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Pet swapping whilst downed - Soulbeast


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7 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


We literally do know, at least those of us that have been playing since the beginning.  It was very clear that ranger pets are meant to be involved in ALL aspects of gameplay; also why it isn't even on the UI as it's pretty intuitive that you can still give commands to your pet while you yourself are lying on the ground.  If this WASN'T intuitive we wouldn't have this topic with someone nearly losing to a downstate of all things.

Intuitive and intended is not the same, nor is either relevant when it comes to balance or consistency.

I even stated in my initial response to this topic, that i don't think it is a bug because it has been in the game for so long, but i also think, it isn't something the devs put much thought into (this goes for downstate balance as a whole) and therefore could easily be something that simply got overlooked.


My point is, it certainly isn't something ranger needs to be competitive and there is not much reason to defend it so adamantly.


7 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Ranger also used to be strongest underwater by a clear margin (which is why we were jokingly labeled as aquaman class); to the point where there was an ACTUAL bug (may still be there) with pets rezzing when they were downed if you were underwater.  Guess what, no one plays underwater, so no one cared.

Some people did and do care (it is still bugged btw - no wait, it has been in the game since forever, must be inteded then ...), it just became less of an issue as underwater dmg got buffed a lot a while ago (and never nerfed afterwards), which makes it possible to kill the ranger before he starts pet ressing.

7 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Same here, rallybotting and having an entire group rez someone that is terribad is far, FAR more egregious then not being able to recognize how to avoid stuns in a downstate--two of which rely entirely on pets that use CC to begin with.  


There are limited ways of avoiding cc while being locked into a 3,5s long stationary channel. And if someone has means aviable to avoid the ranger's cc he will also be bale to avoid the pet's cc, so pet controls are irrelevant in that case.

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9 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

Funny that you are wrong here once again....


Other classes can do this, too. And the really funny part about that: Ranger can do this! xD

The active skill of the elite spirit of nature, Nature's Renewal, is able to instantly revive a ranger landing in downstate if timed right.

Spirit of Nature is an  Elite, Elixir R is an utility.

Spirit of Nature is not used in WvW/sPVp  because no one will trade a good Elite with an useless one. Elixir R is it used in WvW. 

I didn't see any ranger revive himself , instead I saw many engineers using this.

We are talking here about facts not theory.

In theory you can kill easily 2 ranger pets and then stomp the ranger, easy ....

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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Whether two pets can be killed and the ranger stomped is irrelevant. I just plop a banner on them and move on to more important things.


A bug being in the game since the beginning, means just that, a long running bug that just never got fixed.

Well following the train of logic of this thread if this pet swap is a bug then it should be fixed.


And following the same train of thought the soulbeast can not swap during combat but can merge with the pet, as such it should be able to merge and cast lick wounds on self, being the only way to stop it to completely defeat the ranger, the same as the actual skill works.


And that’s the only logical exchange possible here. I am all for it if I’m able to merge in downstate and use the pet effects on self. 

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4 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Well following the train of logic of this thread if this pet swap is a bug then it should be fixed.


And following the same train of thought the soulbeast can not swap during combat but can merge with the pet, as such it should be able to merge and cast lick wounds on self, being the only way to stop it to completely defeat the ranger, the same as the actual skill works.

Now that is the other bug. Other professions don't have access to their Function skills in down state.

4 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

And that’s the only logical exchange possible here. I am all for it if I’m able to merge in downstate and use the pet effects on self. 

See above.

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10 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Now that is the other bug. Other professions don't have access to their Function skills in down state.

See above.

Other proffesions don’t have access to a pet mechanic, but they have access to stealth or teleport mechanic and can be used during downstate. 


As such if they have access to their profession mechanics during downstate so must do the soulbeast. In this case to the merging mechanic. 

As i said, if the pet swap is a bug not being able to merge with the pet in downstate it is as well. And that’s the only logical conclusion here. 

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14 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Other proffesions don’t have access to a pet mechanic, but they have access to stealth or teleport mechanic and can be used during downstate. 


As such if they have access to their profession mechanics during downstate so must do the soulbeast. In this case to the merging mechanic. 

As i said, if the pet swap is a bug not being able to merge with the pet in downstate it is as well. And that’s the only logical conclusion here. 

No, the only logical conclusion is that Rangers have access to F1-F5 when they should not in downstate.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

No, the only logical conclusion is that Rangers have access to F1-F5 when they should not in downstate.

Warriors do have access to their F1-F5 while in downstate when using vengeance.

Again, the only logical conclusion to this thread is the soulbeast should be able to merge while in downstate instead being able to swap. That is if swap pet in downstate is even considered a bug. 

Any other opinion is just that, a heavily based opinion from somebody. 

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56 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Warriors do have access to their F1-F5 while in downstate when using vengeance.

Again, the only logical conclusion to this thread is the soulbeast should be able to merge while in downstate instead being able to swap. That is if swap pet in downstate is even considered a bug. 

Any other opinion is just that, a heavily based opinion from somebody. 

Warrior has access to their f-skills in vengeance because vengeance temporarily ends the downstate.


We can also describe it in another way: no class has access to skills in downstate which are not shown in the UI during it.


You are also making false comparisons with stealth and such. Yes, mesmer and thief have access to stealth in downstate, because stealth is part of the 4 skills shown in the UI in downstate.


By the same logic, without access to the F-skills, ranger also would still have access to their pet mechanic, because it is used in the third downstate skill Lick Wounds.


And ranger also isn't the only class with access to a pet mechanic in downstate. Engineer with turrets and necromancer with minions also have pets during downstate which keep attacking, but what doesn't work in downstate anymore is giving these pets active commands. You can't detonate your turrets as an engineer while in downstate, nor can you use the active skills of your minions as a necromancer. Yet ranger is able to use active commands like the F2 pet skill and pet swap.


So no, soulbeast being able to merge while in downstate is NOT the only conclusion. The conclusion is that ranger is the only class which can use active skills not supported by the UI, which seems to be a long lasting bug.

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18 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

So no, soulbeast being able to merge while in downstate is NOT the only conclusion. The conclusion is that ranger is the only class which can use active skills not supported by the UI, which seems to be a long lasting bug.

Following your train of though then is more like an oversight from Anet than a bug.


As such the easiest and most logical solution to this dilema is to add the icons to the downstate window, for the F2 and the pet swap. 

Then it would not be a bug by your own words. And it wouldn’t be a bug for the soulbeast to be able to swap in downstate.

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37 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Following your train of though then is more like an oversight from Anet than a bug.


As such the easiest and most logical solution to this dilema is to add the icons to the downstate window, for the F2 and the pet swap. 

Then it would not be a bug by your own words. And it wouldn’t be a bug for the soulbeast to be able to swap in downstate.

This would be Anet embracing a bug as a feature, yes. Not the first time a game company would do this.


It is a possible solution, there is more than 1 way to approach this here. I personally will advocate for anet to remove ranger's ability to use F2 and pet swap in downstate. All the other classes have exactly 4 (5 in PvE) skills available while in downstate, I don't see a reason why ranger should be the only class to have 6 (7 in PvE).


As a side note: I don't think adding an UI is the easiest and most logical solution. I consider locking F2 and pet swap to be more logical (since it keeps the downstate system consistent) and I am not entirely sure, but I would assume disabling these 2 skills would be easier than adding an UI.


Oh and it would still be a bug for soulbeasts to be able to pet swap. Because the spec directly states that you don't have access to pet swap. To change that, they would have to rephrase the trait which disables pet swap to "unable to pet swap in combat outside of downstate".

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41 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

As a side note: I don't think adding an UI is the easiest and most logical solution. I consider locking F2 and pet swap to be more logical (since it keeps the downstate system consistent) and I am not entirely sure, but I would assume disabling these 2 skills would be easier than adding an UI.


Oh and it would still be a bug for soulbeasts to be able to pet swap. Because the spec directly states that you don't have access to pet swap. To change that, they would have to rephrase the trait which disables pet swap to "unable to pet swap in combat outside of downstate".

Or we are mistakenly flaging a feature as a bug, we can't be sure at this point because it being working like this for 9 years. 


Anet has stated changing the UI elements is difficult but changing the pet mechanics is even more difficult. The devs once stated the merge of the soulbeast was a very difficult task, more so than any other specialization, although mechanically is basically a permanent stow for the pet. 


The rewording of the description for the trait would be the easiest way to fix it indeed. Otherwise i would expect the Soulbeast to have the Beastmode available during the downstate with the rework behind it. It is true that Ranger seems to have a different skillset than any other classes but every single class is different in that respect. 


As an example Warrior's vengeance rally the warrior but only temporarily unless it can rally again by defeating other players. As such we could  consider that an enhanced downstate and not an actual rally.


Thus i don't think it is decade standing bug  but an oversight and a pragmatic solution for a UI missing design. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
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3 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Or we are mistakenly flaging a feature as a bug, we can't be sure at this point because it being working like this for 9 years. 


Anet has stated changing the UI elements is difficult but changing the pet mechanics is even more difficult. The devs once stated the merge of the soulbeast was a very difficult task, more so than any other specialization, although mechanically is basically a permanent stow for the pet. 


The rewording of the description for the trait would be the easiest way to fix it indeed. Otherwise i would expect the Soulbeast to have the Beastmode available during the downstate with the rework behind it. It is true that Ranger seems to have a different skillset than any other classes but every single class is different in that respect. 


As an example Warrior's vengeance rally the warrior but only temporarily unless it can rally again by defeating other players. As such we could  consider that an enhanced downstate and not an actual rally.


Thus i don't think it is decade standing bug  but an oversight and a pragmatic solution for a UI missing design. 


You are seriously saying that locking skills in downstate would be a difficult task because it is related to the pet? And because Anet has stated that the merge mechanic was difficult to code?


No offense, but I get the feeling you don't know how coding actually works. Disabling skills would be really easy, it wasn't hard for Anet to disable pet swap for soulbeasts either. Creating the merge mechanic was problematic because of entirely different mechanics than locking specific skills from getting used.


We will see what happens, I will just make a post later this day in the bugs section asking to at least get soulbeast's pet swap while in downstate locked, if not locking F2 and pet swap for ranger generally. 

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2 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

You are seriously saying that locking skills in downstate would be a difficult task because it is related to the pet? And because Anet has stated that the merge mechanic was difficult to code?


No offense, but I get the feeling you don't know how coding actually works. Disabling skills would be really easy, it wasn't hard for Anet to disable pet swap for soulbeasts either. Creating the merge mechanic was problematic because of entirely different mechanics than locking specific skills from getting used.


We will see what happens, I will just make a post later this day in the bugs section asking to at least get soulbeast's pet swap while in downstate locked, if not locking F2 and pet swap for ranger generally. 


Yes, i am saying if the people working on it says is difficult to do it so there is no reason for me to doubt their word on it. Apparently you know better thou. 


Good luck with that post anyway. 

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On 5/24/2021 at 12:34 PM, Faolain.2374 said:

I mean that seems incredibly busted if true. In situations like i mentioned in my first post, where the ranger essentially prevented itself being stomped for 12+ seconds by chain ccing and nearly managed to self ress. That  gives ranger such an advantage in an already strong downed state when outnumbering, and makes it the best downed state of any profession by quite a bit I’d say. 

lmao its not incredibly busted and thats how its been since day 1, you literally cc the pet 


the actual busted part about ranger downstate is #3, which again, can be interrupted by a cc


you're over complicating this when its really easy to handle, and if you know smokescale does assault then a knockdown (which he literally does every time) then you dodge the knockdown and bait his #2. it's like not as complicated as people make it to be. 


too many people do this:


1. see the smaokescale got swapped to while in downstate

2. see the smoke assault, while it's smoke assaulting they try to stomp the ranger

3. proceed to get knocked down from smokescale, because his move after assault is always knockdown

4. try to stomp again while ranger begins ressing with #3 

5. get #2'd  by the ranger and stomp interrupts on the ranger

6. struggle repeatedly to spam skills on the ranger, since pet is ressing, this does nothing

7. fail to use any kind of cc on pet, and get #2'd again while trying to stomp again

8. fail to stomp ranger, ranger revives


all this could be avoided with


1. cc pet once, daze, anything to cc it and if you don't have cc on your kit then you shouldn't be in pvp

2. anticipate the knockdown from the smokescale, after smoke assault always he does knockdown

3. stability, any kind while stomping


i mean theres like so many things that you can do to handle a ranger downstate its literally not that bad, just people don't think and spam kitten while theyre in downstate instead of just slowing down and actually doing the right things.

Edited by Tinkerer.2167
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32 minutes ago, Tinkerer.2167 said:

lmao its not incredibly busted and thats how its been since day 1, you literally cc the pet 


the actual busted part about ranger downstate is #3, which again, can be interrupted by a cc


you're over complicating this when its really easy to handle, and if you know smokescale does assault then a knockdown (which he literally does every time) then you dodge the knockdown and bait his #2. it's like not as complicated as people make it to be. 


too many people do this:


1. see the smaokescale got swapped to while in downstate

2. see the smoke assault, while it's smoke assaulting they try to stomp the ranger

3. proceed to get knocked down from smokescale, because his move after assault is always knockdown

4. try to stomp again while ranger begins ressing with #3 

5. get #2'd  by the ranger and stomp interrupts on the ranger

6. struggle repeatedly to spam skills on the ranger, since pet is ressing, this does nothing

7. fail to use any kind of cc on pet, and get #2'd again while trying to stomp again

8. fail to stomp ranger, ranger revives


all this could be avoided with


1. cc pet once, daze, anything to cc it and if you don't have cc on your kit then you shouldn't be in pvp

2. anticipate the knockdown from the smokescale, after smoke assault always he does knockdown

3. stability, any kind while stomping


i mean theres like so many things that you can do to handle a ranger downstate its literally not that bad, just people don't think and spam kitten while theyre in downstate instead of just slowing down and actually doing the right things.

In this case i think the situation was more simple:

  1. Op try to stomp without stab get interrupted by ranger#2 (it is not a CC) 
  2. Tries again without stab gets CC by the smokescale random takedown. 
  3. Tries a 3rd time, again without stab,  ranger swap pet and the first thing the pet does it to knockdown.
  4. Meanwhile the allies of that ranger are already on the OP, giving a warm welcome. 

As i said all this drama is a L2P issue, OP overextended and got to pay for it. As simple as that. 


Edit: Actually the 3 CCs would sum a total maximum of 3 seconds which is also the total interrupt time from Wave of Light (counting the knockback, knockdown and the time you need to get back to the guardian). Other classes have similar mechanics like Vapor Form which is even more obnoxious as not only avoid the stomping but also moves the elementalist even thru gates. 


Edited by anduriell.6280
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6 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

In this case i think the situation was more simple:

  1. Op try to stomp without stab get interrupted by ranger#2 (it is not a CC) 
  2. Tries again without stab gets CC by the smokescale random takedown. 
  3. Tries a 3rd time, again without stab,  ranger swap pet and the first thing the pet does it to knockdown.
  4. Meanwhile the allies of that ranger are already on the OP, giving a warm welcome. 


1. It is a CC please try to at least be somewhat knowledgeable about the topic https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thunderclap_(ranger_skill)

2. Ye that's kinda poor design, why does a pet CC without user input?

3. Which is obviously a bug and what op is trying to remedy, if it was a Druid or core ranger there'd be no problem with the swap, hence why Soulbeast is in the title?

4. CC rewards outnumbered whodathunk.

6 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

As i said all this drama is a L2P issue, OP overextended and got to pay for it. As simple as that. 

OP brought up a bug. You went on a crusade to defend said bug and personally attack OP probably due to relying on said bug.

6 hours ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Edit: Actually the 3 CCs would sum a total maximum of 3 seconds which is also the total interrupt time from Wave of Light (counting the knockback, knockdown and the time you need to get back to the guardian). Other classes have similar mechanics like Vapor Form which is even more obnoxious as not only avoid the stomping but also moves the elementalist even thru gates. 


Assuming OP was trying to stomp, it is far more than 3 sec since you obviously wait towards the end of the stomp...


Also there are pets with longer than 1 sec cd and even some with multiple CC skills (wolf, lightning wyvern etc). Having that as a backup pet for when you go down is kinda silly given the non-existent opportunity cost.


Ele downstates is busted but not bugged. SLB is clearly bugged.


It's arguable wether being able to control the pet at all in downstate is intended but soulbeast should clearly not be able to swap.

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1 hour ago, lodjur.1284 said:

1. It is a CC please try to at least be somewhat knowledgeable about the topic https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thunderclap_(ranger_skill)

2. Ye that's kinda poor design, why does a pet CC without user input?

3. Which is obviously a bug and what op is trying to remedy, if it was a Druid or core ranger there'd be no problem with the swap, hence why Soulbeast is in the title?

4. CC rewards outnumbered whodathunk.

OP brought up a bug. You went on a crusade to defend said bug and personally attack OP probably due to relying on said bug.

Assuming OP was trying to stomp, it is far more than 3 sec since you obviously wait towards the end of the stomp...


Also there are pets with longer than 1 sec cd and even some with multiple CC skills (wolf, lightning wyvern etc). Having that as a backup pet for when you go down is kinda silly given the non-existent opportunity cost.


Ele downstates is busted but not bugged. SLB is clearly bugged.


It's arguable wether being able to control the pet at all in downstate is intended but soulbeast should clearly not be able to swap.

You are taking this as a personal matter when you are not even the OP,  and we already discuss this if Soulbeast should not be able to swap then it should be able to merge. That is the only logical outcome if we go that path. Discussing if is a bug or not is is not relevant for this thread as this is a mechanic which has been in game for a decade at all accounts should be considered a feature and part of the class mechanic. 


And this mechanic is to make the interrupts similar to any other classes. Forceful Displacement may throw you down a cliff and at least is a delay of another 3 seconds + stomp. Vengeance allows the warrior to rally by having access to all its skills while ignoring prior cooldowns and conditions as those are removed when entering downstate.  Booby Trap is another pushback which delays the start of the stomp for 4-5 seconds. 

Shadow Escape + Smoke Bomb will also delay the stomp for the same equivalent time. 

Vapor Form will delay you over 6 seconds in total with the most common possibility being the elementalist running inside a tower during the process. 


Discussing if the text or other UI indicators are missing is fair but coming out of the woodworks blaming the downed mechanic when in reality is clearly a L2P issue as most are saying as much does not make much sense. 


Next time try using some stability/stealth/mist form/Elixir S/CC/any of the multiple tools at your disposal if you want to secure the stomp as most of us do anyway. 



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7 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

You are taking this as a personal matter when you are not even the OP,  and we already discuss this if Soulbeast should not be able to swap then it should be able to merge. That is the only logical outcome if we go that path. Discussing if is a bug or not is is not relevant for this thread as this is a mechanic which has been in game for a decade at all accounts should be considered a feature and part of the class mechanic. 


7 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

And this mechanic is to make the interrupts similar to any other classes. Forceful Displacement may throw you down a cliff and at least is a delay of another 3 seconds + stomp. Vengeance allows the warrior to rally by having access to all its skills while ignoring prior cooldowns and conditions as those are removed when entering downstate.  Booby Trap is another pushback which delays the start of the stomp for 4-5 seconds. 

Shadow Escape + Smoke Bomb will also delay the stomp for the same equivalent time. 

Vapor Form will delay you over 6 seconds in total with the most common possibility being the elementalist running inside a tower during the process. 


7 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Discussing if the text or other UI indicators are missing is fair but coming out of the woodworks blaming the downed mechanic when in reality is clearly a L2P issue as most are saying as much does not make much sense. 


Next time try using some stability/stealth/mist form/Elixir S/CC/any of the multiple tools at your disposal if you want to secure the stomp as most of us do anyway. 




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On 6/1/2021 at 5:25 PM, Dragonzhunter.8506 said:

I am sorry, but you don't understand anything. For you the difference between Core Ranger and Soulbeast is an icon? You don't want to understand that in down state both Ranger and Soulbeast have the same skills and pets can do the same thing? Jut an icon is your problem. You want Anet to change Soulbeast icon when he is in down state to Core icon? This will satisfy you? Because once again, when Core Ranger and Soulbeast are in down state, they have the same skills, pets can do the same things, they are not different. Soulbeast doesn't benefit from pet anymore, not more than a Core Ranger. 

Anyway, this is my last answer to you, I don't want to spend time with someone who his biggest problem is an icon.

He also doesn’t acknowledge the point that the pet is a separate entity. No other class has a union/bond with another being. Only ranger. Clones are based on magic. Minions are only alive because of magic from necro. Etc etc. This is a design choice. 

Edited by bigo.9037
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13 minutes ago, bigo.9037 said:

He also doesn’t acknowledge the point that the pet is a separate entity. No other class has a union/bond with another being. Only ranger. Clones are based on magic. Minions are only alive because of magic from necro. Etc etc. This is a design choice. 

If this is a design choice, then Anet are literally amateurs when it comes to game design, since they don't even have the most basic knowledge about UI design and how to communicate mechanics to the player.


This is literally the only instance in the entire game in which you can use active abilities while the UI is not telling you visually that you can use these abilities.


And especially since ranger is working differently as other classes here by getting allowed to use F-skills. By such an impactful difference, you have to show to the player "hey, look, you can do this here! But only on this class!" with a proper UI. But there is nothing like that.


I want to believe that anet has a clue about game design, so I refuse to believe that this was intended design.



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49 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

If this is a design choice, then Anet are literally amateurs when it comes to game design, since they don't even have the most basic knowledge about UI design and how to communicate mechanics to the player.


This is literally the only instance in the entire game in which you can use active abilities while the UI is not telling you visually that you can use these abilities.


And especially since ranger is working differently as other classes here by getting allowed to use F-skills. By such an impactful difference, you have to show to the player "hey, look, you can do this here! But only on this class!" with a proper UI. But there is nothing like that.


I want to believe that anet has a clue about game design, so I refuse to believe that this was intended design.



I think that is your mistake. Anet doesn’t have a kittening clue, and they haven’t for years lol. Just look at most balance changes since hot. Hell, even before hot, balance was pretty kitten. Anyone else remember how dd cele ele was so strong, competitive teams in spvp would just bring 5 of them and win? 

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1 hour ago, bigo.9037 said:

He also doesn’t acknowledge the point that the pet is a separate entity. No other class has a union/bond with another being. Only ranger. Clones are based on magic. Minions are only alive because of magic from necro. Etc etc. This is a design choice. 


Correct Bigo! Very well said!

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@Kodama.6453 and @lodjur.1284 , what classes are you playing?


Engineer and Elementalist? 

Well, when one of the 2 best classes in WvW are coming on Ranger's forum and complain so badly about 1 specialization thing that literally is 100% the same as other 2 specialization in downstate, that means you guys don't have a clue about how to play your class.

If you, specially you two with your classes who can stomp every classes due to your ability stability/immunity are complain about this, then it is crystal clear how well do you know your class and how good you are.

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1 hour ago, anduriell.6280 said:

You are taking this as a personal matter when you are not even the OP,  and we already discuss this if Soulbeast should not be able to swap then it should be able to merge. That is the only logical outcome if we go that path. Discussing if is a bug or not is is not relevant for this thread as this is a mechanic which has been in game for a decade at all accounts should be considered a feature and part of the class mechanic. 


And this mechanic is to make the interrupts similar to any other classes. Forceful Displacement may throw you down a cliff and at least is a delay of another 3 seconds + stomp. Vengeance allows the warrior to rally by having access to all its skills while ignoring prior cooldowns and conditions as those are removed when entering downstate.  Booby Trap is another pushback which delays the start of the stomp for 4-5 seconds. 

Shadow Escape + Smoke Bomb will also delay the stomp for the same equivalent time. 

Vapor Form will delay you over 6 seconds in total with the most common possibility being the elementalist running inside a tower during the process. 


Discussing if the text or other UI indicators are missing is fair but coming out of the woodworks blaming the downed mechanic when in reality is clearly a L2P issue as most are saying as much does not make much sense. 


Next time try using some stability/stealth/mist form/Elixir S/CC/any of the multiple tools at your disposal if you want to secure the stomp as most of us do anyway. 



Did you even read my posts? I literally won a 3vs1 on warrior, downed and successfully stomped 2 other players no problems what so ever because each of them only got to interrupt my stomp once, like every profession except ranger. Ofc most professions can cc you again if you mess around and don’t start stomping as soon as your first stomp was interrupted, but this ranger legit interrupted 3 stomps in a row back to back. Nothing else can do this, so I doubt this interaction is intentional. This is not a l2p issue as like I said I won the 3vs1 eventually, it just took 12 seconds to stomp this ranger because of this bs. If it was not the ranger that was the last player in the 3vs1 I would not have been able to stomp or finished this guy.

I refuse to believe I should have to take a skill specifically to stomp rangers since this is not a problem with any other professions’ downed state. Imagine if you needed a reveal skill to finish a thief player lmao 

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