/medium/heavy classes.

2 things: limited number of poll options, and mechanical feasibility. They won't likely spend time recording existing stuff

The skins already exist.I can even put on light/heavy/medium armour and completely mix and match in preview. It just say "can't on my profession"Just remove the limitation in the options.

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@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:

@Fenom.9457 said:

@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:Where's the "Make me use everything on every class" option?I want certain light/medium/heavy skins on light/medium/heavy classes.

2 things: limited number of poll options, and mechanical feasibility. They won't likely spend time recording existing stuff

@Fenom.9457 said:

@Ayumi Spender.1082 said:Where's the "Make me use everything on every class" option?I want certain light/medium/heavy skins on light/medium/heavy classes.

2 things: limited number of poll options, and mechanical feasibility. They won't likely spend time recording existing stuff

The skins already exist.I can even put on light/heavy/medium armour and completely mix and match in preview. It just say "can't on my profession"Just remove the limitation in the options.

If you're trying in a weight and switch, it clears out the stuff from the other weight.

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I'm just happy that they're making new armor, standalone pieces or not.I think the armor weight system should be kept though. Gloves, boots/shoes and shoulder pieces usually has parts that can fit any armor weight, but when it comes to headgear (most of them at least), pants and chest pieces they look best as whatever armor weight it was made for.

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@Mea.5491 said:Seriously, no one likes Outfits besides Anet. :P

I like outfits, they can be very neat for easy and costless look changing. But I do wish they added more actual armours as they can be mixed with others. Sometimes outfit has everything great beside boots and I can't change them. Old town clothes were better in that regard.

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I'm kind of tired of incomplete armor sets. I don't mind a few standalone pieces, but it's become the standard now for story rewards and gemstore skins. And it's beyond me why they consistently ignore the chest and leg armors. I have the same problem with weapon sets, like for instance the Caladbolg skins or the skins from the Nightmare Fractal. I'm very aesthetically minded (Fashion Wars all the way!). Mixing armors is relatively easy, also considering the fact that you can dye armor and so make pieces from different sets fit each other like a single finished look. But we don't have that option with weapons. I'm still waiting for an axe skin for one of my Rangers that goes well with the Nightmare fractal sword skin, or an axe for one of my Revenants to match the Caladbolg sword skin. More so than incomplete armor sets, I dislike incomplete weapon sets even more. And that includes the 3 underwater weapons they've been ignoring for years. Not doing anything with underwater content does not mean you have to ignore those weapons when new sets are being released.

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@"Chicken Fro.6953" said:I want "Full armors and standalone anywhere and everywhere in the game," but I want to keep them separate by weight still. That's the only thing that keeps each profession having a unique appearance.

With out Outfits I don't have my personal class fantasy which is a WoW Death Knight in GW2, it's immersion breaking for me to see a cloth wearing character swinging a Great Sword like a bruiser.

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I don't think it's a major problem. I presume Anet releases Gloves/Helmets/Shoulders/Boots because they are the easiest pieces to create in every weight. Some (perhaps most or all?) of the individual armor pieces unlock all 3 weights while the armor sets are only one. I'd like to have more chest/pants pieces myself but that's because they are the bulk of any outfit (not outfit outfit, but wardrobe outfit!) and I'd like more dressy outfits for Heavy and less coats for Medium.

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