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why do you think power block is a good trait


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2 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

Don't get me wrong I don't think CC needs massive nerfs like others do but there's a lot of enablers of CC spam for mesmer.


Continuum Split, Sword Ambush (yes I know defense/offense) and signet of illusions which you touched on too. Putting a 5s cool down on MoD would be nice but without the trade off of having to charge it up the skill feels silly at the least. The reset on pistol skills if you take the trait doesn't help with the "CC spam" label mesmer has even if there's classes far more guilty of this.


I think it's high time ANet got it's act together though, decide if a CC is for set up or interrupting. Make interrupt CC fast/instant maybe with a facing requirement but short duration 1/2s and set up CC longer cast maybe not needing to be facing enemy and long duration.


The mantras on the buff bar is a nice idea.

yeah the pistol trait is also not the yellow from the egg in that regard 😹 but that is more a problem of too much hard lock down cc spam than about an interrupt cd problem. 


anyway i can counterplay powerblock/ mantra easy all day long on several different classes (incl necro what clearly has few less counterplay option than a thief or ranger for example, like no stealth) and dont get my heal interupted (outside of clearly own misplays), no matter of the skill lvl of the mesmer im facing. and im not the only one i know is able to.


its the problem of the ppl complaining not ours in the end. that there are ppl can counterplay it well and that also vs all existing skill lvl mesmers in the game proves there is enough fair counterplay. denying it means straight up lying.


so the ppl  have to decide if they start learning and improving or if they instead use their time to cry on forum or discord in hope to get one of the last highly skilled interactions nerfed just bc they dont want to face something that also needs skill  to be counterplayed and just bc they want to spam their low cd on hit high impact skills and facetank left and right without any punishment.


and all we can hope for is, that devs are smarter than that. at least as long as we invest the time to give more detailed povs to the topic. also when the mesmer balance in the last 2-3 years (ip deletion on chrono, at least fixed prob only thanks to pve ppl complaining, one dodge mirage, still big lol, no complains from pve since mirage still has 2 dodges there) and the missing will/ time or whatever to talk about mes balance and give feedback to balance suggestions (even when the feedback was promised) doesnt exactly give much hope...

Edited by JazzXman.7018
typos typos typos and typos
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I mean sure the interrupt aspect of power block is very strong but a mesmer playing with power block will never have many tools besides those interrupts and maybe mobility. It has no sustain, barely any defense and any cleanses, it gets outdamaged by many classes and in order to deal decent damage and decent interrupts it needs to go melee which is extremely risky for this kind of build. If power block is not a strong trait then it's never worth taking cuz it shifts your gameplay around it too much, and power block mesmers are not op rn, just frustrating if you don't know how to deal with them (just like any other mesmer build sooo).

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On 5/28/2021 at 11:16 AM, Quadox.7834 said:

LOL yes, trying to justify using something worse, hey scourge is worse so power block should be fine right?

in a balanced stand point, power block is OP, functionality isn't bad design but the easy daze uptime mesmer has makes it op.

power block doesnt need to be nerfed, but daze uptime can be nerfed.


did no one teach you to understand before quote?

Edited by felix.2386
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On 5/29/2021 at 5:10 AM, Tycura.1982 said:

Dunno about you guys but as a war main I've got a lot of respect for mesmers that can interrupt mending or arcing slice consistently and intentionally. If they spam it, the best they get in my case is something like 15 second CD on Aura Slicer (oh no whatever will I do).  Don't spam skills once you're dazed initially anyway. Focus on avoiding damage. Expect the multi proc cc from sword daze and shatter daze so don't spam into that either or your just asking to be power blocked.

Warrior has plenty of tools to counter play it. One tool everyone has regardless of class is stowing for that matter. Bait with stow if you think the mesmer is aiming for a certain skill of yours. Seems like it rewards skill to me. Plus domination has nothing in the way of sustain so it's not like you can't kill them either. They're going to run something along the lines of GS/Sword,X with all the offhand weapons except sword being viable. So it's not even a question of what they're going to try and do. Wait for the GS2 and daze from stealth or blink and, not even being satirical, just dodge. If the mesmer is in stealth just hover your dodge key. They're all frontloaded damage with very little in the way of immediate follow up.


Oh and for all those classes with those strange foreign things called boons. Throw up stability or aegis.

what? mesmer can literally daze mending while blind folded, power block mes hard counter warrior so hard.

not sure if you haven't played warrior for ages, or you never see any power block mesmer that's not silver.


i suggest you go find a power block condi mesmer friend who you think is good and duel and he will win 90% of the times.

Edited by felix.2386
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20 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

what? mesmer can literally daze mending while blind folded, power block mes hard counter warrior so hard.

not sure if you haven't played warrior for ages, or you never see any power block mesmer that's not silver.


i suggest you go find a power block condi mesmer friend who you think is good and duel and he will win 90% of the times.

Are you  NA or EU?

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1 hour ago, felix.2386 said:

LOL yes, trying to justify using something worse, hey scourge is worse so power block should be fine right?

in a balanced stand point, power block is OP, functionality isn't bad design but the easy daze uptime mesmer has makes it op.

power block doesnt need to be nerfed, but daze uptime can be nerfed.


did no one teach you to understand before quote?

following your logic necro shroud is objectively overpowered as it gives 50k HP barrier, and no other skill comes close to it. 
Every single revive utility is objectively overpowered as it heals for 20k+ and no other utility heals as much
every single projectile block/reflect is objectively overpowered as it can prevent unlimited damage!

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3 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

what? mesmer can literally daze mending while blind folded, power block mes hard counter warrior so hard.

not sure if you haven't played warrior for ages, or you never see any power block mesmer that's not silver.

go ask drazeh, one of the best wars, that on his stream

3 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

i suggest you go find a power block condi mesmer friend who you think is good and duel and he will win 90% of the times.


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