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Question regarding Labyrinth etiquette


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Hello!Today I found myself in an odd situation in the Mad King's Labyrinth and I am unsure if this is the current etiquette for this map or simply a commander on a power trip, and I'd prefer to clarify before I continue joining maps in the next days so I don't bother anyone.

I entered a random labyrinth map and I immediately received a request from a commander to join his squad. The squad message when I joined seemed already a bit unwelcoming as it read "DON'T RES PPL IF NOT ARE ON SQUAD" so it threw me off a bit. After joining, the commander said we were going to kill the Liche and again mentioned that who's not in doesn't get res.I decided to leave the squad as I didn't feel like going to kill the Liche again today and shortly after I did, the commander said in the map chat "no squad = no ress, come in or go other map".

My question is, is this normal/current etiquette? Do we have to join any commander in the labyrinth map and follow around and hence if we want to go around on our own have to switch map to find one without a commander? Rationally I would think not, but I am aware there are certain rules/etiquette for events with large groups of people and I would prefer to make sure what is the right way to proceed.

Thanks in advance!

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There should be no ruleset. Just play the way you like. Some players are way too picky. "No mounts" "Don't open doors" "Skip bosses".

I just use LFG to find a free-for-all group that does all leggies. No stress, most fun and you will get some achievements along the way.

Having said that: when you decide to join a commander of a special-purpose group, you should follow his/her instrucrions or leave rhe squad.

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Your experience with that commander was not normal. As a commander, asking players running with them to join the squad in order to receive the benefits of being in the squad would be fine, but telling people to not rez those not in the squad is wrong.

Now there is a limited amount of space on each map, and commanders sometimes do ask that those who are not interested in running with the squad find another map, albeit politely, in order to make space for people who are trying to get into the map to run with the squad. The commander you saw went about that the wrong way.

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I think it's fine for commanders to make up rules for their squad and as long as they're not breaking any rules or harassing anyone or whatever then those rules can be whatever they want. I also think it's up to players to decide if they're happy following those rules and to leave the squad if not.

But that's one squad I'd have left immediately. I understand some people like everyone to be in the squad, and some people get annoyed with having to rez the same people over and over (especially the ones who refuse to use a waypoint, even when you're right beside where the portal drops you) but that solves neither problem and just makes the commander and the squad sound extremely unwelcome. Especially with so many others to choose from I'd see no reason to stick with them.

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@Alatar.7364 said:That is totally not normal.I insta leave Squads when I see people like that, no matter the loot or anything.I would find another Map instance just so I wouldn't have to be in the same Map as that guy.

Yes, I have a thread about that too as it seems you see the worst commanders in the lab at times.

When I am running a squad in the lab only a fraction of the people running around actually have joined my squad and I do not really care. There are advantages to being in a squad (like seeing people on the map and higher odds another cmdr is there when the cmdr finally leaves) but if they do not join and follow along anyway so what? As to rezing, the only thing I have seen is telling people to wp in a boss fight if they fully die, which is not a big ask.

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It's perfectly fine for a commander to set up any rules they like to try to maximize the gold/hour earned by the entire squad. It's also fine to consider any particular rule a bunch of skritt and to change maps. There are sooooooooooo many maps that it shouldn't be hard to find one that suits you.

The only problem I see is when the commander says, "here's the plan" and someone who doesn't like that plan spends their time undermining it.

For example, commander says, "don't open Viscount or Lich doors so we can spend more time killing trash mobs" is fine. Player wanting to open all doors is fine. The problem is when said player refuses to leave that commander's map and opens all doors, when they could easily find another map.

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Yeah that guy was power tripping. I couldn't care less on what people do on the map I'm commanding. Play the game how ever you want, whatever is fun for you works for me.

I just command to help organize and use people to get more spawns out of doors. If you wanna not be in my zerg and open doors randomly then more power to you.

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Sounds like a power trip to me, I would have stayed in the map because he doesn't own it, and there are plenty of people who would rez you who weren't in the squad. Just because you have a commander tag doesn't mean you can order me around(obviously not in his squad) , so I ignore commanders like that who think they own/run the map.

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@Daddicus.6128 said:The guy's a jerk. Leave the squad, and do your own thing, including opening doors ahead of the squad. He won't learn, but at least you won't be impacted by his behavior.

Don't do that. Leave the map and find one that fits you. Commander might be a jerk, but they are doing the hard work of organizing, so cut them some slack. Also, the rest of the squad might support the commander's choices, in which case by opening doors ahead of the squad, you'd be ruining it for lots of people, not just the commander.

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Some people definitely have odd ideas about rules for the Labyrinth. One I saw this morning which was new to me was a guy (not the commander) insisting that all level 80 players must remove all trinkets to make it easier for lower level players to keep up. According to him this has been a rule since the very first year and "everyone" knows it and does it as standard, except this one group. (If you're wondering he said he could tell the difference because we were killing things too fast.)

In the process of informing us what we should be doing and what he thought of us for not conforming he also earned himself several reports for verbal abuse, so I'm thinking he was probably on a bit of a power trip for whatever reason.

I've also noticed a split this year between people/groups who think the commander should open all doors and they should wait for most of the squad to be there before they do and people who seem to think whoever gets there first opens it and it's everyone else's responsibility to keep up. Sometimes I've asked if we can wait for the squad and people have agreed, sometimes I've been told that's not how it works. Which is frustrating because I've not seen this mentioned in group listings or squad messages, and if possible I'd like to avoid groups where the first person to arrive always opens the door immediately.

As I said before I think commanders and squads can invent whatever rules they like (I saw a few yesterday saying you must wear pink, for Pink Day in LA, which was nice) and it's up to players to choose a map/squad that suits them. But if you're going to invent a rule you really need to tell people about it before they start 'breaking' it and even then accept that they may not know or understand what you're asking.

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Yes, a commander has the right to set rules for his squad. He is the leader and others choose to follow him (might have even chosen his specific LFG message), and we generally don't tend to follow people we don't like, unless we are forced to (which is not an issue in a game, because no one forces you to do anything). GW2 is, in my experience, also a friendly and polite community for the most part. Many different kinds of players in the game, but mostly we respect each other and don't force our own views and preferences on someone else.

However, this commander OP is describing can be summed up with many words, all of which would end up as kittens in this forum post. And since I don't want to insult the kittens because they are way too sweet and cute to be associated with a person like you described, let me just state a simple rule. What's considered rude and inappropriate verbal behavior in real life is just as rude and inapproriate in game. The tone of that commander says it all. He is not a nice person, at least not in this context. I don't know about other people but I've never been able to find common ground with anyone who stated "My way or the highway" or who purposefully excluded people from the group. Furthermore, in GW2 as an unwritten rule, we res the downed and ask the dead to WP. We don't discriminate over who's in the squad and who's not.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Daddicus.6128 said:The guy's a jerk. Leave the squad, and do your own thing, including opening doors ahead of the squad. He won't learn, but at least you won't be impacted by his behavior.

Don't do that. Leave the map and find one that fits you. Commander might be a jerk, but they are doing the hard work of organizing, so cut them some slack. Also, the rest of the squad might support the commander's choices, in which case by opening doors ahead of the squad, you'd be ruining it for lots of people, not just the commander.

Does he own that instance? Perhaps he paid ANet to buy it?

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@Danikat.8537 said:As I said before I think commanders and squads can invent whatever rules they like (I saw a few yesterday saying you must wear pink, for Pink Day in LA, which was nice) and it's up to players to choose a map/squad that suits them. But if you're going to invent a rule you really need to tell people about it before they start 'breaking' it and even then accept that they may not know or understand what you're asking.

Squad: yes. Map: no.

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