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Best EU server for WvW? (Guild presence and fights)

Super Fuzz.4980

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piken is probably not one of the examples u want to be on currently tho. tier 1 in EU is really bad currently. the link systems' casulties grow with each relink.

and i am pretty sure that NA is the same thing, from what u see on NA wvw streams. we even have NA guilds here in EU by now. one of them brought a 14 ppl condisquad with a superweird setup. good for 14v5 but horrible against serious competition. further, there's been NA guilds in EU for quite some time, zerging through our nighttimes.

poor builds are just a general problem. the mode became partly extremly casual.

server loyalty is a joke, since most servers contain barely anyone from the original server population. i started gw2 in january 2019, and i swapped servers one week ago. reason was, more people that i knew from Wvw transferred off anyways. i just yesterday found an old vet on the server i transferred to, who before was on my first ever server thaha.

guilds have loyalty and identity, in a far higher level than servers do.

@"Morphman.6312"also, the 1) bandwagon happens bc the links are sometimes so bad that the guilds transfer off, so u don't have to stay t5 or t1 forever. then the open spots get filled by more ppt-hungry people. who karmatrain and blob down camps and play for 14 hours a day.

the 2) is also not really true. guild players do play with public tags, just chatmanders usually don't work if they try to go against overnumbers without voice. any voice tag usually gets a sorta solid comp, but often the map caps are reached and u get not more than 30/70 ppl to join either way. and that's not the guilds players' fault, no server has that many guilds even.often the guilds run hiddentag also, ofc they won't join opentags during closed g-raids.next, guild isn't guild. hardcore guilds kinda know who to join, and if one com wipes three times in a row on similar spots without adapting, likely they will avoid him. some other people are just... people. sometimes u might not feel like joining a tag.(and most guilds aren't hardcore by any means. often it's some good, many average and quite some casual players... the good guilds are usually known and widely feared)

the 3) is another problem with the link system. yeah, ppl follow guilds, even guilds follow guilds. bc strong fighting cores make a server strong. not everyone like the big ppt-farmers worlds, many transfer off to not be stuck with those. strong ("hardcore") players stick together, because it is incredibly frustrating to fight with people who use random stuff, are immune to any advice and just expect to have a pvE train experience or just type "i'm just here for gift of battle" etc

my last server tried for years to train people, but too many don't care. they want to play pew pew ranger and thieves or whatever they have, so they do. the structure of the format is highly outdated since it hasn't changed for longer than i play even. no format balances, only class nerfs called "balance" sofar. kills would need to count way more, to make people play more serious builds, i guess.

so please, don't blame guilds for a broken system, that shoulda been fixed since many years. Alliances is by now more a meme than anything else, and was announced in ~2017 ...

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When looking for wvw activity that suits the "normal" level, you don't go in a main T1 server LMAO. Everyone and their grandmother knows that EU WvW is far better in T2 and T3. Depending on the MUs. As a guild member in FSP, I enjoy T2 more than I ever will T1. And again, T3 is sometimes better.

RoF has some fighting guilds iirc, FSP is more casual but still has plenty of guilds, Dzago from what I remember is full fighting server rn and UW/Riverside&Vabbi are acceptable too.

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@OP, short answer is NONE.

Firstly, most wvw only players have quit by now, realising Anet will never give the mode the love it deserves (and needs).

Bandwagonning guilds jumping servers every few weeks/months have completely ruined most servers by now.

Typically they will jump whenever they start losing a lot, or when they can no longer stack a map with 50+ and steamroll from sheer numbers as the residents of the server want to play too, saying they are 'moving for the fights'.

Typically in the meantime their toxic elitism will have ruined the existing server's playerbase, so when they leave you are then left with a broken server community, forcing more to move to find a 'decent' server, etc.

Rinse and repeat for many years and the result is low population, elitism, hidden tags and a toxic environment that puts off 'casuals' from playing in wvw.

Funniest comment above was the distain from one elitist moaning about having to try and fight a 'cloud' with their ultimate guild group, complaining that the enemy won't all ball up nicely so his guild group can steam roll through (which is what most guild specs are designed for, rolling in a ball against another ball- yawn). Best defence against organised guild group if you're pugging is clouding, as it breaks many of the synergies the ball expects!

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@Super Fuzz.4980 said:Hey guys, just transferring from NA. Which server on EU has a good amount of guilds organised with Discord? I am more into guild vs guild fights (blobbing) than PPT. I tried Piken Square which is T1, but it seems to be mostly PVERS? Haven't seen many open tags or guild activity despite it being T1. I also tried Desolation last week, and it's kind of dead. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

My friend transfered in NA, 2 weeks ago, for a better WVW experience.You wont find any open groups in Piken, most of them are close/hidden groups and only allow ppl who use discord and have good builds

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@Super Fuzz.4980 said:I tried Piken Square which is T1, but it seems to be mostly PVERS? Haven't seen many open tags or guild activity despite it being T1. I also tried Desolation last week, and it's kind of dead. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

Good luck. WvW is all about prime-time stuff nowadays. Some would say it's dying, but the big queues at prime-time suggest there's a population that WANTS to play.

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@distant.9403 said:

@Super Fuzz.4980 said:Hey guys, just transferring from NA. Which server on EU has a good amount of guilds organised with Discord? I am more into guild vs guild fights (blobbing) than PPT. I tried Piken Square which is T1, but it seems to be mostly PVERS? Haven't seen many open tags or guild activity despite it being T1. I also tried Desolation last week, and it's kind of dead. Any other suggestions? Thanks.

Hi there, I just made the mistake of using my free transfer when upgrading expansion as a european home based player to transfer from US Anvil Rock to EU Ring of fire and wish I hadn't bothered. My main motivations were the 'myth' of a better ping/play performance, (I have since found out not any appreciable difference with testing) and also wanted less very late playing times into early hours because of time difference. I was having very active time on AR, plenty of open tags each day but could not compare with EU servers because you can only 'guest play' in your geographical area, this seems stupidly restrictive. Now I have spent my free transfer I find on ROF and guesting on EU servers is like ppl say in this thread 'eletist guilds' and groups that flatly ignore you and are not willing to take new members on, only experienced one open tag in a week of daily play, compared to 2 or 3 on AR I could join in with, and I was once told very rudely to get the ... away from the tag on the EU server. So feel very unwelcome on ROF not in the spirit of Guild Wars at all, other EU servers could be better up the charts, but probably full and it has put me off EU anyhow, there is also no good info on where is good to play. Now I will definately transfer back to a US server as players are much friendlier and more helpful, its just sad I now have to pay for my 'mistake' but like I said not having the 'across the pond' guest option is just unfair IMHO. My question now to the forum is if I don't go back to AR. could anyone say they had a good experience or could recommend a US server to me with open tags and good gameplay, hope my input is of use and thanks for any feedback, all the best folks, and thanks for reading.

HOD has been great, lots of pugmanders.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:I can tell you which servers to avoid as they're dead no good guild presense or pugs : Ring Of Fire - Riverside...

Riverside is not really dead. Still lot of guilds and raids. People just got burned out last link, because Vabbi didn't do much besides clouding on EBG because they had to rebuild their community.

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The 'best' fight guilds cluster together on different servers over time. Right now it's Dzagonur. If you want more of a challenge in your fights I'd suggest Gunnar's Hold (GH). GH has a great community.(Edit) If you end up back on NA I'd suggest FA if you primarily play SEA or NA time. FA is REALLY dead during EU hours though. If you want EU hours to NA hours I'd suggest DR. You are expected to play meta in both groups/servers. Both servers are active comms wise. If you want to get a feel for the commanders the primary pugmanders on both DR and FA stream so check it out.DR is not full. FA is full and is only open a couple times a year (if that) so you'd be stuck transferring to the link every 8 weeks (recurring cost).

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I actually found Piken Square to be a lot of fun! I found a Guild and realised that's where the fun comes mostly in any WvW experience. I would say NA and EU play differs slightly - I didn't see a lot of GvG in WvW on NA; and I haven't seen much pugmanding on EU. I will still miss the HOD community and the friendly pugmanders - but I am having a blast atm on Piken. :)

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