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I don't get it (balance notes and logic behind it)


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Practiced Tolerance: Increased precision-to-ferocity conversion from 10% to 15% in PvP and WvW.

No Quarter: Increased ferocity from 250 to 300 in PvP and WvW.

Why though? Traits that aren't used in PvP/WvW were slightly buffed. Meanwhile PvE Thief gets a condi buff? Who even plays condi thief in raids/fracts?! I just don't understand the logic behind it. These buffs would've been quite good for a PvE power Daredevil since its one of our main DPS traits (especially No Quarter) and we r startin to fall short in DPS compared to other classes. So in other words.. Why not including P.Tolerance and No Quarter for PvE mode too? Sorry i'm just baffled by this.

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This patch was something. Who even picks crit strikes over shadow arts in pvp? Thief needs help in condi pve, I think they are the only profession without a viable or competitive build. All anet does is add a few seconds of bleeding to thousand needles and two more targets for death blossom. This is just a joke now.

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@Dave.6819 said:Meanwhile PvE Thief gets a condi buff? Who even plays condi thief in raids/fracts?!

That's exactly the point.

ANet said they wanted to improve Condi Thief for PvE so that it could be played.

Their changes are utter trash for making that happen, but what can you expect, this entire patch features nothing but utter trash changes...

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Well i'll dust off my chrono i guess. Also i agree that it would be cool for Thief to have condi options in PvE but let's face it.. most of us play power builds and we would still play it even if condi was viable (and with these minor changes it wont be viable). What i really want for Thief is providing some support for team too so we'd be appreciated more. Now we are only taken for our DPS and even then there are better options then Thief. So either buff our DPS to insane amounts (so we are clearly #1 on those benchmarks) OR provide our class with some meaningful buffs that we can bring to our Group/Squad. Idk what kind of buffs. Some quickness maybe? Some Ferocity share? Something.

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@Shade.8971 said:This patch was something. Who even picks crit strikes over shadow arts in pvp? Thief needs help in condi pve, I think they are the only profession without a viable or competitive build. All anet does is add a few seconds of bleeding to thousand needles and two more targets for death blossom. This is just a joke now.

They even fucked with Leeching Venoms and Shadow Siphoning because thieves need to all funnel to one lame ass no utility build. This game gets more dumb every patch and their server performance isn't helping out to keep people around.

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Well, their idea of "reigning in" the cancerous PvP/WvW builds is:

With this update, we're looking to improve condition builds in PvE while reducing more egregious condition builds in PvP and WvW.

Shadow Strike: Repeater availability duration has been reduced from 4 to 3 seconds in PvP and WvW.Leeching Venoms: Reduced life-stealing base damage from 320 to 160 in PvP and WvW. Reduced life-stealing power coefficient from 0.0333 to 0.0165 in PvP and WvW.Shadow Siphoning: Reduced life-stealing base damage from 312 to 218 in PvP and WvW. Reduced life-stealing power coefficient from 0.1 to 0.07 in PvP and WvW.

Snipped the rest - everything else was a buff of some kind. So, a tiny tweak to the duration of one ability and some lifesteal is what was causing condi thief to be so oppressive in those game modes? lol.

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Ok what is keen observer? is this not the old name of the skill twin fangs? I am not seeing any changes here.

Twin fangs is currently 7% increased critical chance from rear or flank and 7 percent critical damage increase. It has not changed on tooltips.

Is this now supposed to read 10/7 respectively or is it now 10/10 or in fact are we back to the old keen observer with twin fangs dropped?

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@SehferViega.8725 said:

@babazhook.6805 said:Ok what is keen observer?

Keen Observer: Critical-hit chance is increased while your health is above the threshold (90%).

Is the Minor Adept trait of Critical Strikes (Minor traits are the ones you have to take without alternatives when you select a specialization).

Thanks I am not sure how I missed that. Coupled with twin fangs thats 17 percent added chance of crit if your health above 90%. Add in fury which generally easy to get via CS and that is 37 percent add under ideal conditions. I am liking that. I am not sure why this was not slotted in for Pve players.

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Keen Observer: Increased bonus critical chance from 5% to 10%.

It does not say PvP/WvW. So yes its a 5% bonus for us in PvE too. But it's only critical chance.. not critical damage. Which is atleast for me useless. We got plenty of crit chance through other traits anyway. But they buffed No Quarter and P.Tolerance only in PvP/WvW (and those do increase your dmg). That's what's annoying. We needed those for PvE.

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Most of those PvP/WvW only buffs would have been fine for PvE too, and we still won't be top tier in DPS...

And I ask again, how hard can it be to buff Sword so it can do decent DPS in PvE?! that PvP/WvW 10% buff to Pistol Whip is good but for PvE it should be at the very least 30% and sadly the buff that we got doesn't even apply to PvE...

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@Mor The Thief.9135 said:Most of those PvP/WvW only buffs would have been fine for PvE too, and we still won't be top tier in DPS...

And I ask again, how hard can it be to buff Sword so it can do decent DPS in PvE?! that PvP/WvW 10% buff to Pistol Whip is good but for PvE it should be at the very least 30% and sadly the buff that we got doesn't even apply to PvE...

Me personally? I hate sword. It has a slow feeling to it. Even Staff (when daredevil came out) felt very slow to me. But i got used to it in PvE. What i would want to see is Dagger getting back into meta again and that it wouldn't rely on constant stealth->backstab mechanics. On bosses it feels weird to keep backstabbing and trying to stay behind. But i agree that we need some more build options. Be it a sword or a dagger. And buffing Sword damage and Dagger damage is really long over-due in PvE. Best case scenario/ a goal that anet should aim for - just buff Dagger and Sword and every other weapon that it would keep on the same DPS par as Staff. So people could actually choose their playstyle without sacrificing their DPS nor they would break the game.

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@Shade.8971 said:Keen Observer buff means you don't need spotter. That's about it. So raid groups can move you out of spotter subgroup. Utilities are so bad, swapping sig of agility for spider venom is very minor dps increase.

Well u could slot somethin else if u really think agility is not needed. But nothin dramatically will change your dmg. Haste maybe? Scorpion wire? Distracting/Impairing Daggers? Meh. Not worth it. Plus sig of agil is really good at those panic moments when u really need extra dodges.

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@Mor The Thief.9135 said:And I ask again, how hard can it be to buff Sword so it can do decent DPS in PvE?! that PvP/WvW 10% buff to Pistol Whip is good but for PvE it should be at the very least 30% and sadly the buff that we got doesn't even apply to PvE...

Because then you'd just have PW deadeyes spamming 3 for huge bursts of damage while immune to damage, instead of actually having to dodge skills and abilities.

Thief has been in a damage crisis for a while now given how they keep gutting the damage modifiers available to the class from DA/CS. Used to be nearly 50% on core builds with a selection of aggressive traits. We're far from that, and with reduced coefs across the board.

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@"Mil.3562" said:OP please refer to my post in this https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109436/patch-notes-up-july-7th-wvw-changes#latestThat's why.

I'm leaning towards incompetent devs that don't even play the game just look at statistics and numbers and based on them they do these changes that are mind-boggling to many of us actual players. I mean how hard can it be? We as community are already helping you with our feedback and you just need to listen and act accordingly. Anyway.. yea.. nothin new in the balance department. I dunno why i was expecting somethin more and somethin impactful already. Maybe because its been quite awhile since a real good PvE balance patch for Thief? Yeah.. i guess that.

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@Taril.8619 said:

@Dave.6819 said:Meanwhile PvE Thief gets a condi buff? Who even plays condi thief in raids/fracts?!

That's exactly the point.

ANet said they wanted to improve Condi Thief for PvE so that it could be played.

Their changes are utter trash for making that happen, but what can you expect, this entire patch features nothing but utter trash changes...

Condi is literally useless in fractals and open world no matter the build EXCEPT firebrand since burn bursts hard, but still trash in fractals. Raids are just gonna use condi mirage on most condi fights and, correct me if i'm wrong, but condi isn't even good there, just tolerable(unless something changed in the past 2 years I'm unaware of)

Why waste time and resources on condi damage for PvE? Especially on a class that's already BAD at instanced PvE and needs actual help?

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