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What is the role of renegade


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i feel like renegade is opening new role in conquest 5v5shiro renegade, it is not really a gank class like thief or s/s herald and literally get destroyed by any condi cancerand summon renegade isnt really a side noder as it looses to a lot of side node builds can't really hold 1v2 and some times will loose to other builds in 1v1.

but these builds are super good when played in a team set up.it locks enemy down and let others land easy damage, it gives massive damage mitigation for team and has AoE stab that is super good,yet it's not really a support healer

so what it is..

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So i get that you like Sindrener a lot, i do to, and was with him from the very beginning (first 100 subscriber over 4ish years ago). But just because he popularized the term "role" with the purpose of explaining how to effectively play his class, and consequently all other classes, doesn't mean that roles are of any intentional design element of the game.

The game was originally marketed as being ROLE-LESS. Remember when Anet was big on not having a trinity? The design of Guild Wars was meant to shake this idea of predefined roles and substitute the trinity for....playing whatever you wanted and creating your own role through having a huge variety of choices in which to shape and meld your builds on your class.

Implying that a CLASS has a role in a singular game mode is actually just a very ridiculous notion, because we aren't supposed to be playing a game of classes...its a game based on builds, which should in theory have build capabilities equivalent to other builds on other classes, and the idea of roles are just a means of trying to organize sets of information that make it easier for us to find optimal strategy.

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@"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:So i get that you like Sindrener a lot, i do to, and was with him from the very beginning (first 100 subscriber over 4ish years ago). But just because he popularized the term "role" with the purpose of explaining how to effectively play his class, and consequently all other classes, doesn't mean that roles are of any intentional design element of the game.

The game was originally marketed as being ROLE-LESS. Remember when Anet was big on not having a trinity? The design of Guild Wars was meant to shake this idea of predefined roles and substitute the trinity for....playing whatever you wanted through having a huge variety of choices in which to shape and meld your builds on your class.

Implying that a CLASS has a role in a singular game mode is actually just a very ridiculous notion, because we aren't supposed to be playing a game of classes...its a game based on builds, which should in theory have build capabilities equivalent to other builds on other classes, and the idea of roles are just a means of trying to organize sets of information that make it easier for us to find optimal strategy.

speaking like a true hipster gold player who would say "metabattle builds are bad, my build is better" and a true one trickthere have been roles in pvp since 2012. you build for your role that's the point.if everybody just run cheesy braindead 1v1 builds that self sustain instead of looking at bigger picture, pvp will forever be children level and will never be fun.and sorry, i don't look at classes, i just look at builds and i play builds, i don't play classes.

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@"felix.2386" said:speaking like a true hipster gold player who would say "metabattle builds are bad, my build is better" and a true one trickthere have been roles in pvp since 2012. you build for your role that's the point.if everybody just run cheesy braindead 1v1 builds that self sustain instead of looking at bigger picture, pvp will forever be children level and will never be fun.and sorry, i don't look at classes, i just look at builds and i play builds, i don't play classes.

I mean, this comment lacks any sort of substance that's it's difficult to even respond to.

there have been roles in pvp since 2012. you build for your role that's the point.

You've got it all backwards. There are no predefined roles, Your build DEFINES the role you play. Anet made this clear when they first put out the game (Their No trinity stance). That's why most classes can play builds that fulfil a multitude of roles... An Ele can play as Healer, Can play as a 1v1 sidenoder... can play as teamfighter like Deadeye...

Just because thief diversity is so bad that they only have 1 build that is actually useful to any extent doesn't mean the game is designed around a class fulfilling a single duty.

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only "roles" i can think of are side noder, Support, and Roamer.

That's all the roles you need to know /care about.

Back on topic the role of any class is literally determined by the build they are playing on...... It's either Team Spec for fights , Roaming or Side noding. That's all depended on what the hell they plan on running or using. In most cases it's Team fighting or Side noding.

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