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Chicken Fro.6953

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Everything posted by Chicken Fro.6953

  1. Because it's a game. It's not like 13-year-olds are pulling out a personal credit card and buying 100 BLC keys. Some adults might have another problem. But let people gamble their game gold if they feel so inclined.
  2. It's a video game and in that context is humorous. Seriously smh when will people stop ruining things for others. Kick the chicken in the video game, chuckle, and move on.
  3. Honestly, Untamed is my most favorite spec to come into this game. Laugh and "confused" emoji me all you want, but if you can get around the more complex nature of the spec (considering it's Ranger, which has traditionally been simpler) then it's actually amazing. Fervent Force is ridiculously strong.
  4. I was thinking along these lines too, but my idea was to simply make it a ground-target well, but if you click the skill again it will teleport back to you and follow you like it's current iteration. I like your ideas as well, especially the last one.
  5. The Dolyak Tippers of Tyria [MOO] are recruiting! We're a laid-back and friendly group of people. We do pretty much everything, but like you, we mostly open world/PvE content. Sometimes we hit WvW, and some of us PvP. We use Discord and for the inclined, we train raids every Monday and sometimes Sunday. We're pretty casual, and honestly the goal is to just hang out, vibe, pursue some goals, and have fun. You would be more than welcome to get an invite and hang with us. Let me know if you're interested! My main character is Leggo My Drago, and I'm the leader of MOO.
  6. A lack of an account-wide tackle box for fishing inventory is the worst thing about it for me.
  7. Warrior was always intended as the weapon-swap profession, and Gunblade is the profession mechanic (along with DT in place of normal burst skills) of this spec. Warriors should still be able to swap between weapons. The drawback to not be able to swap is a little hard-hitting and less fun.
  8. We used to be able to do this with the old version of "Guard!" skill. Nice little ground-target that told your pet where to camp until enemies came by. It was gimmick as a whole skill on your bar, but still kind of cool.
  9. Updating Zhaitan would be particularly valuable *before* the Steam release, showing newcomers a more realistic view of how amazing and epic GW2 boss encounters can be, and more likely guaranteeing continued play by said players. When I first bought this game (after also being a long-time GW1 player) I saw this: Though the trailer was an unexpected style, it previewed to me what I thought was going to be an encounter that was radically... Better. The setting was outstanding and looked legendary. Improving the encounter, and maybe even the rewards (to, say, at least an exotic--because you just killed the first freaking elder dragon) would keep newcomers playing longer and better reflect the epic encounters that GW2 has to offer in future gameplay. I also strongly believe it would show a massive return to old content by veterans, be it for the gameplay experience, reward, or both. As it stands, I know many a player that has left the game after Zhaitan because it was just... A letdown, especially compared to the rest of the amazing content ANet has released that has kept me playing for ten years.
  10. Really not a fan of this for Tyria. I'm honestly glad that it's going to be almost never seen. To me it's overly-cutesie and feels like something I'd relate to a Final Fantasy crossover. I would have much rather seen... Anything(?) else. As someone else said, something like an Asuran take on it, Magitech, Aetherblade, Steampunk... Something. There are outstanding cool and cute options, but this genuinely feels to me as just an easy cater to a small portion of people to grab a quick buck.
  11. Just what the title says. Every time I mount on the turtle, it bugs me out of the game to character-select screen with an error message. 😧
  12. I join PUG spontaneous map formations all the time for DE, and with one commander who knows how to set the sides up, it's successful almost every time, often with a couple minutes left.
  13. Scepter. Give us a good Nature Magic synergy. I know druid kind of hits this, but more as a healing-centric spec. Would be cool to have more hybrid DPS/boon support, like how Specter has really reliable access to.
  14. I really enjoy Untamed, and this was still a really meaningful post with a lot of merit.
  15. River Drake is solid enough damage and bulky enough to get by. I still find myself using it often in non-raid PvE.
  16. Actually an interesting proposal, and I really thought you'd lose me after reading the first few sentences. Interesting idea.
  17. There comes a point where you either enjoy a game because the game is what you enjoy, and you're excited to see the story and new end-game content and/or PvP implications from new profession goodies--or not. It's not like EoD can re-bring out gliding or mounts--those two features have already been done. So the fact that they're even adding the features they are and not just expanding on an already excellent game is already more than a lot of games get. I'm looking forward to EoD a lot because of the new playable story, content, and potential rewards. This, along with new features, albeit simpler, look like an adequate expansion to the map of things we already have that will also be used in this new expansion.
  18. @TheQuickFox.3826 Sounds like they were just toxic and couldn't be bothered to explain the mechanics. Given that you mentored, organized, and had a competent-enough build for such a dungeon--and you don't seem to be a jerk--the problem is with them, not you. Hope this doesn't happen again, it really sucks when people are like that, especially in a game.
  19. Lurkers, the crab boys, reefy dudes. Please!
  20. Reef. Lurkers. If we got only this I'd be happy. ? I miss those little scuttlers so much!!
  21. I am 100% for this, and have been for years. It's something they slightly improved on in PoF, with certain enemies dropping unique mini-pets of themselves, and a weapon or two (Branded Eye of Argon), but that's about it. GW2 did unique small-boss loot 1,000 times better, and sometimes it really was just a recoloring of another skin--but it still feels special to get a maxed-out item that only one enemy in the game drops (I'd want some unique skins that are only acquired from boss loot drops though, and not only recolors of other skins). I really miss small-scale bosses and unique GW1-styled loot-drops, and I've supported what you've written here for a long time. Let's hope for an addition of this to the game.In GW1 they added Sorrow's Furnace and unique drops in a patch, so they could do something similar again! P.S. never forget Rotscale!
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