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Does anyone ONLY PvP?


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The majority of my GW2 gaming has been PvP. ESPECIALLY since you can PvP at high level when you hit level 3. (Or something in that area lol) So my highest character outside of PvP is level 40. (My main btw is a Core support guardian since I LOVE healing in PvP) I really only have touched a bit of the story. Im roughly around the level 30ish storywise. So the question I have is outside of the non main story experiences, is it viable or of worth to just go through the main story just to get to level cap and just PvP in my experiences here in GW2, or will I be heavily gimped by "Speed running" through the storyline? (If anything, I would just want to go through the storyline to get different gear appearances and so forth lol)

Thanks in advance for the advice!

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@Avatar.3568 said:I play 99% pvp rest is helping friends in pve and I have all classes lvl 80

So did you level up from just the tombs that you get in PvP? And how much of the PvE content have you experienced? (Did you do any story content) Have you still been enjoy to enjoy much of the game and what it provides?

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Im playing since launch.got to 80, done some dungeons, then stayed in pvp for 10 years.no wvw as its unbalanced battle royale poopoo.

On the other hand, theres plenty of poeple who think rotating from node to node is boring, but like walking for 5min, dying to stealth class, then repeating that for 10 years.

In short, play what u like.Its designed so it wont affect balance and you dont need to know lore to win a tournament.Lots of top pvp players also PVE occasionally for fun, story, gold, skins, friends, whatever...

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@"Flumek.9043" said:Im playing since launch.got to 80, done some dungeons, then stayed in pvp for 10 years.no wvw as its unbalanced battle royale poopoo.

On the other hand, theres plenty of poeple who think rotating from node to node is boring, but like walking for 5min, dying to stealth class, then repeating that for 10 years.

In short, play what u like.Its designed so it wont affect balance and you dont need to know lore to win a tournament.Lots of top pvp players also PVE occasionally for fun, story, gold, skins, friends, whatever...

This is the kind of answer I was kind of looking for lol. I felt that I wanted to just PvP and then maybe just play the storymode just to get the just of what's happening, but nothing more. (Outside of maybe any formk of PvE for cosmetics and mounts etc) I

I've been off and on this game since release. I stated I only have a level 40 at the moment, but i've had older characters that were deleted during GW2 "Vanilla" that were close to endgame, but at the time I was looking for a PvE game so i'd stop playing. Now, every year, I dive into PvP for about a month or two and really enjoy it, but felt like I wasn't doing the "Game correctly" since all I wanted to do was PvP lol.

Appreciate the feedback erveryone. Any other forms of feedback is also greatly appreciated. =D

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@Zafan.2960 said:

@Avatar.3568 said:I play 99% pvp rest is helping friends in pve and I have all classes lvl 80

So did you level up from just the tombs that you get in PvP? And how much of the PvE content have you experienced? (Did you do any story content) Have you still been enjoy to enjoy much of the game and what it provides?

I still enjoy pvp but it had better days.I finished all story's all doungens and I did the first raid wing, and I am fractals lvl 100 but pvp I always enjoyed mostAnd I made complete legy armor in pvp

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I came to GW2 2 years ago to play PVE essentially but the the story is such a chore while it is blatant PVE only scratch the surface of the combat mechanics that I decided to try PVP on my way out. Today, I am still an active GW2 player but I never set foot in PVE and never will I.WvW never caught my attention. Takes too much of your time for not enough interesting fights where you can have an impact.

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@Zafan.2960 said:

@"Flumek.9043" said:Im playing since launch.got to 80, done some dungeons, then stayed in pvp for 10 years.no wvw as its unbalanced battle royale poopoo.

On the other hand, theres plenty of poeple who think rotating from node to node is boring, but like walking for 5min, dying to stealth class, then repeating that for 10 years.

In short, play what u like.Its designed so it wont affect balance and you dont need to know lore to win a tournament.Lots of top pvp players also PVE occasionally for fun, story, gold, skins, friends, whatever...

This is the kind of answer I was kind of looking for lol. I felt that I wanted to just PvP and then maybe just play the storymode just to get the just of what's happening, but nothing more. (Outside of maybe any formk of PvE for cosmetics and mounts etc) I

I've been off and on this game since release. I stated I only have a level 40 at the moment, but i've had older characters that were deleted during GW2 "Vanilla" that were close to endgame, but at the time I was looking for a PvE game so i'd stop playing. Now, every year, I dive into PvP for about a month or two and really enjoy it, but felt like I wasn't doing the "Game correctly" since all I wanted to do was PvP lol.

Appreciate the feedback erveryone. Any other forms of feedback is also greatly appreciated. =D

You can also check some youtubers who play or commentate the story progress. I only know woodenpotatoes, probably theres many more.

Overall,the main story isnt the best part. Its more the sidequests, easter eggs and unfinished mysteries that poeple like to talk about.Also, the gameplay is just kill mobs, kill boss... if you dont know the whole plot, you may not know if something big impactful hapened.The 30-80 vs zhaitan story is really the worst part. So maybe dont get bored too fast there.

Its like reading a book.You can ignore it and just hop direct into action. When you feel like it, you take the time to read, read, and you have to read a few 100 pages to really enjoy it and wanting more. Both styles are fine.

TLDR.If you like reading a lot of text and checking npcs, then gw2 is like a good book, lots of content.If you want gameplay mechanics, you wont get it in PVE story. Thats meant for raids.

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I am generally 100% pvp only at this point.

I have the skins I want and plenty of gold to get whatever I want. I've ran pve so much in this game, I don't need to do anything else.

The only time I head back to pve is when there is new content and fun new things to do/unlock. Sometimes I do go to pve to help people with random stuff though. I don't mind running around and helping others complete objectives. Something fun to do sometimes.

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