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Defensive PvP builds


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Was hoping to get some advice in putting together a build specialized in survival. From what I have seen, the elixir/grenade holosmith and shatter chronomancer are the two biggest threats atm. I would be focusing on them for any theory crafting. I'm trying to draw out my pvp to be more like a brawl then its current cowboy shoot-em-fast that it seems to always be.

Any builds and/or classes people would suggest would be appreciated. I would ask to avoid invulnerability solutions though since they tend to have very long cooldowns which make them impractical in the course of an entire match..

PS. Short fights kinda suck for people new to pvp. The lack of longer engagements stunts the growth of their competitive minds. People learn in an engagement once they have a choice, as it is those choices that develop their ability to respond to and recognize a threat. In the current model, they fight and die almost immediately and that simply repeats the lesson of first strike, which is useless without the knowledge of how a fight will evolve, and nothing else. I'm hoping that if I do manage to create what I'm intending, that I can give it to others as a way to help them learn how to better pvp. Being able to get more of my friends involved with pvp would be a great thing.

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https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Ranger_-_Core_BunkerTanky build that focuses on surviving by its self. It has options for lots of condi clear or damage mitigation and on top of that lots of mobility skills for kiting, dodging or even for combo effects that can give stealth for further disengage.That said the standard version is very tanky, but if you adjust it to marksmanship you can also have good damage and pet swap gives you an extra combo effect for still fast survival. If you choose to play demo or valk amulet too it becomes a spec with enough mobility and damage to just go around the map and win w.e 1v1 or skirmish that you want to.

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There are plenty of side node builds like the ones above listed. You will find them on sites like metabattles. Finding a custom lobby and dueling with that group of friends is a great way to do what you want to do. The main thing is understanding what other classes do and getting used to fighting them, you'll eventually learn on what you want to dodge/use cleanses/stunbreaks/damage negation for. Usually those people dying are dying because of bad positioning and not reacting to incoming damage in time. Good luck.

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@Endorphin.9147 said:There are plenty of side node builds like the ones above listed. You will find them on sites like metabattles. Finding a custom lobby and dueling with that group of friends is a great way to do what you want to do. The main thing is understanding what other classes do and getting used to fighting them, you'll eventually learn on what you want to dodge/use cleanses/stunbreaks/damage negation for. Usually those people dying are dying because of bad positioning and not reacting to incoming damage in time. Good luck.

I don't think that's reasonably feasible. It would be fun to do once in awhile but its hard to pull together 10 of the right people without compensating them for their time with loot. Someone is always loosing in that scenario and it builds the wrong platform for cooperation in my mind. The trainee is eager to stop being a burden on the 9 mentor's time and the mentor's are volunteering their time on their own dime. The fastest way out of being a burden in that situation is to not pvp, learn nothing, and go back to pve with everyone where you all get rewards. You've really got to like the person to do something like that and then how much of your time are you going to dedicate to such operations? Friendships have limits and you've got to respect the fact that everyone wants to have fun with it not being at the cost of other people's fun.

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@Jennifer.6432 Maybe I worded it wrong. You don't have to pull together 10 people just to do a couple 1vs1's and experiment with different classes and learn general game mechanics. There are plenty of custom dueling servers that people have made where you can just join with a friend and fight each other. You can also spectate people who are currently dueling in them too to see how they play.

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i like your mindset about longer fights equals more chances to grow. pvp used to be a lot slower and more tactical than it is nowadays. my teammates and i used to practice for hours in our arena, figuring out all the little nuances of a specific matchup.

now as for possible builds you could play:

i'm not aware of what can beat holo in a 1v1 currently. i used to play core valk ranger a couple of seasons ago and it was holding up well enough against it.

as for chrono, no idea, i haven't seen many chronos at all lately and even if there were any i had no idea what they were playing. if it's power, dodge shatter and get out of elite well. condi chrono basically the same.

you could play core ranger, scrapper, condi herald, renegade (idk if it's still good) or holo. if you're more into annoying people while surviving i suggest decap druid.

you can look up meta builds on godsofpvp and random builds on metabattle.

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@Endorphin.9147 said:If you are purely doing it for the rewards then just copy a side node build and hope for the best in ranked. Getting good at something requires mindset, time and experience.

Actually while I know you have good intentions I would recommend- for the case you are talking about- doing ranked(great gold rewards btw) with one of these build and! Looking up guides such as on valluns YouTube and/or (even better btw) doing the qs with a person who is experienced and can not only give tips as to rotations, but tell you answers to questions about other classes and what the team(and the player themselves) could’ve done better!

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@Jekkt.6045 said:i like your mindset about longer fights equals more chances to grow. pvp used to be a lot slower and more tactical than it is nowadays. my teammates and i used to practice for hours in our arena, figuring out all the little nuances of a specific matchup.

now as for possible builds you could play:

i'm not aware of what can beat holo in a 1v1 currently. i used to play core valk ranger a couple of seasons ago and it was holding up well enough against it.

as for chrono, no idea, i haven't seen many chronos at all lately and even if there were any i had no idea what they were playing. if it's power, dodge shatter and get out of elite well. condi chrono basically the same.

you could play core ranger, scrapper, condi herald, renegade (idk if it's still good) or holo. if you're more into annoying people while surviving i suggest decap druid.

you can look up meta builds on godsofpvp and random builds on metabattle.

Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

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@Dantheman.3589 said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

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@bhaldor.9837 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

As you wantnto side node and be tanky lb gs i think are the better choices you can constantly push the enemy out of the node with your lb and gs 4 and you'll eventually cap it.

Gs is like a must have cuz the leap gives you a lot of mobility, then axe/x cuz sword leaps will eventually give your enemy the node.

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@bhaldor.9837 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

axe/dagger + gs was the build i used to run. as it's a valk build you work with intel sigil and opening strike to make your damage skills like axe 3 or gs 2 crit. stunning an enemy, getting fury or swapping pets will grant you opening strike, making your next hit crit. with rune of the daredevil dodge too.

build looked something like this http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwAEdjlFw8YdsQGKOePpr1SmWYA-zZAPkGVAZKD6VI4yB

you can switch to resistance runes and entangle if you feel like you need more cleanse.

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@Jennifer.6432 said:Was hoping to get some advice in putting together a build specialized in survival. From what I have seen, the elixir/grenade holosmith and shatter chronomancer are the two biggest threats atm. I would be focusing on them for any theory crafting. I'm trying to draw out my pvp to be more like a brawl then its current cowboy shoot-em-fast that it seems to always be.

Any builds and/or classes people would suggest would be appreciated. I would ask to avoid invulnerability solutions though since they tend to have very long cooldowns which make them impractical in the course of an entire match..

PS. Short fights kinda suck for people new to pvp. The lack of longer engagements stunts the growth of their competitive minds. People learn in an engagement once they have a choice, as it is those choices that develop their ability to respond to and recognize a threat. In the current model, they fight and die almost immediately and that simply repeats the lesson of first strike, which is useless without the knowledge of how a fight will evolve, and nothing else. I'm hoping that if I do manage to create what I'm intending, that I can give it to others as a way to help them learn how to better pvp. Being able to get more of my friends involved with pvp would be a great thing.

You will never tank a power chrono burst no matter the build you play, even a 100% shroud necromancer would go down if hit by that. You just need to learn when to dodge, or apply some blindness at the right moment. Not really that hard since everything they do is so telegraphed.

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@Jekkt.6045 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

axe/dagger + gs was the build i used to run. as it's a valk build you work with intel sigil and opening strike to make your damage skills like axe 3 or gs 2 crit. stunning an enemy, getting fury or swapping pets will grant you opening strike, making your next hit crit. with rune of the daredevil dodge too.

build looked something like this

you can switch to resistance runes and entangle if you feel like you need more cleanse.

Sorry...there is literally no build in game that can withstand a pro shatter chrono/mirage, it's very very rare to find pro shatters...when you do find that unfortunate match up...not even your most tanky build will save you, your only chance it to outplay the mesmer player. Yes you can cover for a while using an extreme bunker build....but you will still go down in the end

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

axe/dagger + gs was the build i used to run. as it's a valk build you work with intel sigil and opening strike to make your damage skills like axe 3 or gs 2 crit. stunning an enemy, getting fury or swapping pets will grant you opening strike, making your next hit crit. with rune of the daredevil dodge too.

build looked something like this

you can switch to resistance runes and entangle if you feel like you need more cleanse.

Sorry...there is literally no build in game that can withstand a pro shatter chrono/mirage, it's very very rare to find pro shatters...when you do find that unfortunate match up...not even your most tanky build will save you, your only chance it
to outplay
the mesmer player. Yes you can cover for a while using an extreme bunker build....but you will still go down in the end

must be NA thing, I think I saw 1 power mesmer this season and im 50 games in

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@"Jennifer.6432" said:Was hoping to get some advice in putting together a build specialized in survival. From what I have seen, the elixir/grenade holosmith and shatter chronomancer are the two biggest threats atm. I would be focusing on them for any theory crafting. I'm trying to draw out my pvp to be more like a brawl then its current cowboy shoot-em-fast that it seems to always be.

Any builds and/or classes people would suggest would be appreciated. I would ask to avoid invulnerability solutions though since they tend to have very long cooldowns which make them impractical in the course of an entire match..

PS. Short fights kinda suck for people new to pvp. The lack of longer engagements stunts the growth of their competitive minds. People learn in an engagement once they have a choice, as it is those choices that develop their ability to respond to and recognize a threat. In the current model, they fight and die almost immediately and that simply repeats the lesson of first strike, which is useless without the knowledge of how a fight will evolve, and nothing else. I'm hoping that if I do manage to create what I'm intending, that I can give it to others as a way to help them learn how to better pvp. Being able to get more of my friends involved with pvp would be a great thing.

1 - These days after years worth of change, your skill level is the main currency for survival2- Anything with a mender amulet can be considered "good at surviving"

As long as you know the class and the one you're up against ......and equip a mender amulet, you will survive pretty handely, with that said you should familiarize yourself with the limits of your spec/class.

For example , people here are suggesting you to play core ranger but....the truth is that experienced ranger players survive by staying at range most of the fight, failure to do so will result in a faster death compared to say an engi specialized by contrast in melee range; condi clear and stability are not the greatest strengths of ranger, you won't survive more than a couple of condi burst at best.

My advice is to learn your class of choice and become a master of kiting/dodging...best way to survive

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

axe/dagger + gs was the build i used to run. as it's a valk build you work with intel sigil and opening strike to make your damage skills like axe 3 or gs 2 crit. stunning an enemy, getting fury or swapping pets will grant you opening strike, making your next hit crit. with rune of the daredevil dodge too.

build looked something like this

you can switch to resistance runes and entangle if you feel like you need more cleanse.

Sorry...there is literally no build in game that can withstand a pro shatter chrono/mirage, it's very very rare to find pro shatters...when you do find that unfortunate match up...not even your most tanky build will save you, your only chance it
to outplay
the mesmer player. Yes you can cover for a while using an extreme bunker build....but you will still go down in the end

must be NA thing, I think I saw 1 power mesmer this season and im 50 games in

EU here, faced : core shatter ( squishiest and easiest to outplay but bigger stealth uptime ) , chrono ( mostly hybrid shatter , can a be a pain ) and finally mirage ( GS-sword/torch and IH) the most troublesome one. It's not the build...it's the player beyond that makes those shatters a nightmarish experience, nothing that I tried work on 3 different professions so I just run the opposite direction and avoid the fight, which in itself it's not easy to do as all of them use "blink" , with two having sword teleport too.

The OP won't find a build that will simply tank to exaustion that level of dmg, unless he outplay the mesmer player...he will lose regardless of what he plays

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"Dantheman.3589" said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

axe/dagger + gs was the build i used to run. as it's a valk build you work with intel sigil and opening strike to make your damage skills like axe 3 or gs 2 crit. stunning an enemy, getting fury or swapping pets will grant you opening strike, making your next hit crit. with rune of the daredevil dodge too.

build looked something like this

you can switch to resistance runes and entangle if you feel like you need more cleanse.

Sorry...there is literally no build in game that can withstand a pro shatter chrono/mirage, it's very very rare to find pro shatters...when you do find that unfortunate match up...not even your most tanky build will save you, your only chance it
to outplay
the mesmer player. Yes you can cover for a while using an extreme bunker build....but you will still go down in the end

must be NA thing, I think I saw 1 power mesmer this season and im 50 games in

EU here, faced : core shatter ( squishiest and easiest to outplay but bigger stealth uptime ) , chrono ( mostly hybrid shatter , can a be a pain ) and finally mirage ( GS-sword/torch and IH) the most troublesome one. It's not the build...it's the player beyond that makes those shatters a nightmarish experience, nothing that I tried work on 3 different professions so I just run the opposite direction and avoid the fight, which in itself it's not easy to do as all of them use "blink" , with two having sword teleport too.

The OP won't find a build that will simply tank to exaustion that level of dmg, unless he outplay the mesmer player...he will lose regardless of what he plays

those builds exept core have 0 cleanse, so all you have to do is hit them with any condition and they insta die, cthief would make them unable to leave the spawn if he wanted to, 3->F1 and then disengage, and all they can do is 0clone disort for 1s of invul and lose 90% hp or die, those builds do well when they are not under pressure, and colapse when under pressure, there is loads of shitty interractions like GS not working in melee range due to gs2/gs5 missing, gs1 dealing 0 damage.Playing properly works both ways.

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@bhaldor.9837 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

Well I’ll just give you my opinion, btw I made the metabattle build for it, Greatsword is a must basically though axe mainhand can be played to a similar effect and that’s single target burst damage. The other hand can be longbow, axe/dagger, axe/axe and sword/dagger( or axe or even warhorn). Long story short I used to play GS and axe as it seems simple 1 burst weapon for melee and 1 for range, but after countless test in the new meta I found mainhand sword to be better namely for mobility and offhand dagger gives similar ranger pressure to axe.At this point I would play Gs and sword/dagger and if I ever want a ranged option I’m more likely to play longbow to help decap etc. only about 5% of my matches now are with axe, because what it does good into is rare.

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@Khalisto.5780 said:

@Dantheman.3589 said:Valk ranger even at the literal peak of holo before the nerfs was a fairly equal match up, assuming both are at the top of pvp level. Some ppl didn’t notice this as both specs under pressure should be kiting a lot whenever under pressure as both specs have insane resustain. Considering that ranger is now a huge winning match up into holo(still talking about valk ranger btw) and is relatively better power level wise since both builds are basically roamer/duelist. The only reason holo saw play at all in the first place is because a lot of its damage was aoe. Holo actually for awhile was falsely passed off by organizations like ‘godsofpvp’ as a team fight build, which is an incredible misnomer. It can team fight for extended periods becuz it has aoe damage meanwhile a valk ranger is better suited to rotating to a team fight and downing 1 target and then rotating to go duel, as both builds were intended.

what weapon set do you think best for the valk ranger? its a tough choice i find

As you wantnto side node and be tanky lb gs i think are the better choices you can constantly push the enemy out of the node with your lb and gs 4 and you'll eventually cap it.

Gs is like a must have cuz the leap gives you a lot of mobility, then axe/x cuz sword leaps will eventually give your enemy the node.

Valk is more of a dps/ tank hybrid and as such your mostly gonna aim for kills. I’ve never seen sword leap giving a decap as it can target as player, that said it’s retarget opinion is alittle bad

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Atm, a Berserker sword shield + sword shield is serving me well. Its a lot of cleanse, condition reduction, high in health, and can stun to close distance and stop big attacks.

It is making the fights last longer, and it takes the pressure off my team mates since I can tank 2-3 players for minutes without dying. That lack of pressure means they can keep attacking without as much fear of dying and that makes them a lot more effective. I get a lot more out of my teammates when I'm the one dealing with a lot of the incoming damage. And as a bonus, you seem to only need to get a couple of bleeds and burns to kill a player.

The main drawback of this build is targeting. Since I'm constantly fighting multiple players, I tend to hit the wrong target with all the clutter. Its especially bad with the burst skill that is pretty nice but long. I switch targets fast to keep players from getting momentum and the burst skill tends to activate on my last target instead of the player I'm targeting now. Really makes me feel the limits of tab targeting and action camera combat when skills activate on the wrong players.

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