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On 9/4/2021 at 9:02 AM, displayname.8315 said:

It is hard to stack support when your own group can't stay on tag, 10 of them overextend or just get instagibbed because their playing some random mishmash of skills with an unfinished equipment build.


Most of these issues could be solved by spending 10 or 20 gold at the black market trader.  But they will keep running their yellow rare gear and never notice all the exotic gear that sells for a pittance on the market. 


They don't know you can buy a crafting rune and 5 globs of ecto to change the stats on your ascended gear.  They don't know what those little infusion slots are or what goes into them.


The game is decently balanced and maybe one day they will play it well.


Let us know when you manage to get past 2013.




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On 9/3/2021 at 3:06 PM, Svarty.8019 said:

Pulls make the game very random. There are no tells, no time to react, nothing, then you're in the middle of a zerg and insta-gibbed.


Is this game supposed to be fun?

 There are tells and time to react. Just because you were not paying attention doesn't suddenly make cast time and animations not exist.


this game is all the fun all the time. 

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2 hours ago, GoodWithGravy.8019 said:

Getting pulled off a wall: L2P


Pull focusing commander: Sucks and should be fixed

The commander is just a player in your squad. Protect your commander. Agree or disagree with it, its part of the game mode. 

2 hours ago, GoodWithGravy.8019 said:

Hard CC should come with a building short-term immunity to reduce stab share dependence and make personal stun breaks more viable. Stab spam classes can have their output shaved to compensate. Eternal guard meta is boring.

You are asking for Diminishing returns. Doubt it will happen as it hasn't happened yet. 

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2 hours ago, saerni.2584 said:

I'll contribute a quick video clip I took a while back. Just a clip. Didn't bother to add music or whatever.


That was majestic while it lasted. I would have hoped to have been pulled back to the cliff though instead of having my ride jacked. 

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11 hours ago, GoodWithGravy.8019 said:

Pull focusing commander: Sucks and should be fixed


Let me tell you from many, many hours of experience, that no matter how easy it sounds to just "pull the tag", it is not.

There are a lot of variables you need to consider if you want to actually get them killed.


Different story if you're solo and pulling them off cliffs, but that's a matter of paying attention to your surroundings. Idk about anyone else, but any time I'm near a cliff I don't care if I see a player nearby or not, I'm ready to stunbreak and conscious of the situation.
In a zerg or group, good luck pulling a tag from a decent squad and actually getting them killed for it. 9 times out of 10 they move 3 feet and instantly recover.

Properly pulling a tag means; being aware of whether or not they're pushing, knowing how many allied players are nearby and prepared to put damage on the target, having at least a good guess on how much of their support has been rotated, landing the pull between Stability applications (this is extremely hard against some groups. You literally have 1second openings), teasing out their Invulns/Blocks if necessary by doing bait pulls,
and the list goes on.

As I'd said in my original comment in this thread, no one is going to be prepared for every single pull. It happens sometimes, and it is definitely not a well balanced mechanic. 
But I also don't think being able to comp up with ~3 supports per group while farming a random mish-mash of pugs with 0 co-ordination is perfectly balanced either. Sometimes the only way to fight those groups is to cut off the head.

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes it's total kitten if enough people are doing it or if your group has weak support, but it's not like there aren't options to prevent it. Have a back up tag, don't panic and scatter, appoint someone(s) to hard focus the pullers, etc.

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14 hours ago, Shroud.2307 said:

being able to comp up with ~3 supports per group while farming a random mish-mash of pugs with 0 co-ordination is perfectly balanced

Haha pug farmers troll the new/inexperienced players all day but suddenly their sock commander get pulled and the opponents are all toxic and killing the fun LOLOLOLOL

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If you lose because your tag gets pulled a few inches away for you, you deserve to lose. Also real pros double moa the tag. If your squad is all prim and proper for farming randoms, your own party has support and just make sure to follow them instead. And yes you need to keep track of where your party members are.

Even if the commander dies, they can still command. It is pretty silly that the Crème de la Crème of WvW can be made completely inoperable because of a missing icon.

Also I dunno, usually most of the time people get pulled because they went too far ahead. This is about the same line as people that claim they are being focused when they're probably the only target in front. Granted I always have escapes on my builds regardless.

In general, the typical profile of the frequent victim of pulling are these pew pewerrs that think they're safe from 1200 -1500 range and don't know what kiting is. As for all you bow rangers, just try out quick draw.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, displayname.8315 said:

Haha pug farmers troll the new/inexperienced players all day but suddenly their sock commander get pulled and the opponents are all toxic and killing the fun LOLOLOLOL

I mean, most the time the "veteran" group will try to push you out of a objective and then dodge the map after a few failures. Leaving your new players to feed while the "pug farmers" hope the group comes back. But they don't 😞 

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