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I can not believe that someone had the guts to program this into the game!

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20 hours ago, Steel.6810 said:

Read trough all the things. Thank you all for the responses but i need to clarify something.


1. Someone said wait till the end of the festival they will go cheaper... Its a weekly vendor meaning you do not buy this week you lost the chance to buy it. 

2. I personally am not interested in them as I have everything dungeon related done. I am outraged about the high price.

3. The frustration comes from the fact that its the same item like in the new year vendor. In the new year festival the item has no value at all. 10 Luck essences are extremely easy to get by salvaging some rares from which you actually keep the ecto and materials meaning you actually turn profit most of the times while acquiring the 10 essences. 


To sum it up. In one event they are basically paying us to get that item for less than free as we keep the items from salvage.

And in the dragon bash event they are charging us 70 gold for it.


Its completely insane and they should be ashamed for overpricing something in order to mask the incompetence of keeping the market in check.

So vote with your wallet (or in this case your material storage). Don't buy it.


When Anet see that no one's buying it because it's not worth the price they may lower it, or replace it with a cheaper random consumable.

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On 6/23/2021 at 3:41 PM, Steel.6810 said:

The weekly vendor for dragon bash has the audacity to sell [Tyrian Exchange Voucher] for 10 Jorbreakers.


Who in the right mind gave him the ideea that:

1. That thing is worth 70 something gold as the price of the Jorbreaker is above 7 gold each.

2. The other festival sells it for 10 exotic luck essence of luck (basically the essence of luck has absolutly 0 value specially for the ppl who maxed the luck like 4 5 years ago).

3. Getting the same ammount of tokens rewards you in dungeon with what like 10 gold max liquid gold?


I know there is some economy guy there at your office that constantly checks the market and is taking care of the inflation and everything but this is completly out of line Anet.


Overpricing this voucher by thousands of times compared to the new year vendor is a really low move.

This complaint doesn't really make sense. Anet didn't 'decide' the Exchange Vouchers were worth 70 gold. That price floats on the price of Jorbreakers ... which Anet doesn't control. 

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4 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It has everything to do with jorbreakers price, because the jorbreaker amount needed for that voucher is stable. What's not stable and partially set by players is price of jorbreakers, which is why now "it's worth 70 gold", but 2 weeks ago (and IN two weeks, probably) it will magically "be worth 30gold".

More like "few months ago" and "in a month or two". This time, jorbreakers started spiking in March. Last year, they bottomed in late July/early August.


2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

This complaint doesn't really make sense. Anet didn't 'decide' the Exchange Vouchers were worth 70 gold. That price floats on the price of Jorbreakers ... which Anet doesn't control. 

But they do. Not directly, maybe, but do you really think that players agree upon that price in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with what Anet does? With how big the zhaitaffy supply is, or with what you can buy for it (outside of Vouchers, that is. I sincerely doubt the vouchers are one of the goods that add to Jorbreakers' value)?


Edited by Astralporing.1957
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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

More like "few months ago" and "in a month or two". This time, jorbreakers started spiking in March. Last year, they bottomed in late July/early August.


But they do. Not directly, maybe, but do you really think that players agree upon that price in ways that have absolutely nothing to do with what Anet does? With how big the zhaitaffy supply is, or with what you can buy for it (outside of Vouchers, that is. I sincerely doubt the vouchers are one of the goods that add to Jorbreakers' value)?


This is an old and tired discussion. Anet does not set the price on ANYTHING in the TP. It's set by what the market is willing to sell and buy mats for. The premise of the OP that Anet 'decided' Vouchers were worth 70 gold makes no sense. 

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32 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

More like "few months ago" and "in a month or two". This time, jorbreakers started spiking in March. Last year, they bottomed in late July/early August.

True, but whatever the timing on the price fluctuation is, that wasn't even close to being the main point of the post.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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37 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

This is an old and tired discussion. Anet does not set the price on ANYTHING in the TP.

Yes, but they do have complete control on the whole environment that shapes those prices (well, they do have it in like 99% of cases. In the remaining 1% players do manage to insert some variables on their own. But that is also only because Anet allowed them to do so). Whenever Anet wants to adjust certain price up or down, they can easily do that - and in fact they have done it numerous times to many commodities throughout GW2 history. Often a single adjustment is enough to completely overturn a market for specific commodity. And whenever Anet acts, players are completely powerless to prevent that.


So, please, do not use the argument that it's not Anet but players that set the prices. Sure, they do set them, but only within confines Anet prepared for them.



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For some reason the devs based it on "tp value" rather than on ease to acquire. This is why the SAB weekly vendor is the most fair and the newer weekly vendors are increasingly atrocious. The 35 bigger bubble baubles is the equivalent of 2 jorbreakers or 2 diamonds in farm effort. Everything in the vendors asks for five times too much.

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This whole discussion misses one fundamental fact: the weekly vendors were originally introduced to give players with surplus festival currency a way to use some of that currency. The weekly vendors were never meant to offer valuable festival rewards for everyone. If you look at it from that perspective, outrageous prices for the wares the weekly vendor offers are actually reasonable. Those players who have farmed a festival to the point they have currency coming out of their ears do get a tiny bit of value from that extra currency, as opposed to the extra currency having no value at all before the introduction of weekly vendors.


Exchange vouchers from the vendors aren't meant to have competitive prices to getting the voucher currency directly. If you want dungeon tokens but find the vouchers too expensive, just go and play the dungeon. It's probably a lot quicker to grab the dungeon currency that way. If on the other hand you enjoy the festival to the point where you have more zhaitaffy than you know what to do with, the voucher isn't really that expensive anymore because you passively accumulate the materials needed to buy the voucher just from playing the content you enjoy (aka the festival). That's the kind of people the weekly vendors target.


The nice thing about weekly festival vendors, just like pretty much all other daily or weekly repeatables in this game, is that you don't miss out if you don't do them. They'll give you a nice bonus if they happen to match the content you're playing anyway because you enjoy the activity, but if you don't enjoy what it takes to get them, you can easily get the wares/rewards/whatever another way (in the case of vouchers by actually playing the content offering the voucher currencies).

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9 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

For some reason the devs based it on "tp value" rather than on ease to acquire. This is why the SAB weekly vendor is the most fair and the newer weekly vendors are increasingly atrocious. The 35 bigger bubble baubles is the equivalent of 2 jorbreakers or 2 diamonds in farm effort. Everything in the vendors asks for five times too much.

One requires you to play through the content (because it's untradable), while the other is just a way to skip content with gold. Makes sense to me tbh.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

One requires you to play through the content (because it's untradable), while the other is just a way to skip content with gold. Makes sense to me tbh.

Yes but you cant realisticly farm that anmunt of currency on you own.

Baubles you can easily do so jorbreakers not so much.

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I think the point here is that the value of the weekly vendor is not consistent between festivals. Like SAB and Lunar New Year are very easy to save up currency to get the weeklies, while dragon bash, wintersday, and Halloween are very expensive and hard to save up to get all the weekly stuff. I will note that if you do the dailies, you can choose 5 jorbreakers from the chest after 5 consecutive days instead of the weapon skin. This should help bring that down. I know once I am done with the weapon skins that’s what I’m going to get, but that will take a few years time. I don’t know. It’s just too much for me to spend 10 of them so I don’t do it. It’s not like this is the ONLY way to get the currencies. Play the game mode if you need the currencies that much.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes but you cant realisticly farm that anmunt of currency on you own.

Baubles you can easily do so jorbreakers not so much.

I guess I'll repeat what you've already answered to, because I'm not sure you understood:



The other (jorbreakers) can be SKIPPED WITH GOLD by not playing anything else than -for example- silverwaste farm trains.


I don't know if that's the reason, I'm not anet. But, as I said, it kind of makes sense to me.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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