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What If Guild Wars Got a Show in The Vein of Castlevania... ?

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6 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

There was a thread on this already.

Personally, I'd rather not have GW2 become an anime, but I'd watch an animated series on it. Just as long as they don't butcher the core of it and not in anime style.


I'm assuming you're talking about a CGI style instead of an anime style.


Well, the CGI style would be pretty kitten cool, and I'd probably prefer that too, but I also think it would be much more expensive. I also don't see anything wrong with the anime style AS LONG AS IT'S DONE RIGHT. I do NOT wanna see my Guild Wars littered with japanese anime tropes. With that said though, Cowboy Bebop, the aforementioned Castlevania, and Black Lagoon show that the medium is rather versatile.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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3 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:


I'm assuming you're talking about a CGI style instead of an anime style.


Well, the CGI style would be pretty kitten cool, and I'd probably prefer that too, but I also think it would be much more expensive. I also don't see anything wrong with the anime style AS LONG AS IT'S DONE RIGHT. I do NOT wanna see my Guild Wars littered with japanese anime tropes. With that said though, Cowboy Bebop, the aforementioned Castlevania, and Black Lagoon show that the medium is rather versatile.

Traditional Western Animation: "What am I, chopped liver?"

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7 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:


I'm assuming you're talking about a CGI style instead of an anime style.


Well, the CGI style would be pretty kitten cool, and I'd probably prefer that too, but I also think it would be much more expensive. I also don't see anything wrong with the anime style AS LONG AS IT'S DONE RIGHT. I do NOT wanna see my Guild Wars littered with japanese anime tropes. With that said though, Cowboy Bebop, the aforementioned Castlevania, and Black Lagoon show that the medium is rather versatile.

No, i meant anime. With all the tropes, art style and all that anime is. CGI is something completely different and can probably be applied to every animated series because CGI just means computer generated imagery - which all animation is done on a computer these days so calling something CGI is redundant.

Cell shaded also doesn't mean anything beyond a particular technique. There can be cell shaded anime and cell shaded Western style animation. 


I don't care about cell shading or cgi, I just don't think an anime GW2 show would be fitting for the established GW2's visual identity. It would be jarring.

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2 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

No, i meant anime. With all the tropes, art style and all that anime is. CGI is something completely different and can probably be applied to every animated series because CGI just means computer generated imagery - which all animation is done on a computer these days so calling something CGI is redundant.

Cell shaded also doesn't mean anything beyond a particular technique. There can be cell shaded anime and cell shaded Western style animation. 


I don't care about cell shading or cgi, I just don't think an anime GW2 show would be fitting for the established GW2's visual identity. It would be jarring.


Well, the visual particulars really don't matter to me personally as long as the spirit of the game is preserved. Also, what I really want to talk about is how many people even think giving GW a show at all would be a good idea.

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1 minute ago, Arnox.5128 said:


Well, the visual particulars really don't matter to me personally as long as the spirit of the game is preserved. Also, what I really want to talk about is how many people even think giving GW a show at all would be a good idea.

I just said my opinion on the visual. I did say I'd watch it though. 😉



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We all know what would happen. Taimi would be the main character, have pink hair with half of it shaved, go around punching Charrs like they weigh nothing because she is a strong woman and every scene she is in will have her either looking constantly disgusted, crying or be victimised by the male patriarchy. Her sidekicks will be Rytlock and Logan that will be holding hands and kissing each other every other scene.

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2 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

I bring this up because GW2 is so full of potential stories that even an MMO can't really tell them all. Thoughts on this idea?

I mean Tencent has been doing this with multiple mobile games, they do an anime series linked to the mobile game. 


So i don't think it is a bad idea. I just don't see the current characters having anything interesting to say. 

Edited by anduriell.6280
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21 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I mean Tencent has been doing this with multiple mobile games, they do an anime series linked to the mobile game. 


So i don't think it is a bad idea. I just don't see the current characters having anything interesting to say. 


Unless the show wants to retell the GW1/GW2 main stories, then yeah, you're probably right. They'd be great for cameos though.

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17 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

I mean Tencent has been doing this with multiple mobile games, they do an anime series linked to the mobile game. 


So i don't think it is a bad idea. I just don't see the current characters having anything interesting to say. 

....Tencent?  *shudders*

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

We all know what would happen. Taimi would be the main character, have pink hair with half of it shaved, go around punching Charrs like they weigh nothing because she is a strong woman and every scene she is in will have her either looking constantly disgusted, crying or be victimised by the male patriarchy. Her sidekicks will be Rytlock and Logan that will be holding hands and kissing each other every other scene.

Yes but which one of themwojld be race swapped and which one would be gender swapped? That's the real question!

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2 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Trahearne chooses to be a sallad girl. I thought it was obvious, duh.

Ah yes, that covers trans characters and gender swapped characters in one! Brilliant!

Now, all we need is a race swapped character and we have a show!

Idk... Kasmeer is from Elona now? 

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If they did make an animated series of Guild Wars 2 it should be an original story. The main story is long enough for a dozen movies and would feel horribly rushed in a short series or single movie.
The advantage of a movie or series based on an mmo like Guild Wars 2 is that there are a lot of lore or smaller stories available.

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3 minutes ago, Tzarakiel.7490 said:

If they did make an animated series of Guild Wars 2 it should be an original story. The main story is long enough for a dozen movies and would feel horribly rushed in a short series or single movie.


Honestly, I think the main stories are best kept within the game and told there anyway. The games generally do a fantastic job of telling it while mixing it into the core gameplay. Plus, as far as I know, the Pact Commander doesn't have a canonical race or even class and is OP'd as f*** in the lore.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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3 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I'd rather ANet spend their money/resources on the game rather than something like this.

Your quote for everything.  You realize this would be a completely different group right?  Of course not because of what you just said.

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3 minutes ago, phokus.8934 said:

Your quote for everything.  You realize this would be a completely different group right?  Of course not because of what you just said.

No need to be insulting.  Would this be a completely different group?  Who would pay for it?

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I've never seen Castlevania so I can't comment on whether I'd want something like that, but I think a TV show of GW2 could work and it would make sense to animate it because you would need a lot of special effects to do it with live action and doing that well is often more expensive (and therefore less likely to happen) than good animation. Plus it would open up the possibility of some of the same voice actors appearing in both.


But I can see quite a few problems with it. The main ones being:


1) The fact that it could work doesn't mean it will work. Adapting any story from one medium to another is difficult and has gone wrong more times than I can count even if the work being adapted is excellent. They need people who understand the story working closely with people who understand the new medium, who work well together (so they're not clashing over the 'right' way to do things) and with the freedom to do what needs to be done to make it work rather than being constrained too much by things like budget and timing (some time/cost restrictions are unavoidable because neither is infinite, but they need enough of both that it's not harming the work). As easy as it might sound it's rare that all that comes together. There's a reason video game movies have a reputation for being terrible even though there are occasionally ones that aren't too bad.


2) They can't just adapt a story directly from one medium to another. The pacing, story telling techniques etc. which work well in one medium don't necessarily work in another so there will need to be a lot of changes to make it fit. In this case I think rather than re-telling the story of the game in a TV show it would make sense to tell other stories that tie into the narrative of the game. For example follow a unique group of Pact soldiers so we see the same major story points from a different perspective but it doesn't have to feature exactly the same events as the game.


3) Because of the above points differences between the original work and the new adaption are inevitable and that will get mixed reactions from fans. The Game of Thrones TV show and the Lord of the Rings movies are both widely considered to be very high quality, well done adaptions, but that doesn't stop large chunks of the fan base of each original work considering them complete travesties which are an unwatchable mess only tolerable to people totally ignorant of the original work. So no matter what they do they're going to lose a portion of the original fan base. Add in people who simply won't know an adaption is happening unless there's a lot of marketing because they don't follow news on the game that closely and they either risk starting with a very small viewer base (which may not be enough to keep the show going) or have to put in a comparable advertising budget to a totally new story to draw in new fans, at which point it's probably easier for the company making it to just make an original story instead.


There's also a risk that you will be one of the fans they alienate. I thought the Lord of the Rings movies were good (I have some issues with them, but not enough that I can't enjoy both the films and the books) but I think I made it through one episode of the Shannara TV show before I turned it off because they were making such a mess of it and I didn't get past the promotion for The Watch which is allegedly 'inspired by' Terry Pratchett's books but seems to have used nothing but character and place names.

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5 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Ah yes, that covers trans characters and gender swapped characters in one! Brilliant!

Now, all we need is a race swapped character and we have a show!

Idk... Kasmeer is from Elona now? 

And body positive. Multiple boxes ticked in one go.


kitten. I wish I could draw, then I'd make an ensemble pic of that group.

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