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Winter's Presence as Infusion


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@"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:Judging by how they rated the cost of making the frost infusion since it can be crafted, we know the devs are out of touch in what an infusion should be valued and how hard it should be to make them. I fear that if they did let us convert the unlocks into infusions it would be detrimental.

Yea agree, but as OP says maybe "infusion" was the wrong choice, but I fully support otherwise what OP is saying >>>

Perhaps requesting Winter's Presence as an infusion was not the best way to word this thread. I would just like the option to display the aura AND still have shoulder armor.I worked on Winter's Presence over the course of several years but still sunk a bit of gold into it. FWIW, I decided to stick with the scarf instead of the aura in the end. Kind of disappointing.

I'm not personally bothered whether its an infusion or in an "aurora wardrobe" anything at all imo that lets you do the following:

Simultaneously have a Shoulder Skin of your choice + have the Snowflake Aurora effect ( Not one or the other ). Exact same for Nightfury

Currently with the system we have: You sacrifice having a visible shoulder skin for having the Aurora effect of Winter's Prescence or Nightfury OR you sacrifice the Aurora effect over the shoulder skin. It's a bit flawed if you ask me. Some races like Charr look down right hideous without some big, bold shoulder skin.

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@Linken.6345 said:

@"Super Hayes.6890" said:For the cost involved in getting it now it should be an infusion ?

I know right? It costs way too much to make. Would be nice if they could just release a festive skin that all players can make, not just barons.Oh well...

Alittle under 700g gold is not tp baron levels of cost. That about the cost of a premium mount skins with golds to gem.

Yeah, but 700g for a shoulder skin that's only snowflakes and no actual shoulder armor lool (the characters shoulders are blank if you use the skin), is a bit too much. And idk, maybe 700g isn't baron level, but i don't know who would spend 700g on a shoulder armor skin. If this was an infusion, then yeah, but shoulder armor skin... A bit much for most people.

Check the invisible boots price.

I did, but that's different. That's a dropped item, you either get it and get rich or you don't.This skin is a craftable item.And a shoulder armor at that which means my shoulders will be naked if i use it which is kinda meh...

Oh well, i'm not getting it, whoever wants can deal with the gold cost. Makes no difference to me.

Both cost alot both turn armor invisible so why do it matter if its dropped or crafted?

One is luck based, the other is material based.Lower drop rates of course cost a lot.But material needs can be set by Anet to be less.But then again, they can change the drop rates.

I don't know, i don't really have an argument for this, it's just my opinion that such a skin should maybe cost less, especially for a festive skin.Personally i think the invisible boots should "cost less" but since they are pure luck to get, it is what it is.

In the end - it is what it is, me not agreeing with the price isn't going ot change anything, people who have the money for it will get it if they like it, and that's about it. I wouldn't get it though, even if i have the money, it kinda bums me out that the shoulder skins on the armor are missing for that effect... Oh well...


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I would prefer something more account bound. I have both Nightfury and Winters Presence and having them lock up the shoulder item is pretty weak when they basically are just a aura.

I don't really agree with having it a infusion because it would limit its effect to who ever has it equipped. At least right now you can use it on all of your characters.

I think its time for a new tab in the hero panel "Effects" that stores your unlocked auras, infusion skin colors, and foot falls. A system that will let you choose what you want to display and hide. Allowing for more customization without having to swap things around. They would of course have to have a way to account bind infusions to be able to add it to your wardrobe so there wouldn't be people just trading infusions to get unlocks.

People currently like to stack these type of items for increased effects. I don't think people would be to happy if a system like I just described didn't have that feature along with setting which effects load first to last.

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@SaltAndLight.4652 said:It would be really excellent to be able to use the Shoulder Scarf skin AND Winter's Presence at the same time. However, since they are both shoulder skins, that is not possible.

It would be nice to see Winter's Presence available as an infusion.

Thank you!

@Super Hayes.6890 said:For the cost involved in getting it now it should be an infusion ?


It took me a good few years to finally get the skin.. and I've never used it on any characters because of the no shoulders thing.

It absolutely should be an infusion now.

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@Super Hayes.6890 said:Less expensive, not cheap. But thanks for your perspective. It makes me feel better that I still can't afford it...

I would honestly glady gift you mine free of charge if i could !!!! Since I haven't used it after 1 hour of crafting it, I've so many decent shoulder skins that I lose at the expense of the aurora and for me the skins heavily outweigh no shoulder skin + a few snowflakes by 100%. Save your gold for something better !

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@"Excursion.9752" said:I would prefer something more account bound. I have both Nightfury and Winters Presence and having them lock up the shoulder item is pretty weak when they basically are just a aura.

I don't really agree with having it a infusion because it would limit its effect to who ever has it equipped. At least right now you can use it on all of your characters.

I think its time for a new tab in the hero panel "Effects" that stores your unlocked auras, infusion skin colors, and foot falls. A system that will let you choose what you want to display and hide. Allowing for more customization without having to swap things around. They would of course have to have a way to account bind infusions to be able to add it to your wardrobe so there wouldn't be people just trading infusions to get unlocks.

People currently like to stack these type of items for increased effects. I don't think people would be to happy if a system like I just described didn't have that feature along with setting which effects load first to last.

I agree with this - a new tab in the Hero panel for all these effects (auras, footfalls...) that get unlocked for any account bound items, whether infusions, armour, weapons, etc...

For unbound items (many of the infusions) it's a bit difficult - ideally would be great if there was a way to have temporary unlock in this "effects" tab, that gets removed as soon as you no longer have the item (eg if selling it). But if that's not possible, maybe they could just continue to exist separately, or as you say have the option to account bind the item in order to unlock the effect.

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@Greg.7086 said:

@Super Hayes.6890 said:Less expensive, not cheap. But thanks for your perspective. It makes me feel better that I still can't afford it...

I would honestly glady gift you mine free of charge if i could !!!! Since I haven't used it after 1 hour of crafting it, I've so many decent shoulder skins that I lose at the expense of the aurora and for me the skins heavily outweigh no shoulder skin + a few snowflakes by 100%. Save your gold for something better !

Very kind. I want it for a winter themed character that doesn't need shoulder armor for the look. Some of these cosmetics in this game are really expensive. I feel like titles should be the grindy content not looks.

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