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Guild Wars 2's Matchmaking System Is the Most Balanced. Change My Mind.

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I would love to say this game has the worst team building algorithm for PvP but I would be lying. That "honor" goes to Destiny 2. With that said, it is hot garbage here. I have no idea how people can have such excellent win/loss records according to the leaderboard. I have just started getting into rated PvP and good Lord what a mess. Through 20 matches played I have, I think, 6 wins. I regularly have at least 1, normally multiple top stats, yet get crushed. The funny thing is if I get placed on a competent team we crush

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On 5/3/2021 at 7:08 AM, Tokugawa.1268 said:

I would love to say this game has the worst team building algorithm for PvP but I would be lying. That "honor" goes to Destiny 2. With that said, it is hot garbage here. I have no idea how people can have such excellent win/loss records according to the leaderboard. I have just started getting into rated PvP and good Lord what a mess. Through 20 matches played I have, I think, 6 wins. I regularly have at least 1, normally multiple top stats, yet get crushed. The funny thing is if I get placed on a competent team we crush


the problem is you have to duo.  if you don't duo don't even bother qeueing.  you will end up with bots, win traders,  or people who just don't give a crap on your team.    Going duo there is less of a chance of that.   It really is like night and day man.  Doesn't matter who you qeue up with as long as they want to and are in your rank.

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