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Your best Guild Wars 2 Gem Store Buy

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Bank and material storage expanders were a real quality-of-life purchase for me, they freed up a lot of time having to fuss around with inventory management.
A set of unbreakable tools was a real help too, never having to worry about running out. And character slots helped me try out other races and builds.

The thing I'm focused on next is picking up more shared slots, I think those will be a great QoL purchase too.

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Chair/glider sets are really the best stuff. Backpack gliders are a bit overpriced when they include a worthless back item. The barely noticeable ones like the Feathers of the Zephyr and the Dynamics gliders.

Mount skins are the worst thing in the shop, solely because of price. I only acquired a skin for each mount to avoid the "stuck in the ground" bug they never fixed with the default mounts.

Nothing comes close to tools. But that's because it is a solution to a problem the devs intentionally made.

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