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Mesmer Update Notes - December 1, 2020


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Well yeah, people _are _asking for power Chrono nerfs. I can see that CS is very powerful, but what they needed to do to compensate Mesmer if they took that crutch away... oh my god! And even with it Mesmer isn't competitive. It is and always was a noob stomper.

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@Yoci.2481 said:Well yeah, people _are _asking for power Chrono nerfs. I can see that CS is very powerful, but what they needed to do to compensate Mesmer if they took that crutch away... oh my god! And even with it Mesmer isn't competitive. It is and always was a noob stomper.

Noob stompers no matter how bad they are vs competent players will always get nerfed sadly. At least in this game.

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Yeah, and i'm thankful for not being nerfed for once.Go see other threads whining about their nerfs.So much salt.And i'm maining my mesmer like - hurts doesn't it huh?But when mesmers get nerfed then we deserve it, yet when others get nerfed, it's a kittenstorm and it's so unfair...And still none of them got the worst nerf, or even half as bad as mesmers, yet threads like "tempest dead", "warrior unusable" and such are popping all over.Live with it other classes! Now you know what it feels like, freaking 1 dodge mirage nerf...

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