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Five Guild slots isn't enough anymore


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As others have brought up, this seems like more of a Friend's List shortcoming than a need for more guild slots. The Friend's List should allow Nicknames and Notes to be added for each friend. It should allow the creation of any number of categories and allow you to place friends in as many categories as you need.

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Meanwhile, I've been guildless since 2012... Well, aside from the guild me and a friend made just between the two of us. He quit in 2013...The irony.

On topic though, yeah more guild slots could be fine. I see a lot of people in several different guilds. I don't see why not... Commitment might be an issue that'll worry guild leaders though, but honestly, the committed will remain while those who aren't will not, regardless of how many open slots they have.

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@Boysenberry.1869 said:As others have brought up, this seems like more of a Friend's List shortcoming than a need for more guild slots. The Friend's List should allow Nicknames and Notes to be added for each friend. It should allow the creation of any number of categories and allow you to place friends in as many categories as you need.

No, it's not a shortcoming of the friend's list. I use the guild chat feature frequently for more than 5 different groups of people.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:No, it's not a shortcoming of the friend's list. I use the guild chat feature frequently for more than 5 different groups of people.That would be a good feature to go along with an improved Friend's List, custom chat groups. I think of a Guild as a large assortment of people who band together for common goals. Thousands of 5-man groups occasionally doing activities together doesn't fit my (and a lot of peoples/games) vision of guilds. But to each their own.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"Hornet.6357" said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

leave a guild?

I don't even know why there are 5 guild slots to begin with.There should be at most 2.Guilds USED to be for players who were loyal and achieved goals together. Now players just join guild for free hand outs..

Guild Wars, the title it self is contradictory. Maybe ANET meant for Guilds to be at war with their own members?

I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if players aren't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

We DO NOT need more guild slots. Be happy there are 5.

1.) The "guild wars" title has more to do with what GW1 was originally before it was released(it was a 100% pvp game.) and the lore of the game than the actual in game gameplay itself.

2.) The real world has changed and so to have games. Players do not like being tied to one group forever, or being forced to be part of just one group forever, its unnecessarily restrictive. The guilds i have joined, i joined for what they offered,
guild however can offer it all 100% of the time im playing the game which is why i have guilds that
In individual tasks
so if i want to do one of those tasks i can ask
Guild, something i wish i could expand upon by joining more than 5 due to there being more than 5 things i enjoy doing in this game.

3.) Im glad that joining 100% rep guilds is optional because i will never do so again. I was in one that was 75%, required, and
i would rep my RP guild because i was actively roleplaying i
had more than one guild officer down my throat about Rep, thankfully Arenanet was smart and made the game as such that im not mandated that i am not required to be in a single guild(which in gw1 was pretty required), and feel no obligations to rep just one guild at all times.

All rep guilds are in essential near full rep so any guilds that claim otherwise are lying, this is with the exception of rep-only in certain game mode or events. One can never and will never monitor the roster like what people think, all rep reminders are simply done on a routine periodic basis or conditions basis therefore they can never tell if you rep much or not, this is simple logic. Do not blame the guilds that are upfront with their rep requirement, blame the guilds that are unclear with their's, blame yourself for your own ignorance on how things or even the world are run.

The real world has changed, how silly. Do you see wars disappeared from the world? Of course not. The world has not changed, the context simply differ.

Have people ever wondered why single guild system is used in the beginning? Was it really because it is hard to make multi guilds? Of course it isn't. It was simply because of certain game designs. Anet simply decided such is not necessary for gw2 since it is never that kind of game. However, the thing is there still need to be a line drawn. So, where should that line be?

Regardless, in this thread alone, you can easily see half the people not supporting such suggestion (as stated in topic).

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

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@Neutra.6857 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things. For players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents? This is just simple logic argument. Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@"Haleydawn.3764" said:I’ve only really been part of 1 guild. I’ve tried other guilds, but didn’t like the Rep-rules. (Even joining a 50% rep guild got me a warning /w after switching to my main guild for a guild mission for 10mins, ridiculous)

+1 for more guild slots, but the Represent thing needs to go imo, otherwise I won’t pay gems for a feature I won’t use. The whole guild system should be reworked imo if we can join multiple.

The rep system is fine, it was already reworked before to remove the incentive for guilds to act like that. Some still do, either because they saw other guilds with rep requirements and didn't know why they had them and are just copying an archaic policy, or because they are obsessed with creating a "guild image". Either way, it's the person running the guild's fault, not the rep systems fault.

You kind of missed the point I made.The system still allows these guild leaders to have archaic and meaningless ‘Rep-rules’. Purely by having those checkboxes and the guild [tag] by players names. This needs removing completely imo.There should be no ‘Rep’ at all if we can freely join more than one guild. And this is why I personally wouldn’t pay for more guild slots that I won’t use because of how Guild rep is taken too seriously by quite a lot of Guilds still, even now.

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@Haleydawn.3764 said:

@Haleydawn.3764 said:I’ve only really been part of 1 guild. I’ve tried other guilds, but didn’t like the Rep-rules. (Even joining a 50% rep guild got me a warning /w after switching to my main guild for a guild mission for 10mins, ridiculous)

+1 for more guild slots, but the Represent thing needs to go imo, otherwise I won’t pay gems for a feature I won’t use. The whole guild system should be reworked imo if we can join multiple.

The rep system is fine, it was already reworked before to remove the incentive for guilds to act like that. Some still do, either because they saw other guilds with rep requirements and didn't know why they had them and are just copying an archaic policy, or because they are obsessed with creating a "guild image". Either way, it's the person running the guild's fault, not the rep systems fault.

You kind of missed the point I made.The system still allows these guild leaders to have archaic and meaningless ‘Rep-rules’. Purely by having those checkboxes and the guild [tag] by players names. This needs removing completely imo.There should be no ‘Rep’ at all if we can freely join more than one guild. And this is why I personally wouldn’t pay for more guild slots that I won’t use because of how Guild rep is taken too seriously by quite a lot of Guilds still, even now.

And what about those who like and want to have that tag and guild attached to their name? You want people to not be able to show off guild pride just because you get annoyed that some bad guild leaders have archaic rules?

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.
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@Neutra.6857 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

There's nothing more to say, if you can't accept hard logic, the fact you using social argument in a logic argument already prove as much.

PS: If is too hard for you to understand. Simply put, logic has no interest in your personal feelings. All personal feeling related arguments are social.

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I love small guilds. Larger guilds can be overwhelming. I would rather be in ten small guilds with precise purposes than one huge one that lacks. Examples:

Guild one is storage. I do not want to trust anyone else with access to my things.

Guild two is friends and family from my personal real world life--daughters bffs etc.

Guild three is wvw. You CANNOT have the same performance cohesion and reliability in wvw in a pvx huge do everything guild as they have too many that don't wvw at all let alone competently. Tried a few times. They CLAIM to wvw but it really boils down to taking a tower and doing a couple dailies and maybe some camps. I want a dedicated wvw guild.

Guild four is the raid guild. See guild three.

Guild five is the same people as the wvw guild PLUS friends and family. Why you ask? Because people still like to do guild missions, roam with friends and occasionally NOT be the serious fight guild. This used to be able to be just one guild but with alliances eventually coming size matters.

Guild six is the large pvx guild where yes you are just kind of there but can give and get help for the odd time you might need it.

Guild seven would for me be SAND. I'd love to help be part of their dedicated metas.

Guild eight for me would be a fractal guild. Lord I would love to be in a fractal guild and not have to pug.

Guild nine would be our D&D group. We play together at times but they are already in their five guilds and I am in mine.

Guild ten would be a farming guild. Farming is much more fun together than alone.

I've heard arguments that I couldn't rep them all. No but I can and would rep each while doing that specific activity.

More guild slots please!

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

There's nothing more to say, if you can't accept hard logic, the fact you using social argument in a logic argument already prove as much.

PS: If is too hard for you to understand. Simply put, logic has no interest in your personal feelings. All personal feeling related arguments are social.

Your logic isnt hard nor is it accurate in this case. Social arguments are just as acceptable in argument on why people want more guild slots as the arguments i presented in my original post. Small guilds are more close knit and often the ones that have the most attachments formed due to being able to get to know each and every single person in that guild(at least in my experience). However, reading your arguments(ecspecially when it came to my original post, that you ripped completely off topic, and reduced it to essentially poking fun at my comments hence no response to it.) in this thread i have realized that you are a person who is set in stone on not wanting more guilds for some very archaic reasons which dont affect anybody gameplay wise outside of the 100% rep guilds, and before you respond to this, know i wont be responding to that response, there isnt a point in even trying to convince you because i know you wont change your mind.

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@Wolfs Shadow.7234 said:

@"Hornet.6357" said:As my hours in this game continue to accrue, and the interest in this game, and it's varied game modes had swelled. I'm faced with difficult decisions lately. Which one of my 5 guilds should I drop, because another community (guild) I want to be apart of is asking me to be a member. This issue wasn't huge previously, but in the two years, the number of niche guilds has skyrocketed. Raid static members want a guild of their own, Raid LFG focused guilds (e.g Immortal Raiders), WvW guilds, General PvE guilds, Map meta guilds (e.g SAND for Dry top), Special interest guilds (RP, writing, musical guilds), even streamers ( Teapot, Wooden potatoes, Fireprufe, Aurora Peachy) have their own guilds.. the list is nearly endless.

It's pretty hard to just drop a guild arbitrarily when so many of your friends are still members. Some people may perceive it to be just rude when that wasn't your intention at all. It can be awkward when it comes up as if I see their own guild and community is inferior to a new one. Something I obviously want to avoid at all costs.

I understand that I maybe in the minority, However, I'm sure a few people myself included would pay good money to open up a few extra slots. Let's say 300 gems a slot?

leave a guild?

I don't even know why there are 5 guild slots to begin with.There should be at most 2.Guilds USED to be for players who were loyal and achieved goals together. Now players just join guild for free hand outs..

Guild Wars, the title it self is contradictory. Maybe ANET meant for Guilds to be at war with their own members?

I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if players aren't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

We DO NOT need more guild slots. Be happy there are 5.

1.) The "guild wars" title has more to do with what GW1 was originally before it was released(it was a 100% pvp game.) and the lore of the game than the actual in game gameplay itself.

2.) The real world has changed and so to have games. Players do not like being tied to one group forever, or being forced to be part of just one group forever, its unnecessarily restrictive. The guilds i have joined, i joined for what they offered,
guild however can offer it all 100% of the time im playing the game which is why i have guilds that
In individual tasks
so if i want to do one of those tasks i can ask
Guild, something i wish i could expand upon by joining more than 5 due to there being more than 5 things i enjoy doing in this game.

3.) Im glad that joining 100% rep guilds is optional because i will never do so again. I was in one that was 75%, required, and
i would rep my RP guild because i was actively roleplaying i
had more than one guild officer down my throat about Rep, thankfully Arenanet was smart and made the game as such that im not mandated that i am not required to be in a single guild(which in gw1 was pretty required), and feel no obligations to rep just one guild at all times.

1.) Guild Wars 1 was not 100% pvp and far from it. 3 1/2 PVE expansions. It was 25% PVP & 75% PVE and that is still is probably overshooting it. The game was also instance based.

2.) What does real world have to do with anything? Most MMOs only allow 1 guild. A handful allow a maximum of 5. As I stated OP should be happy there is 5. I also stated at most there should be 2. I do agree with you, not every guild has 100% of what you are looking for. Which is why I also stated 2. Some Guilds do WvW only, some PvX or some per PvE(RP). Regardless there are squads within guilds.

3.) No one forces a player to join a 100% represent guild. I am not even saying it should be a requirement, but it is also ridiculous to expect guilds not to have a representation requirement either. You are simply dead weight & a waste of slot for someone more deserving who will represent
(not meant to be harsh).

It is a matter of preference. I personally only join Guilds who have a representation requirement because I know that the hard work I put in, is reciprocated & I also give gold to fellow guild mates to help them along their journey. (Paying it forward perhaps). If the number of members who do not represent out-way the ones that do, I leave the guild.
  • It cost Gold to invite someone to a guild
  • It cost Gold & resources to maintain a guild
  • It cost Gold & resources to upgrade a guild

& last point it arguable if ANET is smart. Unrelated, but their choice to make PVP an after thought was a terrible idea & will likely bite them in the butt in the long run. They've likely missed massive marketing opportunities given the esport scene. Their attempt previously was approached terribly. The popular trend leans towards PVP not PVE.) They will be lucky to have a WvW, SPvP come next western MMO, especially if Amazon's New World lives up to its hype.

I don't understand why opportunity of choice is a bad thing that should be restricted.If you don't wan't to be in multiple guilds then don't be in multiple guilds, but that doesn't mean others should be forced to restrict themselves.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

There's nothing more to say, if you can't accept hard logic, the fact you using social argument in a logic argument already prove as much.

PS: If is too hard for you to understand. Simply put, logic has no interest in your personal feelings. All personal feeling related arguments are social.Your argument is no more or less logical then mine and logic and social stuff are not always mutually exclusive, particularly when the entire question being asked has to do with something social in nature. For instance asking which type of society is best will automatically include social stuff because the question itself is about a society. Similarly guilds are social, thus the question about asking for additional guilds will automatically include social stuff. You can see this in the people saying you should be loyal to one guild or those asking for many guilds. You have yet to provide any logical argument, all you have said is that you yourself do not want it and that you do not understand why other people do want it. Meanwhile I have provided a reason I want it, namely that I can actually use more guilds and that no one is harmed by me being in additional guilds, something you have failed repeatedly to actually respond to.

Don't claim to be making logical arguments when you are not making any and don't pretend to have some high ground given you have failed at the most basic part of making a logical argument...namely defining your terms..

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

There's nothing more to say, if you can't accept hard logic, the fact you using social argument in a logic argument already prove as much.

PS: If is too hard for you to understand. Simply put, logic has no interest in your personal feelings. All personal feeling related arguments are social.

Your logic isnt hard nor is it accurate in this case. Social arguments are just as acceptable in argument on why people want more guild slots as the arguments i presented in my original post. Small guilds are more close knit and often the ones that have the most attachments formed due to being able to get to know each and every single person in that guild(at least in my experience). However, reading your arguments(ecspecially when it came to my original post, that you ripped completely off topic, and reduced it to essentially poking fun at my comments hence no response to it.) in this thread i have realized that you are a person who is set in stone on not wanting more guilds for some very archaic reasons which dont affect anybody gameplay wise outside of the 100% rep guilds, and before you respond to this, know i wont be responding to that response, there isnt a point in even trying to convince you because i know you wont change your mind.

No, is accurate. Logic is logic, social is social. Social argument is base on personal beliefs and not hard fact, logic is base on hard fact and which does not care about personal feelings. Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time. Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.

If is off topic, it means your conversation is off topic to begin with since it is a quote of your post. If you think is poking fun of you, maybe deep down you know what I am saying is the truth in which case, don't make that kind of argument then.

Archaic. Lol. I guess that's the excuses they tell themselves when they throw away certain morale or ethics or beliefs.

@Neutra.6857 said:

@Neutra.6857 said:Mainly because not all guilds do everything. I am part of 5 guilds (3 really). The first is a storage guild so it doesn't really mean anything. The second 2 are TTS guilds one being the general PvE guild and the other focusing on raids. The raid guild let's us organize raid runs better, ask for statics and be more likely to get answers, etc but that is all it really does. The fourth guild is the original PvE guild I joined and which is basically dead but which I don't want to leave. The fifth is a WvW guild that is pretty small and mostly runs havoc squads of 5-10 people. I have 2 guild types I want to join since they are not covered by my current set of guilds, a fractal focused guild and a PvP guild.

In other words, many of which is not even full 500-men guild isn't it? In that case, on what basis do you think anet should increase the guild slots when many guilds are in reality, underutilized? If you want to do a bit of everything, why didn't you join a PvX that actually does a bit of everything? If it is hard to find one, did you actually search for one? What I asked you is same question I would ask to many others here.

In reality, there is no strong justification for anet to increase guild slots since guilds in reality are underutilized and half of the people already do not support such suggestion.

Well for my bank guild it would not work if it where 500 people, since you know it is for personal storage. For my TTS guilds...they are fully utilized, there is a reason TTS has more then 2 guilds. The guild of friends used to be rather active and was rather large (I think at the largest we had something in the high 300s to low 400s) and I do not want to leave it just in case it becomes active again and because I have sentimental attachment to it (this is the type of guild people would say I should be part of). As to the last guild, the people in that guild don't want to do things other then WvW and they enjoy havoc not large zerg fights. So they too are fully playing the game as they like and the guild is fully being utilized. A guild does not need to be 500 players to be fully utilized.

As to why I do not join a PvX guild, because these guild where very kind and taught me a lot about how to play the game. I have attachment to these guilds, particularly the inactive friends guild. Finally joining specialized guilds means that those guilds are doing the specialized things basically all the time, so if I say want to do PvE that day I can go and join what TTS is doing. If I want to do WvW, there is likely someone doing that in my WvW guild. In the PvX guilds I have joined this was not the case. In addition the guilds I have joined match my personality and the type of guilds I like joining, something the PvX guilds I tried did not. I like the people in my current guilds.

As to there being no strong justification, just because you cannot use it does not mean others also cannot. The half the population that does not want it...they don't need to use the feature of additional guilds. It will not affect them one bit if additional guild slots are added. Meanwhile for those of us who want it, we are affected if they are added, so there is very much a strong justification for them to increase the slots, namely people can use it.

You are just convincing yourself there is strong justification for it, not because there is, because you want it to be.No I actually think there is a strong justification, that is I and others like me can actually use more guilds. Meanwhile there is no reason not to have more guilds because having more guild slots does not in anyway affect you. So actually the one with no justification for their position is you.

Firstly, you already use a guild as a bank, not as a intended design which is a guild. You are already under utilizing the guild slot.And the problem with that is? It is a slot I am fully utlizing even if guilds where not intended to be used that way. just because you do not like how I use it does not mean that what I am doing with it is not legitimate.Secondly, you refuse to leave a inactive guild, again you underutilized itFunny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalidThirdly, the guild is indeed under-utilizing their guild space. it is their choice not to fully utilize 500 man, it is their choice not to become PvX but at the same time, technically their space is not fully utilized therefore under utilized.No they are not. Some people like small guilds, like guilds that only contain friends and not strangers. Some people like a close knit community. That is not underutilizing the guild, that is using it the way they want to. So no not under urilized, utilized precisely how the people in that guild wanted it to be utilized, which is a small to medium size guild that is close knit.

All of which are your personal and their decisions with the end result of under utilizing things.Factually wrongFor players' poor utilization of available resources, anet suppose to divert resources to please you instead of putting these resources on more important contents?Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.This is just simple logic argument.Correct, and you are the one being illogical.Adding on social argument of half the players' objection to the suggestion plus unknown social effects of additional guilds slot which means anet has to take on social risk.... There is no strong justification.Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

There's nothing more to say, if you can't accept hard logic, the fact you using social argument in a logic argument already prove as much.

PS: If is too hard for you to understand. Simply put, logic has no interest in your personal feelings. All personal feeling related arguments are social.Your argument is no more or less logical then mine and logic and social stuff are not always mutually exclusive, particularly when the entire question being asked has to do with something social in nature. For instance asking which type of society is best will automatically include social stuff because the question itself is about a society. Similarly guilds are social, thus the question about asking for additional guilds will automatically include social stuff. You can see this in the people saying you should be loyal to one guild or those asking for many guilds. You have yet to provide any logical argument, all you have said is that you yourself do not want it and that you do not understand why other people do want it. Meanwhile I have provided a reason I want it, namely that I can actually use more guilds and that no one is harmed by me being in additional guilds, something you have failed repeatedly to actually respond to.

Don't claim to be making logical arguments when you are not making any and don't pretend to have some high ground given you have failed at the most basic part of making a logical argument...namely defining your terms..

Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time. Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact. As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time.And yet most of what we do is social arguments. What type of tax laws should we have, should we allow same sex marriage, etc. These are all social arguments. TO claim that social arguments is moot is simply a stupid thing to say.Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.Actually factually wrong, logic can and does exist without facts. Case in point: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant. Therefore Nellie is pink is absolutely a logical argument to make. The problem is the premise is wrong. The premise can be about something social and so something social can be part of a logical argument.As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.Like I said define your terms, because using my own definition of underutilized none of my guilds are underutilized since I am using them to the full extent that I can, and the guilds themselves are set up so that people actually enjoy their time playing this game. You claim to be making a logical argument, I fail to see one.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.A large part of the community does not use tonics, me included, and yet they kept asking for a tonic cabinet of some sort, and guess what, so did I because while I could not use it, others could. In the case of SSM in the beginning a large group of people did not approve of government recognition, and yet because they got it (at the start from the courts). There is this thing called protecting the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Your argument that for a strong social justification needing to be majority rule is thus not connected in any way to reality. I did not say they where abstaining, I said that they are not harmed by more guild slots being provided a point you have repeatedly failed to refute.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.You keep making that claim, you have failed to back up that claim except to dismiss it when people give you a social reason and a pragmatic reason. You keep claiming your argument is logical, despite failing in every way to provide one.

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@Hornet.6357 said:I am a huge fan of guilds who kick players who do not 100% represent. The way I see it, is if a player isn't willing to put in the hard work for their guild, they aren't deserving of the benefits of that guild.

I support the same thing, but it's hard to find such guilds.

@TwiceDead.1963 said:Meanwhile, I've been guildless since 2012... Well, aside from the guild me and a friend made just between the two of us. He quit in 2013...The irony.Same here - I play as a guildless person since 2012 becouse I see absolutely no point to join any guild.

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@Neutra.6857 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time.And yet most of what we do is social arguments. What type of tax laws should we have, should we allow same sex marriage, etc. These are all social arguments. TO claim that social arguments is moot is simply a stupid thing to say.Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.Actually factually wrong, logic can and does exist without facts. Case in point: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant. Therefore Nellie is pink is absolutely a logical argument to make. The problem is the premise is wrong. The premise can be about something social and so something social can be part of a logical argument.As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.Like I said define your terms, because using my own definition of underutilized none of my guilds are underutilized since I am using them to the full extent that I can, and the guilds themselves are set up so that people actually enjoy their time playing this game. You claim to be making a logical argument, I fail to see one.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.A large part of the community does not use tonics, me included, and yet they kept asking for a tonic cabinet of some sort, and guess what, so did I because while I could not use it, others could. In the case of SSM in the beginning a large group of people did not approve of government recognition, and yet because they got it (at the start from the courts). There is this thing called protecting the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Your argument that for a strong social justification needing to be majority rule is thus not connected in any way to reality. I did not say they where abstaining, I said that they are not harmed by more guild slots being provided a point you have repeatedly failed to refute.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.You keep making that claim, you have failed to back up that claim except to dismiss it when people give you a social reason and a pragmatic reason. You keep claiming your argument is logical, despite failing in every way to provide one.

Since you want to use logic in its raw principal, I shall entertain you. I shall revisit your old replies.

@Neutra.6857 said:Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.

You claim it is a QOL, what makes you think it is a QOL. Just because there are people who wants it? There's no sound reasoning in that, it is good as saying just because a lot of people want to buy this stone, it must be a special stone.

You claim it doesn't take much resources, on what basis? Where is the evidence? Just because you say so? Do you work in IT industry? Do you realise there are testing that need to be done while new irrelevant system bugs will appear due to it thus translated to many many manpower hours for such change? Don't tell me you believe is as easy as changing the number from 5 to 10 and everything will work beautifully?

You claim it will not negatively impact people. Again, on what basis? Just because you claim it so? Didn't posts before your's already mentioned how they disliked how guilds are in gw2? Where is your logic in this claim? Others' words don't count? Their posts are just some gibberish you can ignore?

@Neutra.6857 said:Funny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalid

You claim most people would agree. Where is this most people? Who is this most people? This is just your beliefs.My belief is that people should move on and if you got some important people you really want to keep in touch with, you don't do that ingames or wait for them to return to games, you get a actual social contact to keep in touch with.

@Neutra.6857 said:Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

Effects? Positive effects? None against it? Wait, so 2nd post after the main post that says prefer 1 guilds with improve friendlists means "none aginst it". Is that your logic?

I am not gonna go through every single one, you know very well you are just using fallacies in your arguments. When I say people are against it, it is base on actual fact on this thread. Then, you claim it doesn't harm others, oh really, then why people so against it? Just because they are old fashion? Lol? Seriously, stop belittling others, not everyone will get toyed around with fallacies.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time.And yet most of what we do is social arguments. What type of tax laws should we have, should we allow same sex marriage, etc. These are all social arguments. TO claim that social arguments is moot is simply a stupid thing to say.Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.Actually factually wrong, logic can and does exist without facts. Case in point: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant. Therefore Nellie is pink is absolutely a logical argument to make. The problem is the premise is wrong. The premise can be about something social and so something social can be part of a logical argument.As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.Like I said define your terms, because using my own definition of underutilized none of my guilds are underutilized since I am using them to the full extent that I can, and the guilds themselves are set up so that people actually enjoy their time playing this game. You claim to be making a logical argument, I fail to see one.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.A large part of the community does not use tonics, me included, and yet they kept asking for a tonic cabinet of some sort, and guess what, so did I because while I could not use it, others could. In the case of SSM in the beginning a large group of people did not approve of government recognition, and yet because they got it (at the start from the courts). There is this thing called protecting the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Your argument that for a strong social justification needing to be majority rule is thus not connected in any way to reality. I did not say they where abstaining, I said that they are not harmed by more guild slots being provided a point you have repeatedly failed to refute.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.You keep making that claim, you have failed to back up that claim except to dismiss it when people give you a social reason and a pragmatic reason. You keep claiming your argument is logical, despite failing in every way to provide one.

Since you want to use logic in its raw principal, I shall entertain you. I shall revisit your old replies.

@Neutra.6857 said:Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.

You claim it is a QOL, what makes you think it is a QOL. Just because there are people who wants it? There's no sound reasoning in that, it is good as saying just because a lot of people want to buy this stone, it must be a special stone.

You claim it doesn't take much resources, on what basis? Where is the evidence? Just because you say so? Do you work in IT industry? Do you realise there are testing that need to be done while new irrelevant system bugs will appear due to it thus translated to many many manpower hours for such change? Don't tell me you believe is as easy as changing the number from 5 to 10 and everything will work beautifully?

You claim it will not negatively impact people. Again, on what basis? Just because you claim it so? Didn't posts before your's already mentioned how they disliked how guilds are in gw2? Where is your logic in this claim? Others' words don't count? Their posts are just some gibberish you can ignore?

@Neutra.6857 said:Funny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalid

You claim most people would agree. Where is this most people? Who is this most people? This is just your beliefs.My belief is that people should move on and if you got some important people you really want to keep in touch with, you don't do that ingames or wait for them to return to games, you get a actual social contact to keep in touch with.

@Neutra.6857 said:Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

Effects? Positive effects? None against it? Wait, so 2nd post after the main post that says prefer 1 guilds with improve friendlists means "none aginst it". Is that your logic?

I am not gonna go through every single one, you know very well you are just using fallacies in your arguments. When I say people are against it, it is base on actual fact on this thread. Then, you claim it doesn't harm others, oh really, then why people so against it? Just because they are old fashion? Lol? Seriously, stop belittling others, not everyone will get toyed around with fallacies.

You tell them to stop belittling others but you have been kind of doing that in your own posts.

By calling your own reasons "logic" you are implying that any opposition is "illogical" and it's a way to try and force people into agreeing with you by painting them as "illogical" if they don't. It's a very manipulative and belittling way to argue a point.

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@SkyShroud.2865 said:

@SkyShroud.2865 said:Social argument is moot, a pointless argument, everyone's belief is different, there is no point arguing about it, is childish and pure waste of time.And yet most of what we do is social arguments. What type of tax laws should we have, should we allow same sex marriage, etc. These are all social arguments. TO claim that social arguments is moot is simply a stupid thing to say.Logic on other hand, there isn't a make believe logic, there is only hard fact.Actually factually wrong, logic can and does exist without facts. Case in point: All elephants are pink, Nellie is an elephant. Therefore Nellie is pink is absolutely a logical argument to make. The problem is the premise is wrong. The premise can be about something social and so something social can be part of a logical argument.As mentioned, it is your personal decision to do certain things but that doesn't change the fact it is underutilized.Like I said define your terms, because using my own definition of underutilized none of my guilds are underutilized since I am using them to the full extent that I can, and the guilds themselves are set up so that people actually enjoy their time playing this game. You claim to be making a logical argument, I fail to see one.

Your personal decision is not equivalent to strong justification. A strong justification in social perspective is similar to great majority vote and which this case, if looking at social wise, half the people oppose the suggestion. By oppose, they do not approve of having more, is not the same as abstaining their vote. You do not have a great majority, you do not have a strong justification.A large part of the community does not use tonics, me included, and yet they kept asking for a tonic cabinet of some sort, and guess what, so did I because while I could not use it, others could. In the case of SSM in the beginning a large group of people did not approve of government recognition, and yet because they got it (at the start from the courts). There is this thing called protecting the rights of the minority from the will of the majority. Your argument that for a strong social justification needing to be majority rule is thus not connected in any way to reality. I did not say they where abstaining, I said that they are not harmed by more guild slots being provided a point you have repeatedly failed to refute.

Like I have said, the suggestion has no strong justification from either logic or social perspective.You keep making that claim, you have failed to back up that claim except to dismiss it when people give you a social reason and a pragmatic reason. You keep claiming your argument is logical, despite failing in every way to provide one.

Since you want to use logic in its raw principal, I shall entertain you. I shall revisit your old replies.

@Neutra.6857 said:Given how many here have asked for it, and the fact that it is a nice quality of life thing that should not take too manyh resources, yes. Once again it is something that many people could use, and which negatively effects you not at all.

You claim it is a QOL, what makes you think it is a QOL. Just because there are people who wants it? There's no sound reasoning in that, it is good as saying just because a lot of people want to buy this stone, it must be a special stone.Because it would make my life and others life easier, kinda like how having a tonic cabinet is QOL because it makes people's life easier, kinda obvious.You claim it doesn't take much resources, on what basis? Where is the evidence? Just because you say so? Do you work in IT industry? Do you realise there are testing that need to be done while new irrelevant system bugs will appear due to it thus translated to many many manpower hours for such change? Don't tell me you believe is as easy as changing the number from 5 to 10 and everything will work beautifully?I do not work in IT, I work in engineering specifically in controls (another area of computer programming). I realize testing needs to be done, the same thing for anything done on computers. You know that novelties tab, that required testing, and work, and yet it was done because it made people's lives easier. SO no, I don't think it is as simple as changing a number fro 5-10. Now show that the cost in work hours is actually all that high.You claim it will not negatively impact people. Again, on what basis? Just because you claim it so? Didn't posts before your's already mentioned how they disliked how guilds are in gw2? Where is your logic in this claim? Others' words don't count? Their posts are just some gibberish you can ignore?Because you have yet to provide a basis where it harms people. Tell me exactly how are you hurt if I have more guilds? They may not like how many guilds they have access to... you know what, they only have to use 1 of those slots. They don't have to actually use all the slots available. Meanwhile I and others (as mentioned in this very thread) could use additional slots because you know, it makes our life easier.

@Neutra.6857 said:Funny that inactive guild is the one that most people would agree I should be loyal to since you know it is the one that I spent the most time in before it went inactive the earliest guild I joined and the one I have the most attachment to. True I am underutilizing it in that it is mostly inactive (occasionally people will join back in and speak but not often), but it is also the guild most people would say I should be loyal to since you know, it is the one I spent the most time in for years and it is the only way I have of contacting the friends in that guild. Your point here is invalid

You claim most people would agree. Where is this most people? Who is this most people? This is just your beliefs.The people in this very thread who say you should be loyal to one guild.My belief is that people should move on and if you got some important people you really want to keep in touch with, you don't do that ingames or wait for them to return to games, you get a actual social contact to keep in touch with.And your personal feelings are irrelevant to how I wish to keep in contact with people.

@Neutra.6857 said:Meanwhile the social argument for people who do want it and the fact that we already know the social efffect of multiple guilds means there is a very strong argument for it and none against it.

Effects? Positive effects? None against it? Wait, so 2nd post after the main post that says prefer 1 guilds with improve friendlists means "none aginst it". Is that your logic?Well first an improved friendslist is not mutually exclusive with having additional guilds. Second like I said if they want to have one guild then they get to have 1 guild. They don't need to join additional guilds if they do not want to. Meanwhile with additional guild slots I get to play the game the way I want to, with being in more guilds.I am not gonna go through every single one, you know very well you are just using fallacies in your arguments. When I say people are against it, it is base on actual fact on this thread. Then, you claim it doesn't harm others, oh really, then why people so against it? Just because they are old fashion? Lol? Seriously, stop belittling others, not everyone will get toyed around with fallacies.Given that you have yet to define your terms you don't get to make any sort of claim on being logical. When I say a lot of people are for it, it is also based on fact, as given in this very thread.

Why are people so against it?No idea, since like I said they are unaffected by my being in more than 1 guild. Maybe because they are attached to traditional MMOs that only allow 1 guild. Maybe because they want to control how others play the game. There are a ton of possible reasons why, but that does not mean they are negatively affected, it just means they are sticking their nose in other people's business.

Uhuh, you do realize you have been belittling me from the start and that you have not even done the basics of making a logical argument by defining your terms. You aren't toying around with me, you are failing in every way to make an argument.

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