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Do you use Harbinger Shroud (Herald of Sorrow trait)?


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I have a "yolo" Condition build I use for roaming in WvW that takes Harbinger Shroud. I say yolo in quotations because it's Trailblazer with Death Magic, but I'm not using Soul Reaping and have very few Corrupts or Barriers, so it has poor Life Force gen and poor Shroud uptime, but a ton of damage. I like Harbinger because it's a larger Barrier and applies more Torment, and the idea of this build is to be as overwhelming as possible.

I think it's a good trait and I enjoy it, though I don't play Scourge much and don't enjoy Punishments anyway.

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@"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I think the trait is pretty cool. I am not a Necro player, however I really love playing support Scourge. The biggest thing in my eyes that makes the trait less appealing is that it competes with Desert Empowerment, which feels a little bad if sharing barrier is your goal.

At least the end Barrier has a way better 2.0 coefficient compared to Desert's 0.77.

And I think the draw to Harbinger is the fact yu don't have to bother using F1s at all unless it's to safely range yur other shade skills.For encounters where yu want yur group to stack, yu just don't bother using F1 and can focus yur attention on other things.

It's definitely more selfish than a Desert Empowerment build, and better suits situations where yu just throw out a huge Barrier to absorb a single large burst rather than bother with uptime.

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It just feels pointless. I haven't looked at it in a while, but last I checked you get more barrier uptime by taking Dessert Empowerment. I guess you get more damage since instead of applying 1 stack of torment every pulse for 7 pulses, you get a burst of 6 stacks of torment. Outside of that though, I just don't see the point. I mean sure, it also reduces the LF cost of your F5, but LF has never been an issue for me. And it is too easy to avoid in PvP.

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