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Sand lion Warclaw skin... i don't know what to say.

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I also got it when going for dark matter cape and first impressions: What is this face?! Grapa Lion with no tooth left?

But there are some dyes that make it work, like Abyssal Forest with Frostbite Blue glow on the neck or replace Abyssal Forest with Charred. But still... no dye can fix that face.

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@Parasite.5389 said:no wait, yes i do!

what in the actual kitten is this abomination? this is not worth 1600gems; it looks like you've taken the mesh of the sand lion mini and stretched it over the frame of the warclaw without doing anything to adjust for scaling.i would hope that someone from the art dept. takes a further look at this skin and 'fixes' it...

whats everyone else's thoughts?

That is exactly what they did, I've always thought it was an ugly ranger pet as it seems more like a statue than a living thing, same goes for the mount.

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