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[Poll] Weapon for the next Engineer Elite Specialization


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I really dont understand how people made up their minds about this question. Mace is like the worse choice in term of diversity, it's just a mix between a hammer and a sword if you think.Tesla Coil ? Lightning elite spec ? Just look at the Scrapper, we can put lightning fields everywhere, our 5th hammer skill is called «thunderclap» and the rest of our theme is all about electromagnetism : reflecting projectiles, «positive strike» «negative bash» for our auto attack chain ...You already had what you're wishing for, and I guess if you're still wanting it, it's because Scrapper wasn't that attractive for you. Then don't make Anet disappoint you again if so 0_0

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Had to read the comments to figure out why people wanted Staff. There're some good options, but I went with a different route.

100% Warhorn. Support allies nearby, matching well with Med Kit and offering support beyond boons. Skills are sonic based, affecting everything around you once, and everything in front of you conically twice.

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@RedSPINE.7845 said:I really dont understand how people made up their minds about this question. Mace is like the worse choice in term of diversity, it's just a mix between a hammer and a sword if you think.Tesla Coil ? Lightning elite spec ? Just look at the Scrapper, we can put lightning fields everywhere, our 5th hammer skill is called «thunderclap» and the rest of our theme is all about electromagnetism : reflecting projectiles, «positive strike» «negative bash» for our auto attack chain ...You already had what you're wishing for, and I guess if you're still wanting it, it's because Scrapper wasn't that attractive for you. Then don't make Anet disappoint you again if so 0_0

From my perspective:

Scrapper hammer is lightning-themed (and quite fun), but it's not what people are asking for here. It's essentially a 'lightning warrior' weapon, a Thor through the eyes of the engineer. It's a fun weapon, but not the ranged lightning spec that I have in mind. Other people can speak for themselves, but what I'm more looking for is something with more of the feel of the GW1 air elementalist - a Zeus through the eyes of the engineer instead of a Thor, to carry through the analogy, striking their foe with lightning from afar rather than bashing them over the head with a thunderous hammer.

At the moment, that doesn't really exist in GW2. Fresh air scepter can come close, but the design of elementalist is such that if you're not swapping between elements you're doing it wrong (unless the element is fire and your job is staff DPS, in which case it can be optimal or at least close to optimal). At the moment, mesmer is actually the profession that comes closest to that feel - but of course, that's mesmer, and mesmer lightning-like effects are more along the lines of magical energy that looks a bit like lightning, not actually lightning.

Engineer is, after elementalist (and even that can be argued...) the profession with the most association with lightning. Therefor, it's the profession that probably has the most potential to actually realise this theme. There is precedent in the open world - a number of hearts have technomagical guns and even staves (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghost_Collector) that project bolts of electricity. This is the sort of thing that people have in mind - carrying through the electrical theme, but as a ranged weapon rather than melee.

Now, you are of course free to think that something else should have higher priority, but hopefully this clarifies how what people are asking for is different to what already exists.

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@Kaizoku.1298 said:We want electricity not lightning. Hammer took the lightning route and staff can take the electric route. And yeah, as a lightning theme, it kinda sucked.

Eh... I'd say that basically everything on the hammer except Thunderclap was more electricity-themed than lightning-themed if you're going to split that hair. If you have an electrical discharge propagating through air more than about 3-4 hundred units in game terms, I'd call that lightning. If you actually have to hit the enemy with a conductor (such as with the hammer autoattacks), that's electricity but not lightning. In between is a grey area, but of course, it's all electricity!

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@draxynnic.3719 said:

Eh... I'd say that basically everything on the hammer except Thunderclap was more electricity-themed than lightning-themed if you're going to split that hair. If you have an electrical discharge propagating through air more than about 3-4 hundred units in game terms, I'd call that lightning. If you actually have to hit the enemy with a conductor (such as with the hammer autoattacks), that's electricity but not lightning. In between is a grey area, but of course, it's all electricity!

Scrapper's hammer auto-attack is not Lightning themed but it is a Rocket Hammer which is a left over design from the original theme for Scrapper when it was going to be a Fire theme Rocket Hammer/Drone Elite Spec until they scrapped that idea on the last minute of development and just slapped together some lightning theme attacks for a safer design route and removed the original Heat system from Scrapper which got moved to Holosmith's mechanic.

You can see some of its original design and fire theme attacks in the HoT trailer.

I wish they just kept the original Scrapper theme being a Rocket Hammer Fire/drone theme Elite Spec because it would have been a bit more interesting since they were going for a unique gameplay experience involving Scrapper until they "scrapped" it for a more safer gameplay design being what it is now with Lightning theme hammer attacks and the current drones. Heck, the original drone design was not even going to be AI based but simply small animated Drone that hover over the Scrapper acting as Signets for Utility/Support benefits.

Still, the change to a more safer gameplay design seems to be more to not taking the risk of how different Scrapper was going to be from Engineer's Core Design but I am glad they decided to take the risk with Holosmith since it proved to be quite fun in my opinion.

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@EdwinLi.1284 said:

@draxynnic.3719 said:

Eh... I'd say that basically everything on the hammer except Thunderclap was more electricity-themed than lightning-themed if you're going to split that hair. If you have an electrical discharge propagating through air more than about 3-4 hundred units in game terms, I'd call that lightning. If you actually have to hit the enemy with a conductor (such as with the hammer autoattacks), that's electricity but not lightning. In between is a grey area, but of course, it's all electricity!

Scrapper's hammer auto-attack is not Lightning themed but it is a Rocket Hammer which is a left over design from the original theme for Scrapper when it was going to be a Fire theme Rocket Hammer/Drone Elite Spec until they scrapped that idea on the last minute of development and just slapped together some lightning theme attacks for a safer design route and removed the original Heat system from Scrapper which got moved to Holosmith's mechanic.

You can see some of its original design and fire theme attacks in the HoT trailer.

I wish they just kept the original Scrapper theme being a Rocket Hammer Fire/drone theme Elite Spec because it would have been a bit more interesting since they were going for a unique gameplay experience involving Scrapper until they "scrapped" it for a more safer gameplay design being what it is now with Lightning theme hammer attacks and the current drones. Heck, the original drone design was not even going to be AI based but simply small animated Drone that hover over the Scrapper acting as Signets for Utility/Support benefits.

Still, the change to a more safer gameplay design seems to be more to not taking the risk of how different Scrapper was going to be from Engineer's Core Design but I am glad they decided to take the risk with Holosmith since it proved to be quite fun in my opinion.

Well, Rocket Charge still exists, and I think that was what was being showed off in the HoT trailer (albeit in a glamour shot which has each leap striking a different target, which requires a near perfect setup to pull off).

That said, it would be fair to say that Scrapper suffers quite a bit from ArenaNet neither sticking to a theme nor going all the way when they change it.

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I guess my favourite would be a pyromaniac theme with dual torch :lol:I could also imagine something like a mechanic shortbow with skills like a grabbling hook, similiar to Oakheart's Reach :blush:

The electric staff ideas sound cool as well.Hopefully at least something that comes at medium-long range.

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Honestly, my second pick after Staff will be Daggers (Main and Off-hand) for a Range electric base weapon for Support/Utility Elite Spec.

It can even have a secondary mechanic that turns skill 3 into a new skill based on which weapon combo you have such as dagger/shield is a skill that use shield to be super charged to create the Barrier around allies, dagger/dagger skill 3 is offensive focus being it release large Electric charged AoE field that harm enemies around the Engineer by putting together the two highly electric charged daggers together, dagger/Pistol or Pistol/Dagger has the electric charge in the dagger used to super charge the Pistol to shoot a high Voltage Energy ray with the Ray having different Damage type based on your dagger and pistol combo being Dagger/Pistol is more Power damaged based while Pistol/Dagger is more Condition Damage based.

Think of it as a Weaponize Defibrillator.

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I'm thinking shortbow/longbow or dagger(mh, offhand, or dual). Reasoning is for a commando style elite, just like the April fool's joke years ago.

With dagger though I could see it going a different route towards the tesla/electric theme and make it ranged with taser like attacks/effects.

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I'd like to see an engineer elite spec that focuses on power suits. The Asura elite skill one kinda sucks and the only time we've got a power suit that's somewhat fun to use was during that one story mission in Orr and we obviously don't get that for normal gameplay. It's time we get something to pilot that isn't just a useless gimmick and it would also fit the theme of the class pretty well.

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Give us an elite spec that allows us 2 different weapon types please with the ability to weapon swap. As much as I want 1 weapon, whether it be MH, OH or 2H, engineers are already short on core weapons as it is.Give us a MH condi weapon to go with the pistol OH and a ranged 2 handed weapon. Give us staff as a throwing javelin with napalm that explodes for aoe. Idk, idc lol.

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@origin.1496 said:Give us an elite spec that allows us 2 different weapon types please with the ability to weapon swap. As much as I want 1 weapon, whether it be MH, OH or 2H, engineers are already short on core weapons as it is.Give us a MH condi weapon to go with the pistol OH and a ranged 2 handed weapon. Give us staff as a throwing javelin with napalm that explodes for aoe. Idk, idc lol.

It is kind of the design choice for engineer during Core GW2 timeframe. A Profession with few weapon choices and depend on their Utility to cover that weakness.

Now, of course, this design is not that good due to the newer mechanics favoring Professions to cover a melee and range combat.

It would be interesting if they make a Elite spec that specialize in two different weapons or provide a new second set of skills for each weapons being a type of Elite Spec Op Engineer Elite Spec that specialize in infiltration (stealth tech combat) and survival (Support using High tech healing technology) using advance technology. made specifically for this Elite type of Engineer. Their traits can even be built on choosing to be Infiltraion Specialization traits for their combat or their Support/Utility for improving their Support/Healing technology.

A Elite Spec that does not depend on their natural combat strength and endurance like the Warrior nor their agility and sneakiness like the Thief but their Technology specialized for for Elite Mission only these Spec Op Engineers can handle.

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I like the idea of an elite spec that allows weapon swap and introduces 1-2 new weapon sets. Change kits to a related skill to drive away from kits altogether. Like make tool kit a block, grenade kit a big aoe skill, etc. Give them ammo to balance.

We can talk all day about "clearly Holosmith was designed to move away from kits" but I don't buy it. As long as kits exist and can be used they will be. An elite spec would have to remove that option completely to really move away from the kit dependence.

It's totally doable I think, just takes some creative balancing to offset the loss of kits. I just think it has to be a wholesale commitment and not a short cooldown.

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Shortbow/Longbow is the last pick I would consider for Support/Utility Elite Spec because it would fit into a Survivalist/Stealth Engineer Elite Spec.

Tech traps, tech arrows, and medical knowledge using what pieces they have to craft utility and support techs could be used as a theme for the Shortbow or longbow Elite Spec. These weapon is on the bottom of the 3 weapons for Support/Utility Elite Spec because of the risk of creativity if they were to go for Tech Trapper type Elite Spec that modify their Traps to benefit allies and harm enemies using traits to specialize their traps on where they want to focus on either Supporting allies, harming enemies in the traps. or a balance of both.

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