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Marionette need be moved to be a raid or be nerfed.

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Oh for cripes sake op. I am doing this boss in exotic gear, i have no leggys or ascended to carry me. I just started doing it and im not an elitist by a long shot, but the problem isnt the fight, its the players that dont want to put effort into the fight. There is a bunch of videos and a wiki page breaking down the mechanics of each lane and platforms. The fight is fun, and all it takes is people trying. Do not nerf this boss, its beautiful the way it is.

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It's going to be an unpopular opinion, but imo GW2 desperately needs more content such as this where sheer every player in the event has a moment to "shine" (aka play at least at 10-20% of what is possible) or fail. 

And yea, I get it, when that fail happens it sucks for everybody in that moment, but the alternative can't seriously be to eternally have exclusively absolutely brain dead zerg content in which 95% of the players are just autoattacking, afk or contributing barely more to even less than their presence upscales the events, while less than 5% of the games population carries literally every (successful) OW event or other non gated/PuG group activity. 


There imo needs to be points where the game explicitly points out to incredibly severely underperforming players that "you, yes you!" are failing this. If that never happens, part of me really can't blame that no one in the community cares anymore and just shows up to stuff either betting on someone else carrying, or simply being completely unaware of their lacklustre performance bc everything else from OW to Story can be beaten by a Ranger pet/autoatacking, with players who joined post the major powercreep patches pre-HoT simply never having had to learn how to play since the game lacks failure states and any and all pressure to learn or improve. 

Nobody want's to be the player that failed their part, and it may sound counter productive to some that giving players that possibility creates a much healthier, less toxic and non gating community in the long run, but without those opportunities to fail and grow such as in this event's platform phase in the game at large, the average skill level just becomes non-existent, as we've clearly seen, making gating, "elitism" and a fundamentally split/antagonistic community a certainty.


Yes, things like empty platforms when other's have two players need to be fixed as to always prioritize getting at least one player on everything to avoid automatic fails. 

But beyond that, what GW2 needs is more moments of giving responsibility and agency to it's players, and for Anet and the Community to then grit through a time where that sucks and groups and events fail and some hostilities may, unfortunately, happen - until the average skill level slowly rises from 5% efficiency to at least something like 30% (and let's be frank, with the right build you can play at ~60% efficiency by literally just autoattacking still). 

Players who do 1-3k DPS and can't dodge, don't know what breakbars are, don't understand the boon system or it's importance, have zero spatial awareness etc., can't be the baselane/common denominator to design all content around, or we will always be stuck with gated groups and public/general content so boring that any remotely proficient player suffers from brain leakage while playing, while incompetent players hit frustrating walls everytime anything is remotely testing skill (and then crying for nerfs rather than improving and actually learning how to play the game - or helping other's to do so, because it's easier and consistently works). 


There is more than a place for mindless easy content, no judgement, but can we not have that be 99.9% of the game, where everything new even remotely "challenging" is attacked, demonised or called to be nerfed? 

Let's have at least some content outside of specific modes such as Raids or Fractals be remotely challenging with an actual failure state that people have to work together and try in order to overcome - if that's really, really not your thing at all, there already is the mountain of content that is >99% of the rest of the game, where that isn't the case, for you.

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34 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

So have some zerg actually failed this? Can you even fail? 

i think only one of my guildmates has reported a public event failing. How i dont know, but they had one. I havent had any yet, though my time has been limited ;(

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9 minutes ago, Katary.7096 said:

At this point in time I have done 4 public runs and been successful 4 times. I don't think that that could be reproduced in raid content under the same circumstances. So I can't see how this event is supposed to be raid content.

They are probably talking about the private version. You know, the one that will be permanenmtly available (unlike the temporary public one). Private version allows only 50 players instead of 80 the public version has, and is significantly harder for that reason.


Let me put it this way: i have seen only one public version fail. I have also seen only one private version succeed. I have done way more private runs than public ones.

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On 7/16/2021 at 3:51 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

They are probably talking about the private version. You know, the one that will be permanenmtly available (unlike the temporary public one). Private version allows only 50 players instead of 80 the public version has, and is significantly harder for that reason.


Let me put it this way: i have seen only one public version fail. I have also seen only one private version succeed. I have done way more private runs than public ones.

Yeah, 3 players per plattform makes a significant difference in the difficulty of the boss phase. Not that I haven't witnessed players soloing their champion regulator, but if people are going to be playing this encounter as if it is an open world boss in the private version they will probably get stomped. Certainly quite the step up from "Dragonstorm", though that one is a free win, so it's not saying much. Still not convinced that the devs should have put it in with the raid content.


You have done way more private runs than public runs? May I ask why you would do that to yourself?

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As someone who was involved with the very first Marionette kill when the Marionette first came out in LS1 I can say that it is worthy content that is an example of good game play design. When it first came out years ago no one was able to beat it for a long time. It was open world content during the closed Server Era(i.e. no Mega-Server). Our server got together and beat it. After that it became fairly easy now that everyone understood the mechanics, AND DID THEM. The Marionette is balanced just fine as is. Players can't simply just kill a few enemies and then afk if they want to get credit for this. I've seen many afk'ers in other boss fights and I welcome the fact that it is very difficult to get an afk credit. A welcome reissue of  classic LS. From what I've seen after its reintroduction people have finally figured out at least the basic mechanics to be successful. Listen to the commanders and have your dps/dodge/cc game face on.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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raid bosses and this doll event at the same sentence.

You should man up and get good instead of acting like a pleb. This event is very simple and only demands numbers for the lane protection and the bosses at the platform which can be soloed very easily.

if you are unable to solo it I could understand but with a team of 2-3 players can be done very easily because it is equal to a veteran/elite random mob.


To sum it up: get good...

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4 hours ago, Katary.7096 said:

You have done way more private runs than public runs? May I ask why you would do that to yourself?

I did not realize initially that the public instance is bigger, and that it would have so much impact on difficulty. I believed that, of course, the private instances would have far better chance of doing the event succesfully. Turns out, i was so very, very wrong.



2 hours ago, Heibi.4251 said:

Players can't simply just kill a few enemies and then afk if they want to get credit for this. I've seen many afk'ers in other boss fights and I welcome the fact that it is very difficult to get an afk credit.

Fun fact. In today's public instance, i saw several players that afked pretty much the whole fight (near the portals at the end of the lane, without ever entering the platforms). Yes, that did cause some problems.

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Yeah, I've seen a few as well. I saw one where our lane failed because all they did was stand at the top and do nothing, causing fewer numbers to deal with the incoming mobs. Sad to see players do this. They ruin it for other players. Wish there was a kick function, but that could be abused in some way.

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So we have a fight, content, that people can't AFK through where they need to use 1% of their brain and its labled as raid content? Lol. 


2/2 wins so far, and honestly it doesn't look that hard at all, some of the lane champions can be solo'd. (I solo'd Lane 3's as my teammate died at the start) and with pugs you have 3-4 people on some platforms, making it super easy. 


Soon anyway it'll only be for private squads, but man, this fight is fun. Its great having fun in gw2.  

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