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Weaver QoL Requests


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Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when swapping into the same attunement, on-swap sigils do not trigger. Please fix this.Also, Elements of Rage should allow the ele double the stat benefits from Elemental Polyphony when attuned to the same element. Also Elements of rage is kinda weak in PvP. . .

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@Ovark.2514 said:Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when swapping into the same attunement, on-swap sigils do not trigger. Please fix this.Also, Elements of Rage should allow the ele double the stat benefits from Elemental Polyphony when attuned to the same element. Also Elements of rage is kinda weak in PvP. . .

Asking for buffs on the forum is Taboo! You will get loads of unrelated comments and mostly nerf suggestions about weaver itself.....

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Increase the aoe cone of sword 3 skills, namely quantum strike, twin strike, gale strike, pyro vortex. Their 130-180 range is tiny and you miss over half the time because the enemy sidesteps out of the hitbox. It feels pretty bad to play when almost every other class has huge aoes and doesnt even need to face their target. Alternatively i would be happier if aoe from all classes was nerfed instead.

Increase staff projectile speed. Plasma blast, pyroclastic blast, monsoon, autos. Half the dual skills are useless vs moving targets. Also allow plasma blast to be detonated at will, not just when it hits someone.

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@FrownyClown.8402 said:Thats not QoL. Thats buffs. Something weaver doesnt need more of

Hold on now.

Imagine Elements of Rage were buffed to be competetive choice on its row. Weavers would have to sacrifice the barrier/vigor trait, exchanging sustain for more pressure.

Isn't the top complaint about weaver the fact it has too much sustain/barrier/evade uptime making an otherwise difficult class easy to play? Likewise, isn't an overarching complaint about PvP atm the fact that sustain is too high and damage is too low. If so, this would be a step towards reducing both problems.

You can solve problems with more than just nerfs. Crazy thought, I know.

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@Kuma.1503 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Thats not QoL. Thats buffs. Something weaver doesnt need more of

Hold on now.

Imagine Elements of Rage were buffed to be competetive choice on its row. Weavers would have to sacrifice the barrier/vigor trait, exchanging sustain for more pressure.

Isn't the top complaint about weaver the fact it has too much sustain/barrier/evade uptime making an otherwise difficult class easy to play? Likewise, isn't an overarching complaint about PvP atm the fact that sustain is too high and damage is too low. If so, this would be a step towards reducing both problems.

You can solve problems with more than just nerfs. Crazy thought, I know.

Yeah, but nobody wants FA ele to come back whose main difficulty is rebinding air attunement to literally any button on the keyboard. :tongue:

... or do people? I don't know what the community wants anymore between random oneshots and eternal sustain...

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@Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:Increase the aoe cone of sword 3 skills, namely quantum strike, twin strike, gale strike, pyro vortex. Their 130-180 range is tiny and you miss over half the time because the enemy sidesteps out of the hitbox. It feels pretty bad to play when almost every other class has huge aoes and doesnt even need to face their target. Alternatively i would be happier if aoe from all classes was nerfed instead.

Increase staff projectile speed. Plasma blast, pyroclastic blast, monsoon, autos. Half the dual skills are useless vs moving targets. Also allow plasma blast to be detonated at will, not just when it hits someone.

Give weaver AoEs to cover the entire node + they all hone in on targets. Yess.

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@Megametzler.5729 said:

@FrownyClown.8402 said:Thats not QoL. Thats buffs. Something weaver doesnt need more of

Hold on now.

Imagine Elements of Rage were buffed to be competetive choice on its row. Weavers would have to sacrifice the barrier/vigor trait, exchanging sustain for more pressure.

Isn't the top complaint about weaver the fact it has too much sustain/barrier/evade uptime making an otherwise difficult class easy to play? Likewise, isn't an overarching complaint about PvP atm the fact that sustain is too high and damage is too low. If so, this would be a step towards reducing both problems.

You can solve problems with more than just nerfs. Crazy thought, I know.

Yeah, but nobody wants FA ele to come back whose main difficulty is rebinding air attunement to literally any button on the keyboard. :tongue:

... or do people? I don't know what the community wants anymore between random oneshots and eternal sustain...

I thought they want not as fast going finds but still fights that can end

But anet just goes from one extreme to the other

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Back in 2018 Weaver gained boons (such as swiftness from Air) when he double attuned. Ofc some1 thought its too op and nerfed it, as usual. You see, ANet is like that 1 girl thats mentally stable almost like she would be bipolar. On the one hand she wants to be with you, but one the other hand she doesnt want to even know you. And she changes her mind 10 times a day.Same story here, one patch they buff double attun skills so people go into e.g. water/water more often (and thats a quote from one of patches) but the very next one they nerf boons/traits/whatever that are granted by double attuning, making it totally not worth. Its nothing new that ANet has no idea what to do with ele, but Weaver just probably blows dev minds cuz theres too many things to handle.

Basically take whatever is left and dont say it loud cuz whats more like QoL can be considered as OP because of...reasons.

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@Widmo.3186 said:Back in 2018 Weaver gained boons (such as swiftness from Air) when he double attuned. Ofc some1 thought its too op and nerfed it, as usual. You see, ANet is like that 1 girl thats mentally stable almost like she would be bipolar. On the one hand she wants to be with you, but one the other hand she doesnt want to even know you. And she changes her mind 10 times a day.Same story here, one patch they buff double attun skills so people go into e.g. water/water more often (and thats a quote from one of patches) but the very next one they nerf boons/traits/whatever that are granted by double attuning, making it totally not worth. Its nothing new that ANet has no idea what to do with ele, but Weaver just probably blows dev minds cuz theres too many things to handle.

Basically take whatever is left and dont say it loud cuz whats more like QoL can be considered as OP because of...reasons.

Consistency would go a long way toward easing player frustration. Ya can't take the most complicated to play elite specialization have inconsistent trait interactions.

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