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Heart of Thorns announcement trailer: 791.867 viewsPath of Fire annoncement trailer: 218.905 viewsEnd of Dragons Teaser: 538.047 views

I know youtube views isn't the most reliable statistic on judging the size of the playerbase, but definately not a bad sign on the current state of the game either

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I'm excited more for End of Dragons expansion then World of Warcrafts Shadowlands expansion.

I've immersed myself in the World of Tyria through GW1 and 2 and find it to be a more interesting place.

I think a lot of folks are tired of WOW to be honest and GW2 is by far a better game and just realizing it, like I have.

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@Asturias.1064 said:I'm excited more for End of Dragons expansion then World of Warcrafts Shadowlands expansion.

I'm more excited to pay my taxes than for WoW content...

The upcoming GW2 expansion though will finally give us the full 'basic game' as it was defined in Guild Wars 1... so I am looking forward to that if only for completeness sake. If it's good, all the better.

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@Vavume.8065 said:

@Atomos.7593 said:Only one logical conclusion that could be drawn from these numbers: the game is dying. :p


That's not logical at all since the third trailer has more than double the views of the previous one.

/s = Sarcasm, and even without the /s it was obvious.

Thank you for clarifying that. Yes, based on my experience, I don't believe the game is actually dying at a rapid pace much faster than is typical for many MMOs. WvW and PvP seem neglected for a while now, but PvE is still quite active in terms of player population and development. I was just making fun of the claims that some people always seem to make about the game dying, from even the most inappropriate data.

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@Asturias.1064 said:I'm excited more for End of Dragons expansion then World of Warcrafts Shadowlands expansion.

I've immersed myself in the World of Tyria through GW1 and 2 and find it to be a more interesting place.

I think a lot of folks are tired of WOW to be honest and GW2 is by far a better game and just realizing it, like I have.

Guild Wars 2 was my WoW. You know .. The first MMO you got lost in, and the one every other MMO is compared to, like 90% of the mmo community does currently with WoW.I had played WOW before that, in fact it was my first RPG I played ever, meaning .. I had a horrible time. I had no idea on what to do. All my gaming until then was PS1 and PS2 games (and some ps3/pc games), where I didn't play any RPG's. I was just walking around ending up in an area where everything killed me, and lost patience and didin't play anymore than that. Then I played RIFT on launch. The first MMO I played for 100's of hours. Was fun, but didn't hold my interrest. Then one day I saw this youtube video of developers of Guild Wars 2 battling a giant dragon (Teq).. It was a few days before release. I MUST HAVE THIS GAME. Went out and bought it, even though I almost didn't have more money for food that month. over 4k hours in 2 years on my potato PC in lowest graphics with 10-20 fps .. WORTH IT.Sorry if i'm fanboying here. I know the game ain't perfect, I have plenty of criticism of the game myself.But I have a very special connection to this game, it helped me through some tough times in my life, where I could escape into this amazing world. I've been gaming since the 90's and this is with no doubt my favorite game of all time.

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@jokke.6239 said:Heart of Thorns announcement trailer: 791.867 viewsPath of Fire annoncement trailer: 218.905 viewsEnd of Dragons Teaser: 538.047 views

I know youtube views isn't the most reliable statistic on judging the size of the playerbase, but definately not a bad sign on the current state of the game either

It just shows how many people wanted an expansion instead of the Icebrood Saga ;)

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Are those announcement trailers the actual trailer or the 2-hour stage show which is mostly waffle and SUPER LOUD ANNOYING HOST GUY BEING LOUD and maybe a trailers worth of info scattered in between? Because that could be a factor too. No matter how much I want to know about a new game or expansion if I see they're doing a whole production about it I'll skip watching the live stream and wait for the inevitable webpage that launches right after with all the info in a much better format.

Whereas a short teaser trailer is worth watching because even if it doesn't have any useful info at least it doesn't take long to find that out.

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@choon.6308 said:

@"Atomos.7593" said:Only one logical conclusion that could be drawn from these numbers: the game is dying. :p


That's not logical at all since the third trailer has more than double the views of the previous one.

"game is dying" is (or should be) a generic meme in all MMORPG forums, even to the extent of things like

  • Game released today: "Game is dying."
  • Game released yesterday: "Game is dying."
  • Game just released a new expansion, all the servers are jam-packed with players: "Game is dying."
  • Game will release in two weeks: "Game is dead."
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To compare it properly, you also need to look at the total amount of information on the announcement.

The HoT trailer was done at the end of living world season 2. Later on a live event was done. It took some time to have the pre-order website up. HoT was released 10 months after the announcementPoF was introduced at the same time the pre-order website went up and the release announced which was less then 2 months away.

So in short, a lot less people seeked information about PoF and it was available a lot earlier, so there where much more sources of information.

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