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Are afk farmers legal?

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1 hour ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

You obviously have no kids. Sometimes kids get hurt or puke out of nowhere. 

Exactly with this sort of parenting when the mom/dad justifies his/her own online game addiction.


Even so I would expect anybody to log out when that happens, instead of still hogging on an online game and blame the community or the ToS for your own responsibility.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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23 minutes ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Exactly with this sort of parenting when the mom/dad justifies his/her own online game addiction.


Even so I would expect anybody to log out when that happens, instead of still hogging on an online game and blame the community or the ToS for your own responsibility.

Hogging?? what you think there is a limit to people allowed ingame? So going afk in DR or LA matters now too? You are ridiculous, life happens , things happen you dont always have time to log out. And you obviously know jack all about being a parent.

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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1 minute ago, Vilin.8056 said:

The ridiculous part is the excuse coming out from a parent using his/her responsibility of own children to justify violating the ToS with AFK farming, in an MMO game.


This is the most sickening, most disgusting entitlement I've heard in all my life of a MMO conversation, I'm done with this conversation. 

Im done with you, not everyone that has to go afk is a farmer or bot, but keep trolling see where it gets ya.

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2 minutes ago, Goettel.4389 said:

Entertaining thread so far.

Me, I just don't care about anyone doing AFK farming or anything else they like. Hope you get your fix, no matter.

I just dont see the point of it, like the spots they are, outside of stuff like the bauble farm, just isnt profitable.

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Profitability? These people aren't actively playing. Either earning their irl yakslapper title, watching tv, or hell, yolo hope to not be banned, out of the house. There is a certain zone in Ascalon where groups of people farm Luminous Dust using necromancers. There were 6 to 7 people in one spot last time I was there doing map completion, along the wall.  It sells for 7 silver right now. Not great, but you are earning something while you are yakking off.

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6 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

I just dont see the point of it, like the spots they are, outside of stuff like the bauble farm, just isnt profitable.

I am the same way I dont care , they really are not doing anything bad, if they are not running a bot program or a script or hack i dont care how someone chooses to play. 

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2 minutes ago, BishiDe.6925 said:

Profitability? These people aren't actively playing. Either earning their irl yakslapper title, watching tv, or hell, yolo hope to not be banned, out of the house. There is a certain zone in Ascalon where groups of people farm Luminous Dust using necromancers. There were 6 to 7 people in one spot last time I was there doing map completion, along the wall.  It sells for 7 silver right now. Not great, but you are earning something while you are yakking off.

Excuse me but farming isnt an offense you farm too im sure. So they are killing things and looting them for profit. what do you do? you dont join the big meta farm trains? thats farming. If someone wants to kill the same mobs over and over so what, the mobs are there to be killed and for people to loot. As I said before bot programs that run your character or cast its spells, scripts macros hacks, are not the same as just people pressing one and auto attacking with their minions. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE...between a afk auto bot and someone just using their basic spells to kill things. And i would hope anet has the sense to know the difference too, because there are a lot of players that dont obviously. 

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12 minutes ago, BishiDe.6925 said:

Profitability? These people aren't actively playing. Either earning their irl yakslapper title, watching tv, or hell, yolo hope to not be banned, out of the house. There is a certain zone in Ascalon where groups of people farm Luminous Dust using necromancers. There were 6 to 7 people in one spot last time I was there doing map completion, along the wall.  It sells for 7 silver right now. Not great, but you are earning something while you are yakking off.

Sadly those AFKers are mostly gone, replaced by farm bots.


You can always see 3~5 Farm Bots circling around Crystalwept Groves at Iron Marches in any day, any given time.


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You are willfully ignoring any and all arguments I have made. I am sure more than just myself can attest to seeing groups of minion master reapers standing in one spot and only casting the greatsword well. That is the afk farming people are talking about. Not some guy with way too much time on his hands running laps through Frostgorge Sound killing Sons of Svanir for Intricate Totems.


Do I have to record myself doing it while proving I am periodically "there" to showcase how questionable the practice is?

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1 minute ago, BishiDe.6925 said:

You are willfully ignoring any and all arguments I have made. I am sure more than just myself can attest to seeing groups of minion master reapers standing in one spot and only casting the greatsword well. That is the afk farming people are talking about. Not some guy with way too much time on his hands running laps through Frostgorge Sound killing Sons of Svanir for Intricate Totems.


Do I have to record myself doing it while proving I am periodically "there" to showcase how questionable the practice is?

Is he running a program? is he casting spells? you do know afk means away from keyboard right? maybe call it something more fitting like auto attack farmers or 1111 players. 

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2 minutes ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Is he running a program? is he casting spells? you do know afk means away from keyboard right? maybe call it something more fitting like auto attack farmers or 1111 players. 


You can stay in game indefinitely if your minions are attacking enemies to reset the inactivity timer. Being AFK doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re using a program to stay in game. 

Edited by Ayrilana.1396
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Just now, Ayrilana.1396 said:


You can stay in game indefinitely if your minions are attacking enemies to reset the inactivity timer. Being AFK doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re using a program to stay in game. 

While that may be true, everytime i have had to go afk in a combat area I come back dead. I have said this before so much so that in wow we got it passed that if your pet does more damage than you you get no xp or loot from the kills. its a simple solution.

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1 minute ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

While that may be true, everytime i have had to go afk in a combat area I come back dead. I have said this before so much so that in wow we got it passed that if your pet does more damage than you you get no xp or loot from the kills. its a simple solution.

You should research more into the AFK farmers. They use necros primarily and build the character to be pretty much impossible to kill in the area that they farm. 

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1 minute ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

While that may be true, everytime i have had to go afk in a combat area I come back dead. I have said this before so much so that in wow we got it passed that if your pet does more damage than you you get no xp or loot from the kills. its a simple solution.


This is not about the average player stepping away from the computer/alt tabbing/bullshiting in chat. Specifically people kitted out for it and not moving for minutes on end. The Ascalon example I gave was from me being curious and watching for 20 minutes even tagging the mobs to see what they were farming.

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6 minutes ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

You should research more into the AFK farmers. They use necros primarily and build the character to be pretty much impossible to kill in the area that they farm. 

I do play a necro, but scourge I dont know about reaper and about the only minon i have out is 1 either bone minion or my puppy or my void, not all just one. So maybe why im dead when I come back from answering the door or bio. Im just trying to say there are a lot of people that play lazy, not just necros. But just because someone is 1111 dont mean anything I see that on a daily basis. My issue is people running hacks scripts macros cheats switches, those are people cheating the game. Using the spells ..even if it is pets ..that anet supplied you with isnt cheating the game as long as you are not using something to run the account.

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1 hour ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I do play a necro, but scourge I dont know about reaper and about the only minon i have out is 1 either bone minion or my puppy or my void, not all just one. So maybe why im dead when I come back from answering the door or bio. Im just trying to say there are a lot of people that play lazy, not just necros. But just because someone is 1111 dont mean anything I see that on a daily basis. My issue is people running hacks scripts macros cheats switches, those are people cheating the game. Using the spells ..even if it is pets ..that anet supplied you with isnt cheating the game as long as you are not using something to run the account.

I personally hold them on the same level. While their methodology may differ slightly, everything else remains the same. 

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well, frankly. the "Diminishing Rewards" for these people should be making this activity less attractive, but did that get turned off too?  The fact that wall-running now keeps less attentive players from being kicked automatically is making afk-ers more bold.  I remember when wall-running stopped keeping you from being kicked, but it's back because whoever(?) decided it was okay again?  Pretty sure there is no diminishing rewards on karma bonus in Sandswept, as I see many there farming.  Don't get me started on WvW and when there is a 40 queue, but between spawn & keep there are 15 wall runners.  Some you see in the same place for HOURS. smh

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On 7/29/2021 at 9:42 PM, BishiDe.6925 said:

I'm sorry to the apologists and abusers, but there is a very big difference between flying up in the air on a skyscale to afk for a bit versus a fully specced minion master auto-casting greatsword 4 in a mob spawning point.


You need to understand that standing farming is perfectly legal.

And yes, "apologists" do understand that AFK farming is illegal.


As long as soemone is sitting at the PC pressing a button from time to time, everything is perfectly fine.

You would have to prove that there is in fact "afk" happening.

Until then you are just a mud slinger, declaring people guilty without any proof.

There is a reason we have innocent until proven otherwise in our legal system. 

Edited by Kurrilino.2706
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On 7/30/2021 at 3:56 PM, Ayrilana.1396 said:

You should research more into the AFK farmers. They use necros primarily and build the character to be pretty much impossible to kill in the area that they farm. 


I absolutely support your approach to research more into AFK farmers.

Where did you encounter them and how did you prove that they are indeed afk?


I would like to copy your method

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On 7/29/2021 at 11:59 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

Wow thats some bs what if the guy was taking care of a sick child or the dog pooped in the house, or he had to go bio. Thats a bit harsh, karma is a witch and will come back at you 10 fold.


Why me?

Those are A-Net rules already in place. Those are not made up by me.

If someone asks me, standing farming shouldn't even be a topic in any conversation since everyone should be allowed to play as they wish

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On 7/30/2021 at 11:13 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

Im done with you, not everyone that has to go afk is a farmer or bot, but keep trolling see where it gets ya.

Technically, you're not allowed to leave the character afk where it "farms by itself", not sure what you're arguing about. Need a bio? Kids puke their heart out? If you don't have time to move the character to another place, it's understandable. Not having time to press alt+f4? /doubt


Edited by Sobx.1758
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40 minutes ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


I absolutely support your approach to research more into AFK farmers.

Where did you encounter them and how did you prove that they are indeed afk?


I would like to copy your method

I cannot list where I found them as that would be against Anet’s naming and shaming rule for some reason. 

As for whether they are AFK, you can not know 100% but it’s very likely that they are if they have been on a map farming nonstop for days. A couple months ago I tracked over a dozen and they were farming on the map without breaks for at least three days.

Players also make an effort to save themselves if they’re being attacked by something that is killing them. I’ve personally stood by as a bounty spawned, proceeded to kill them, and they just stood there doing nothing.  They then stay there dead until they get kicked out of the game from the inactivity timer. 

I stopped caring months ago after I realized that this just isn’t something that’s actually enforced and the penalties for if someone does get caught is so minor that it’s not a real deterrent. 

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3 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


You need to understand that standing farming is perfectly legal.

And yes, "apologists" do understand that AFK farming is illegal.


As long as soemone is sitting at the PC pressing a button from time to time, everything is perfectly fine.

You would have to prove that there is in fact "afk" happening.

Until then you are just a mud slinger, declaring people guilty without any proof.

There is a reason we have innocent until proven otherwise in our legal system. 


Not once did I mention punishment of players. I am merely suggesting the current popular method to be looked at again by the staff and developers. And fyi since you went there, the American legal system is not perfect. The nation was founded on quite a few unjust laws and principles that have been rightfully struck down through the course of history. A law is not a just law from simply being a law. Rules can change, especially if it is for the betterment of society.

Edited by BishiDe.6925
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