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Question regarding Labyrinth etiquette


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@Zaltys.7649 said:Telling non-squadies to leave the map? Yeah, that's not okay. It's not his private instance; and some players were probably there before he arrived.

I would've left such squad in an instant, then stuck around to do my own thing.

I would have tagged up, formed a mutany and executed a coup. Kick him to curb and show him what a shit commander he is.

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I sometimes command the lab. I asked for two things, please let me open doors, and when we are fighting a boss, if full dead please wp. Both of those are pretty common. The first means that the commander can make sure most of the zerg is there and that only 1 door is opened at a time. The second makes fighting the boss easier. I honestly don't care if you actually join my squad.

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@icequeen.5192 said:I entered a random labyrinth map and I immediately received a request from a commander to join his squad. The squad message when I joined seemed already a bit unwelcoming as it read "DON'T RES PPL IF NOT ARE ON SQUAD" so it threw me off a bit. After joining, the commander said we were going to kill the Liche and again

Commander, a word...

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@Henry.5713 said:Haven't done a single Lab since Halloween 2012. Now I feel like I really missed out. Nothing more fun than watching people take themselves entirely too seriously.

Oh, you certainly see that there. Nothing like watching another commander ragequit because his squad did the lab 'wrong'. :) Interestingly, I see commanders act like that more there than anywhere else.

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@Menadena.7482 said:

@Henry.5713 said:Haven't done a single Lab since Halloween 2012. Now I feel like I really missed out. Nothing more fun than watching people take themselves entirely too seriously.

Oh, you certainly see that there. Nothing like watching another commander ragequit because his squad did the lab 'wrong'. :) Interestingly, I see commanders act like that more there than anywhere else.

If I had to to take a guess, the causes would likely be: Lab farm has been around for years so it might seem like (to some) that every one should know and everyone should do it "right", it's easy (leading to more of the same), and the biggest reason to do it is bags, bags, bags that, for a long time player are best sold and forgotten. That being said, I've seen far more good lab commanders than ragey ones and I thank each and every one of you!

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@icequeen.5192 said:Hello!Today I found myself in an odd situation in the Mad King's Labyrinth and I am unsure if this is the current etiquette for this map or simply a commander on a power trip, and I'd prefer to clarify before I continue joining maps in the next days so I don't bother anyone.

I entered a random labyrinth map and I immediately received a request from a commander to join his squad. The squad message when I joined seemed already a bit unwelcoming as it read "DON'T RES PPL IF NOT ARE ON SQUAD" so it threw me off a bit. After joining, the commander said we were going to kill the Liche and again mentioned that who's not in doesn't get res.I decided to leave the squad as I didn't feel like going to kill the Liche again today and shortly after I did, the commander said in the map chat "no squad = no ress, come in or go other map".

My question is, is this normal/current etiquette? Do we have to join any commander in the labyrinth map and follow around and hence if we want to go around on our own have to switch map to find one without a commander? Rationally I would think not, but I am aware there are certain rules/etiquette for events with large groups of people and I would prefer to make sure what is the right way to proceed.

Thanks in advance!

No that's not normal. Its actually better etiquette for a tag to rez non-squad people as well to try and encourage them to join so that players can more easily see others that need a hand back up. Say that and have run squads there. Not supporting that tag was a good call in my book. Its better to have people focused and moving together but that's taking it too far. Now flip side there isn't any reason not to prioritize people in squad first since they are easier to see.

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@MMAI.5892 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Henry.5713 said:Haven't done a single Lab since Halloween 2012. Now I feel like I really missed out. Nothing more fun than watching people take themselves entirely too seriously.

Oh, you certainly see that there. Nothing like watching another commander ragequit because his squad did the lab 'wrong'. :) Interestingly, I see commanders act like that more there than anywhere else.

If I had to to take a guess, the causes would likely be: Lab farm has been around for years so it might
like (to some) that every one should know and everyone should do it "right", it's easy (leading to more of the same), and the biggest reason to do it is bags, bags, bags that, for a long time player are best sold and forgotten. That being said, I've seen far more good lab commanders than ragey ones and I thank each and every one of you!

True, of course you have people joining all the time. Even though most of us have ran the lab before there are always a good percentage of people who joined since the last one so everything is new to them. I think I missed it in 2014 actually as I was new to the game then and still exploring things.

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@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:

@Menadena.7482 said:

@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:All this talk of changing maps brings up a point that's bugged me for some time. What are the options for changing maps? I've been getting out of the mad king's realm and coming back in. That seems to change the map, but is that the best/only way to do it?And why isn't there some way to change maps easily - like a "Change Map" button in the Options or something? (Or is there?)

You can join a squad on another map in lfg and there will be an option to change to their map when you rt click on the user list for the squad.

True, there is that, but it's such a clumsy way to do it. And not great at getting away from organised squad maps. I still think a random map change button would be nice.

It's worse than clumsy, but there are other threads discussing squads in full maps, and how they should be aged out of the LFG window.

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I didn't want to start a new thread because it is technically same subject.There is a "new" problem in the lab this year and that is the race.I joined the lab to do my daily opening of doors, there is a door ready to open next to me, yet the commander and the group is moving towards the center to start racing.I open the door (I couldn't care less for the race) and get messages by racers passing by ("why did you open the door?") and so on.Honestly I could care less about the commander and his racing people. I joined the lab to finish my quick daily opening of doors and I don't feel in any way obligated to wait for the blob to finish their happy race to continue opening my doors.

So yeah what does anyone else think about the race and doors?

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@maddoctor.2738 said:I didn't want to start a new thread because it is technically same subject.There is a "new" problem in the lab this year and that is the race.I joined the lab to do my daily opening of doors, there is a door ready to open next to me, yet the commander and the group is moving towards the center to start racing.I open the door (I couldn't care less for the race) and get messages by racers passing by ("why did you open the door?") and so on.Honestly I could care less about the commander and his racing people. I joined the lab to finish my quick daily opening of doors and I don't feel in any way obligated to wait for the blob to finish their happy race to continue opening my doors.

So yeah what does anyone else think about the race and doors?

While you have every right to open a door in any instance you are in, it might be a question of consideration. The race just lasts for a few minutes. And it would have been considerate to wait for the commander and his squad to finish the race and do the doors with them.

Personally, if I could not have waited, I would have switched instances and not upset or made the people you were in upset.

Again, you absolutely had the right to open the door. Whether it was the right thing to do or not is in question.

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@maddoctor.2738 said:I didn't want to start a new thread because it is technically same subject.There is a "new" problem in the lab this year and that is the race.I joined the lab to do my daily opening of doors, there is a door ready to open next to me, yet the commander and the group is moving towards the center to start racing.I open the door (I couldn't care less for the race) and get messages by racers passing by ("why did you open the door?") and so on.Honestly I could care less about the commander and his racing people. I joined the lab to finish my quick daily opening of doors and I don't feel in any way obligated to wait for the blob to finish their happy race to continue opening my doors.

So yeah what does anyone else think about the race and doors?

If they are not playing trick or treat, opening doors, then they have no justification for complaint if you do.

I think that it is reasonable to try to accommodate a commanded squad because actively working against the enjoyment of a large number of players is just not cool. But its not reasonable for others to expect you to not play the content that they are currently ignoring because they might want to get around to it some time later.

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I don't prefer to lead, but I find that I am often required to do so. When I lead, I prefer people to join my squad mostly so that I can monitor the group's location on my mini map. This allows me to hold the group up so that the slackers can rejoin us at a door before we start hitting the piñatas. I don't force people to join, and other than sending the initial invite to those who are not in the squad when I see them I don't mention joining.

Ultimately, it is better for everyone if there is a commander and if everyone goes along with them. When you have people doing their own thing on a map with a commander, they are just robbing everyone (themselves included) of loot. If a commander is being unreasonable, it is in your own best interest to find a map with a better commander rather than striking out on your own on the same map.

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"Let the commander open doors" is a reasonable squad rule. "Don't rez anyone who isn't in the squad" is not.

Conversely: "Stay in the map and continue fighting mobs by yourself if you feel like it" is a reasonable reaction to a bad commander. "Do things just to spite the commander, regardless of how it affects the other people in his squad, because he doesn't own the map" is not.

Of course no player owns any map. Organising a squad is, generally speaking, a courtesy commanders perform-- most people have more fun in a group where everyone runs together and shares rewards (although there's nothing wrong with preferring to solo either!). And most commanders have those rules in place which will maximise everyone's fun and rewards.

And yes, I've had my share of bad commanders. But for the most part commanders are just like anyone else who wants to play the game and have fun. And the nice thing about there being so many instances is that there's always another one to jump to if you aren't having a good time.

I can't speak for you all but I prefer not to spend my limited game time wallowing in spitefulness.

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@icequeen.5192 said:Hello!Today I found myself in an odd situation in the Mad King's Labyrinth and I am unsure if this is the current etiquette for this map or simply a commander on a power trip, and I'd prefer to clarify before I continue joining maps in the next days so I don't bother anyone.

I entered a random labyrinth map and I immediately received a request from a commander to join his squad. The squad message when I joined seemed already a bit unwelcoming as it read "DON'T RES PPL IF NOT ARE ON SQUAD" so it threw me off a bit. After joining, the commander said we were going to kill the Liche and again mentioned that who's not in doesn't get res.I decided to leave the squad as I didn't feel like going to kill the Liche again today and shortly after I did, the commander said in the map chat "no squad = no ress, come in or go other map".

My question is, is this normal/current etiquette? Do we have to join any commander in the labyrinth map and follow around and hence if we want to go around on our own have to switch map to find one without a commander? Rationally I would think not, but I am aware there are certain rules/etiquette for events with large groups of people and I would prefer to make sure what is the right way to proceed.

Thanks in advance!

Just do what you want. If its a respectable, friendly commander, follow if you want. If its an unfriendly commander, just ignore him. So many times, players tagging up a commander tag, and doing no respectable commanding work whatever. It all depends on the player behind the tag.

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:There should be no ruleset. Just play the way you like. Some players are way too picky. "No mounts" "Don't open doors" "Skip bosses".

I just use LFG to find a free-for-all group that does all leggies. No stress, most fun and you will get some achievements along the way.

Having said that: when you decide to join a commander of a special-purpose group, you should follow his/her instrucrions or leave rhe squad.

I mean, the no mounts thing is mostly so the group doesn't leave others behind, but they generally don't disturb the group that much since most people aren't using them anyways. For bag farming You wanna move as a group and let as many people tag as many enemies as possible. When it comes to doors, usually you wanna wait till the group is there before opening a door so some commanders just say to let them open them. Skipping bosses/vet doors is usually included in the lfg listening because the commander wants to focus 100% on collecting bags, in which case doing bosses or vet doors is a net bag loss as they give less bags than simply running around tagging things would.

When I command a labyrinth run it's not a hardcore bag farm so I do all the doors. There have been a few times where I had to call out to a small group of people not to run ahead and to stay with the group. And I often have to remind people to please not use knockbacks at the foe doors. But that is about as bossy as I'll get.

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@Danikat.8537 said:Some people definitely have odd ideas about rules for the Labyrinth. One I saw this morning which was new to me was a guy (not the commander) insisting that all level 80 players must remove all trinkets to make it easier for lower level players to keep up. According to him this has been a rule since the very first year and "everyone" knows it and does it as standard, except this one group. (If you're wondering he said he could tell the difference because we were killing things too fast.)

In the process of informing us what we should be doing and what he thought of us for not conforming he also earned himself several reports for verbal abuse, so I'm thinking he was probably on a bit of a power trip for whatever reason.

I've also noticed a split this year between people/groups who think the commander should open all doors and they should wait for most of the squad to be there before they do and people who seem to think whoever gets there first opens it and it's everyone else's responsibility to keep up. Sometimes I've asked if we can wait for the squad and people have agreed, sometimes I've been told that's not how it works. Which is frustrating because I've not seen this mentioned in group listings or squad messages, and if possible I'd like to avoid groups where the first person to arrive always opens the door immediately.

As I said before I think commanders and squads can invent whatever rules they like (I saw a few yesterday saying you must wear pink, for Pink Day in LA, which was nice) and it's up to players to choose a map/squad that suits them. But if you're going to invent a rule you really need to tell people about it before they start 'breaking' it and even then accept that they may not know or understand what you're asking.

The reason for this is to reduce the damage you do so that mobs don't die too fast. If mobs die too fast not everyone gets to tag them and then not everyone gets bags. I have never required it but I see why some do.

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@Mewcifer.5198 said:

@TheQuickFox.3826 said:There should be no ruleset. Just play the way you like. Some players are way too picky. "No mounts" "Don't open doors" "Skip bosses".

I just use LFG to find a free-for-all group that does all leggies. No stress, most fun and you will get some achievements along the way.

Having said that: when you decide to join a commander of a special-purpose group, you should follow his/her instrucrions or leave rhe squad.

I mean, the no mounts thing is mostly so the group doesn't leave others behind, but they generally don't disturb the group that much since most people aren't using them anyways. For bag farming You wanna move as a group and let as many people tag as many enemies as possible. When it comes to doors, usually you wanna wait till the group is there before opening a door so some commanders just say to let them open them. Skipping bosses/vet doors is usually included in the lfg listening because the commander wants to focus 100% on collecting bags, in which case doing bosses or vet doors is a net bag loss as they give less bags than simply running around tagging things would.

When I command a labyrinth run it's not a hardcore bag farm so I do all the doors. There have been a few times where I had to call out to a small group of people not to run ahead and to stay with the group. And I often have to remind people to please not use knockbacks at the foe doors. But that is about as bossy as I'll get.

Yes, when you are on a mount you can not tag .... which is pretty much the reason to be there when the race is not going on. To tag you need to dismount then good luck mounting again most of the time. Basically mounts are more trouble then they are worth in the lab unless you are in a race or your squad is really far away. Some parties will want to maximize profits (so no legendaries) and others will want to take down everything (so they will open every door they find).

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PvE zerg content commanders that think they are anything more than a bright light (tag) to attract a group of moths (players) through the map together are full of themselves. No one owns an instance. No one should feel obligated to have to follow a power tripping neckbeard's arbitrary rules or have to join squad after squad just to find a decently populated, but not full map.

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I can't find in any of your post the rules I encounter many time in the last 2 days: No Vet door. Well, i tried 4 maps-squad today and all were passing the vet doors. Being my first Halloween on Gw2, I kind of needed to open 12 more doors for complete the whole achievements. I did open a vet door and solo-ed it and got flamed for doing so! NO VET DOOR! Asked why? Not worth it. But I need them for achievement purpose, can we please? No! Find another group, I'm done with that achievement (commander) so we aren't doing it. Why so rude? No trinket, no mount, ok. I get it, make him even look like he cares for lower players and equity in his squad - bs but well. No Lich and bros, gotcha. But no Vet? That is limiting the number of doors drastically if you wait only on the foes one! I wish I can egg and tp a commander now. :/

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