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Guaranteed Gift of Aurene in Dragonfall - 1000 chests


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The wiki says if you don't get the Gift of Aurene weapon box by 999 chests opened on the map, you'll get it at your 1000th. Can anyone either confirm or deny this? I've been working at this for months and still nothing. I seriously feel like I've passed 1000 by now.

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@WindBlade.8749 said:

@Galmac.4680 said:Perhaps the counter is of type byte and can count up to 255 at maximum, then starting again at 0 ??(Programmer thoughts)

who use byte type theses days seriously (specialy in c++ since it's what the game is build on)

Bit manipulation is used a lot to save memory in game engines. I don’t think that applies to this scenario though, as the counter would have to be saved in a database to make it persistent.

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Accurate counting aside, if that comment was based on percents, there is a fairly high likelyhood it isn't accurate. Droprates when measured in percents are deceptively inaccurate. 1% drop rate doesn't necessarily mean you'll get one every 100th, it means that every time you have the possibility of getting one, you have 1 out of 100 chances of getting it. It can also be trumped by the drop rate of other items in comparison.

Atleast that's how I saw that kind of comment/design work in other games before. Interesting question nonetheless, I always have had extremely poor luck with Gw2 drops.

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@"circuitnerd.5863" said:I seriously feel like I've passed 1000 by now.Then, from experience, i can tell you that you are likely only halfway.

And more seriously - if you are not actually counting, but base it on "feelings", you are extremely likely to miss your mark by a mile. If you didn't get that chest yet, i'd say that the chance of it being some sort of a bug, and not you just not passing the 1000 chests mark yet is extremely small.

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@Astralporing.1957 said:

@"circuitnerd.5863" said:I seriously feel like I've passed 1000 by now.Then, from experience, i can tell you that you are likely only halfway.

And more seriously - if you are not actually counting, but base it on "feelings", you are extremely likely to miss your mark by a mile. If you didn't get that chest yet, i'd say that the chance of it being some sort of a bug, and not you just not passing the 1000 chests mark yet is extremely small.

Well, I can pretty much confirm at this point that the wiki is incorrect, bugged or changed now. A couple days ago I got the "complete Dragonfall 25 times" achievement. I've done the meta 4 times since then. There's 36 chests per Kralk run not including the random chests at menders. Therefore 29 x 36 is 1,044. And I know I've collected a bunch from those mender ones as well.

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@circuitnerd.5863 said:

@circuitnerd.5863 said:I seriously feel like I've passed 1000 by now.Then, from experience, i can tell you that you are likely only halfway.

And more seriously - if you are not actually counting, but base it on "feelings", you are extremely likely to miss your mark by a mile. If you didn't get that chest yet, i'd say that the chance of it being some sort of a bug, and not you just not passing the 1000 chests mark yet is extremely small.

Well, I can pretty much confirm at this point that the wiki is incorrect, bugged or changed now. A couple days ago I got the "complete Dragonfall 25 times" achievement. I've done the meta 4 times since then. There's 36 chests per Kralk run not including the random chests at menders. Therefore 29 x 36 is 1,044. And I know I've collected a bunch from those mender ones as well.

Could you have hit the daily cap of 100 for rare items, wondering if that plays a part, any more than 100 in a day won’t count towards the 1000 maybe since there isn’t a chance of a rare drop. That would mean you couldn’t even complete 3 metas and get possibles from all on the third.

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