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Improving the Armory - Let's hear your suggestions

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The Legendary Armory's been out for a couple weeks now and, for the most part, I'm very pleased with how it's turned out. That said, there's a couple things that are still annoying or rough around the edges, so I figured I'd create this thread for myself (and others, who I'm sure might have their own recommendations for improvement) to post suggestions on how it could be further improved.


For me, there's two things I would like to see the Armory include:


1. There are occasions during fractals or raids when you want to temporarily swap in a different weapon to make a particular encounter or mechanic easier (e.g. swapping in a Mesmer Focus instead of your usual off-hand to help pull in mobs for AoE cleave, but after it's done, you swap back to your Pistol/Torch for DPS on the upcoming boss). However, with the current way the Armory is set up, doing so means that the Armory "forgets" what you had previously stored in that slot and you have to re-setup the entire Legendary weapon again. You could set up two different Equipment Templates for this, but it's ridiculous to have to use two different Template slots for two nearly identical builds that only differ for one offhand. I would like it if there was a "Save Changes/Revert" button for this situation so that we can swap in the different weapon temporarily, and then just click the Revert button to wipe all changes and bring back the old weapon setup. It's not perfect (the new Legendary weapon you swap in also has no stats or upgrades), but it would be better than what we have right now.


2. I would like to see rare/expensive infusions also get added into the Armory. Currently, if I'm using a fancy cosmetic infusion on one character, and I want to use it on another, I have to manually switch characters, remove the infusion, go back to the new char, and then manually install the infusion on his new gear. It's a tremendous pain in the skritt and goes against a lot of the QoL the Armory was supposed to introduce. Only statted cosmetic infusions (or unique enrichments such as the Otter, Koda's Warmth or 8th Birthday enrichments) can be added to the Armory in this way.


Alternatively, a better idea (but which would probably require more work) is an Aura wardrobe of some kind. To use it, you'd need to "sacrifice" a cosmetic infusion/enrichment to the Wardrobe, after which you can freely apply (or hide) the aura on as many pieces of equipment that you want. You could even expand this to include certain items that provide unique visual effects that are bound to the item itself; examples include the SAB Visor, the Chatoyant Lens, and the Saga's End Draconic Core, all of which are tied to the specific item itself, but which most players would probably never use if they already have Legendary gear.

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As I see it, there are three things that should be done. First, do something about the PvE trinket effects so they can finally be hidden. Something should be done to make weapon swapping easier, yes. Last, finish off a full legendary loadout. This means legendary aquabreathers and legendary infusions (which can have stats along with both fractal and WvW bonuses at the same time, since these uses never overlap). Optional fourth is adding unbreakable gathering tools, since they already act similar enough to legendary equipment.


4 hours ago, Zaxares.5419 said:

Alternatively, a better idea (but which would probably require more work) is an Aura wardrobe of some kind. To use it, you'd need to "sacrifice" a cosmetic infusion/enrichment to the Wardrobe, after which you can freely apply (or hide) the aura on as many pieces of equipment that you want. You could even expand this to include certain items that provide unique visual effects that are bound to the item itself; examples include the SAB Visor, the Chatoyant Lens, and the Saga's End Draconic Core, all of which are tied to the specific item itself, but which most players would probably never use if they already have Legendary gear.

Absolutely yes.

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Get rid of the separation of build and equipment "templates".

Do real templates, meaning one set of equipment plus one build = one template.

Summarize all sold equipment templates and build into new templates.

And...go for it...sell templates...but with no limit pls

You know what a fair price is, don't you?  

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4 hours ago, Zaxares.5419 said:

1. There are occasions during fractals or raids when you want to temporarily swap in a different weapon to make a particular encounter or mechanic easier (e.g. swapping in a Mesmer Focus instead of your usual off-hand to help pull in mobs for AoE cleave, but after it's done, you swap back to your Pistol/Torch for DPS on the upcoming boss). However, with the current way the Armory is set up, doing so means that the Armory "forgets" what you had previously stored in that slot and you have to re-setup the entire Legendary weapon again. You could set up two different Equipment Templates for this, but it's ridiculous to have to use two different Template slots for two nearly identical builds that only differ for one offhand. I would like it if there was a "Save Changes/Revert" button for this situation so that we can swap in the different weapon temporarily, and then just click the Revert button to wipe all changes and bring back the old weapon setup. It's not perfect (the new Legendary weapon you swap in also has no stats or upgrades), but it would be better than what we have right now.

Even having a way to save/load a few presets per legendary item would be helpful. Clicking on legendary item could open/slide down a menu (from lack of better ingame comparison, something akin to opening/closing a crafting category) and have a few slots to save presets you can then pick from.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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Some sort of "legendary" infusion should be added mid term, like


Legendary Mist Warrior Infusion

Gift of Condensed Offence (one of each of the four offensive WvW infusions, made in the Mystic Forge)


Gift of Condensed Defence (one of each of the four defensive WvW infusions, made in the Mystic Forge)


Gift of Battle


Gift of Infusions (15 Mystic Motes or 10 Mystic Aspects + 10 Mystic Clovers + 50 Ectos + 25 Obsidian Shards)


Considering you have about two dozens of infusions to make (e.g. rings have up to three slots), that's a long term crafting goal to keep players active.


(PS: I would not mind being able to upgrade even further to get e.g. a +5 AR to the WvW infusions, so we don't have to create WvW AND Fractal infusions; higher AR infusions can still be separate to be special, but this way WvW players could still play lower tier Fractals)

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3 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

(PS: I would not mind being able to upgrade even further to get e.g. a +5 AR to the WvW infusions, so we don't have to create WvW AND Fractal infusions; higher AR infusions can still be separate to be special, but this way WvW players could still play lower tier Fractals)

All legendary items are supposed to be BiS. Theres no reason to break that rule, just have it give +9 AR.

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6 minutes ago, Xoleuph.7014 said:

All legendary items are supposed to be BiS. Theres no reason to break that rule, just have it give +9 AR.

You are right with the BiS thing, but only if there is just ONE type of legendary infusion that covers both AR and WvW when it comes to stats. You won't be able to cover all cosmetic infusions anyway in ONE item, so you could break the "rule" (there is no universal armour chest armour piece for light, medium and heavy, so there are three different legendary armours or that one chest slot). It all depends on the PoV.

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21 minutes ago, Gorani.7205 said:

You are right with the BiS thing, but only if there is just ONE type of legendary infusion that covers both AR and WvW when it comes to stats.

And why shouldnt there be? Like I said before, WvW and fractals have no overlap. there is no good reason not to give both to one.

Cosmetic effects have nothing to do with BiS, having an obnoxious particle effect clinging to you doesnt make you better. Want the draconic core effect? Tough luck, that isnt on any legendary amulet, you gotta use a regular one.

Different armor weights are different item types. WvW, fractal and simple stat infusions arent different item types, you can put all three types onto a single ring on any character anywhere at the same time with no issue.

Edited by Xoleuph.7014
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