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When someone didn't get the damage nerf memo


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@ollbirtan.2915 said:To get these numbers DH had to make sure s/he had 25 might, you had 25 stacks of vuln, AND actually land that skill which is super telegraphed and can be avoided bu just side stepping.

It was a team fight so that was likely the case. I didn't see how many stacks of Vuln I had on me, but I did have 2.6k armor and was in Shroud when it hit me, which reduces incoming damage. Meaning it could have hit even harder had I been full zerk and not in Shroud.

As I'd said in the OP though, it's satire. I appreciate the tips but it's not something I struggle to fight, it's just absurdly high damage and I haven't been hit that hard since the big damage nerf patch.

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@ollbirtan.2915 said:To get these numbers DH had to make sure s/he had 25 might, you had 25 stacks of vuln, AND actually land that skill which is super telegraphed and can be avoided bu just side stepping.

The issue with those skills is the piercing side. an skill which does over 10k in one hit is very difficult to see when pierces. when pieces secondary targets don't see any animation or trail.I would say not to nerf the damage of the skill but remove the piercing in PvP\WvW. or make the path trail to be seen somehow like the one from the HoT snipers or such.

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That's a normal true shot. Complaints are less frequent since only few people play the spec. But it's incredibly strong in the right hands.

The high block uptime allows some very glassy builds that have still a decent survivability. A theoretical hardcounter are unblockables but since marauder grants the DH 19k health and renewed focus exists, you will still have a hard against a decent DH.

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