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Legendary armor is... Locked for some people.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


To be fair after doing it once the legendary pve armor, I kinda assumed they would release more armors in the future that animated in combat all through black lion chests ofcourse to get people to spend.


Im shocked it never happened all that work to release 3 armor sets and then welp lets never do that again. 

So, a bit about how the body shapes and such work in this game. (And bear in mind this is what I was told so it might not be 100% true)

Each body isn't just built on a skeleton.  The shape and size is its own model.  This means when they release a new armor set, they  have to fit it around every body humans, norn, charr, asura, and sylvari have.  This is likely why animated armors like envoy took two years to develop and why outfits are so easy (One piece to test across several body shapes is quicker than several per weight per character.)

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9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

There's a difference. In case of wespons, it's just a decision about whether get the legendary or not. Most people will not get one, due to its cost, but the possibility will always be open to them. In fact, many will arrive at a point where getting a legendary will be just making decision to make one, without anything else involved - because they will already have all that is necessary to make them - either in form of materials, or in form of gold to buy those. I remember that making one of the legendaries i have took me like 15 minutes from making a decision to obtaining one. I just decided while skin browsing that rodgort would be perfect for the look of my flame-themed character, realized i have everything needed, including the precursor (which i could have bought, it would not have increased the overall price that much, Rodgort precursor is cheap), then i went and forged it.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In case of armor however, there's way more stuff involved.Such a decision as above will generally be available only to veteran raiders. Most players will have to start from the very beginning, because their normal gameplay will not offer them neither the initial collections for precursors, nor LIs for the actual legendary. Average PvE player will never be in the situation whether making that set will be just a decision of spending their wealth or not.


9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Yes, that's the difference between those. Weapons are within the realm of possibility for an average player. Armor generally is not - it requires specifically farming for it, for a very long time (and that's even if we ignore the question of how easy or hard the farm itself would be).

Depends how you define possibility i guess.

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

But those things were only clarifications, they did not change anything i said before. At best it might have changed your understanding of what i said before.

They absolutely changed a lot.

One statement is "This type of design desicions are bad".

the other statement is "People not being able to get what they want is a problem"

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Both are true. Mode locked categories are a problem, but we generally speak of it only when that ends preventing us from obtaining something. For example, raid-locking envoy is absolutely no problem for raiders, because it does not affect them at all.

No, not both are true. If they where then your answer to my skyscale question would be something like

"Yes it is a problem, but so little people are affected that it is not worth fixing atm."


In this case what you said did not match what you meant, and as my boss says a lot: "its not what you mean but what you write down that matters"

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

In this case the difference between legendary armor and skyscale is that content-locking skyscales affect only a very, very small amount of people (to the point where you are literally the first person i have ever heard mentioning it - and it does not seem like you actually care about it at all), while content-locking legendary armor affects majority of the populace.

I am in favour of mode locking, ofcourse i don't care about the fact that the skyscale is mode locked.

I just used it as an example to check you meant what you wrote.

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You saying they're wrong does not change that Envoy is and will be treated as raid armor. Also, no, the non-raid effort is almost inconsequential compared to the raid one.

You yourself said that the chack eggs alone are overkill for non-raiders. Explain to me how something can be both to much work and overkill?

btw i agree people treat it as raid armour, but it is almost undeniable that it is closer to a hot set then a raid set. Basicly one gift requires raiding, one gift requires hot metas, on gift requires gold (and provisioner tokens, but we'll ignore that).

And for the first set the precursor requires both raid and open world gameplay. 

9 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

If you disagree, then i guess you should also consider Aurora and Vision to not be LS trinkets, but general GW2 ones due to them both including Gift of Battle.

I consider them open world trinkets because of the need for the hot/pof metas

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8 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I put more effort into this game than any raider, albeit a different type of effort.  I've made all but 3 legendary weapons, 2 legendary backpieces, 2 legendaries accessories and I really don't enjoy raiding. It's not something you can pick up, do for five minutes and get back to. If I want that armor I have to force myself into hours of not enjoy the game. I would get the armor and be so frustrated I would then leave the game.


So basicly you are saying this:

I want to be a CEO of an IT company, so I have finished 20 degrees in History of Art. Why am I not a CEO of an IT company? 

Do you see how stupid it sounds?


The amount of effort itself doesnt matter. The effort has to be done in the correct direction.


And as I said before... If raiding is not worth your effort, then you do not value the legendary armor enough to get it.

Edited by Chrysaliss.8720
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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Just so you know, you might have had a point if you were talking about equality of opportunity in context of access to raids. In case of access to legendary armor however, that equality of opportunity does not exist, because we're restricting access to legendary armor by completely arbitrary criteria that favours specific in-game social subgroups. I know that it might seem like a very subtle distinction, almost unnoticeable on first look, but in reality it is very major one.


In what way is your access to Legendary armor (or raiding in general) different than mine?

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8 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I put more effort into this game than any raider, albeit a different type of effort.  I've made all but 3 legendary weapons, 2 legendary backpieces, 2 legendaries accessories and I really don't enjoy raiding. It's not something you can pick up, do for five minutes and get back to. If I want that armor I have to force myself into hours of not enjoy the game. I would get the armor and be so frustrated I would then leave the game.

You seem to think that having that specific armor locked behind the least popular content is a good idea. It's like me opening a restaurant and saying you can get the best dessert but only if you eat this really horrible liver we cook. It's not brilliant salesmanship.

Calling anyone with over  41k achievement points lazy is not really on. Why do people make these assumptions? I didnt' sign on to this game to raid, and I don't want to be "encouraged" to raid to get the only skin that animates when you go into battle in the game.

I've put more time and energy into this game than anyone you like know. Doesn't change the fact that I don't enjoy raiding and making me raid to get that reward is silly. It would be different if I were in some minority were everyone liked raiding but me but that's not the case.

Not to burst your bubble, but I know "raiders" who made more legendarys than you own in 2-3 months.


Granted, that player also has over 50 full map completions, multiple accounts and was very active (you might notice the word used: was).


Never assume you are the top dog, unless you are absolutely sure you are (and in case of hardcore committed players, I'd take a wager that the vast majority of this niche group has played ALL game modes versus the niche of this group which refuses to play some. It's just something which hardcore players usually do out of simple necessity with running out of content). That said, I have you beat in legendary items as well, easy given I have all back pieces, all armors, all weapons, all trinkets, etc. (only missing 3-4 duplicate weapons for dual wielding the same 2-hander).


The difference between you, the person (people) I know (in fact I know multiple) and me? Them and me, we play all game modes and try to make the best of each even if some of them are not our favorite (I'm not a huge fan of Spvp for example). You just complain about the ones you dislike.


I think you are vastly overestimating the top end, 40+k achievement point player base which does not raid. You are a niche within a niche basically.


So, with me being more engaged according to the metrics you provided, do I now get to tell you you are wrong or make statements about how I put more effort into this game than any "non-raider"?

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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4 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:


To be fair after doing it once the legendary pve armor, I kinda assumed they would release more armors in the future that animated in combat all through black lion chests ofcourse to get people to spend.


Im shocked it never happened all that work to release 3 armor sets and then welp lets never do that again. 


Well basically the thing here is that AN have spent alot of effort on that first set, and then community reaction was....unfavourable (pretty much everyone that cared to voice opinion was complaining about how "kitten" that "legendar armor" was) to the point where AN decided "never again". Source: they said so on one of AMA's don't remember which precise one. Took alot of community effort for them to even make wvw/pvp legendary armors and even then they made it retain the skin of the precursor piece (so basically cut down 99% of work out of it)

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57 minutes ago, Chrysaliss.8720 said:


So basicly you are saying this:

I want to be a CEO of an IT company, so I have finished 20 degrees in History of Art. Why am I not a CEO of an IT company? 

Do you see how stupid it sounds?


The amount of effort itself doesnt matter. The effort has to be done in the correct direction.


And as I said before... If raiding is not worth your effort, then you do not value the legendary armor enough to get it.

But that decision is still a decision made by someone at Anet. It's an arbitrary decision. This animating armor will ONLY come from here. No other armor in the game will animate when you go into battle.

You make it sound like you have to do it because Anet said so, and you're right.  Except that in order to get dungeon armors, you once had to do dungeons and now you can get dungeon armors by either PvPing or WvWing. You never have to set foot in a dungeon to get dungeon armors.

So if we had this conversation before that second decision was made by Anet, you'd have said, well the fact is if you want those dungeon armor skins you have to work for it, even if you don't want to do dungeons.  And if you had that conversation a week before they introduced the PvP reward tracks for dungeons, you'd have been wrong.


Your whole argument is this is how it is, so this is how it must be, but I've lost track of the number of times this game has not only changed over all, but changed directly based on player demand. 

This has nothing to do with art history and being the CEO of a company because I'm not trying to run a company. I'm trying to play a game that I bought.  A game that I originally purchased that had zero raids in it.  I'm the customer here, not an employee.  And I'm stating a preference based on the idea that I really do believe raiding never belonged in this game, not enough people do it and that armor is wasted where it is.


You're trying to say I want that armor but I can't use it because I'm not good enough. People who pay for raids aren't good enough either, but they can get it, or at least get most of it just by paying gold. They can take out their credit card. So they didn't learn to be a CEO either, they got carried.  In fact lots of people get carried in raids. 


Your analogy doesn't really illustrate this situation at all.

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54 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Not to burst your bubble, but I know "raiders" who made more legendarys than you own in 2-3 months.



Okay I had to respond to this. because I'm calling BS.

I've made all but 3 legendary weapons. That's 19 core weapons and 13 Heart of Thorns weapons. That's 32 legendary weapons, two legendary backpieces (fractals and PvP), two legendary accessories (vision and aurora), and one light WvW legendary chest piece.

You're saying you know raiders who made more legendaries than this is 2-3 months? 


If you're talking 3 months, that's 90 days.  That's a legendary every 3 days.  So yeah, not buying it. 

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22 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Okay I had to respond to this. because I'm calling BS.

I've made all but 3 legendary weapons. That's 19 core weapons and 13 Heart of Thorns weapons. That's 32 legendary weapons, two legendary backpieces (fractals and PvP), two legendary accessories (vision and aurora), and one light WvW legendary chest piece.

You're saying you know raiders who made more legendaries than this is 2-3 months? 


If you're talking 3 months, that's 90 days.  That's a legendary every 3 days.  So yeah, not buying it. 


He made all T1 weapons, multiple times if needed for dual wielding. All the armors. All the trinkets. The pvp backpiece. Within 2.5 months. He started working on achievements some time after the announcement was made.


The 2.5 months were basically the time gate on crafting the precursors and materials required (which he wanted to craft himself, or with help of other people like myself crafting cooldowns, instead of just buying everything off the TP) as well as finishing up some achievement stuff like the WvW ring and pvp amulet.


He could have gone on, given he is flushed with cash. It's just he is basically out the game by now and full legendary.


What you buy or not, I do not care tbh. I know other raiders who have EVERY weapon, every legendary and are playing multiple accounts. I was just making a mention of this specific case because I had never seen someone go from 0 legendary items to 60+ in less than 3 months.



Oh and FYI, I still have you beat on legendary gear myself, and I do not have 10+ accounts worth of login rewards to fund my main account if desired (nor do I convert gems to gold). In fact, I have 1 additional account which I had purchased for a friend shortly before PoF, and I've never traded anything over from that one.


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30 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You make it sound like you have to do it because Anet said so, and you're right.  Except that in order to get dungeon armors, you once had to do dungeons and now you can get dungeon armors by either PvPing or WvWing. You never have to set foot in a dungeon to get dungeon armors.

So if we had this conversation before that second decision was made by Anet, you'd have said, well the fact is if you want those dungeon armor skins you have to work for it, even if you don't want to do dungeons.  And if you had that conversation a week before they introduced the PvP reward tracks for dungeons, you'd have been wrong.

Ad Infinitum can only be obtained in Fractals. PvP back can only be obtained from PvP

Yet I dont see you complaining about that.


30 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

This has nothing to do with art history and being the CEO of a company because I'm not trying to run a company. I'm trying to play a game that I bought.  A game that I originally purchased that had zero raids in it.  I'm the customer here, not an employee.  And I'm stating a preference based on the idea that I really do believe raiding never belonged in this game, not enough people do it and that armor is wasted where it is.

You clearny didnt get the metaphore here.


30 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

You're trying to say I want that armor but I can't use it because I'm not good enough. People who pay for raids aren't good enough either, but they can get it, or at least get most of it just by paying gold. They can take out their credit card. So they didn't learn to be a CEO either, they got carried.  In fact lots of people get carried in raids. 


Your analogy doesn't really illustrate this situation at all.

Not once have I said, that you are a bad player. What I said is that for you, the armor is not worth the effort, therefore you dont want that armor as much as you think you do.  "You think you do, but you dont."

Also If people can farm gold outside and then pay for boost to get legendary armor.... Wouldnt that make the armor to be obtainable outside of raids? Why dont you do the same thing?

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Why in almost every topic, whenever raid elements are mentioned, it always bog down to the same three guys ranting their entitlement over something they couldn't accomplish in-game, bogging down the whole thread into meaningless multi-hundred thread continuously over the course of years?


Nobody would feel encouraged to support this game after reading all these behaviors.


This forum needs real moderator.


Edited by Vilin.8056
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2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

They absolutely changed a lot.

One statement is "This type of design desicions are bad".

the other statement is "People not being able to get what they want is a problem"

They are not exclusive. This type of decisions are bad, but it's that sometimes people do not care because it does not affect them to the point they do not even notice it.

A crumbling bridge is not a problem on a road that is closed, but that does not mean a crumbling bridge is not a bad thing.


2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

No, not both are true. If they where then your answer to my skyscale question would be something like

"Yes it is a problem, but so little people are affected that it is not worth fixing atm."

You can read it that way, yes.


2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

In this case what you said did not match what you meant, and as my boss says a lot: "its not what you mean but what you write down that matters"

No. You just add additional interpretation into what i said - things i did not put there. You were doing it since our first exchange, btw.


2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

I am in favour of mode locking, ofcourse i don't care about the fact that the skyscale is mode locked.

I just used it as an example to check you meant what you wrote.

And you didn't realize that i don't care about this specific case exactly because it is purely fictional issue that affects noone?


2 hours ago, yann.1946 said:

You yourself said that the chack eggs alone are overkill for non-raiders. Explain to me how something can be both to much work and overkill?

btw i agree people treat it as raid armour, but it is almost undeniable that it is closer to a hot set then a raid set. Basicly one gift requires raiding, one gift requires hot metas, on gift requires gold (and provisioner tokens, but we'll ignore that).

And for the first set the precursor requires both raid and open world gameplay. 

I consider them open world trinkets because of the need for the hot/pof metas

And i consider Envoy set to be raid armor due to mostly equal, if not bigger, need for raids in it. You do not only because you use different criteria for it than for Aurora and Vision.


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2 hours ago, Chrysaliss.8720 said:


In what way is your access to Legendary armor (or raiding in general) different than mine?

You should read a bit and look at wnat exactly "equality of opportunity" means. Because any form of setting arbitrary criteria on reaching the goal, that have no connection to the goal itself, immediately disqualifies you from falling under that umbrella.

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4 hours ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

I guess it was your turn to misread what I wrote.

It's nothing to do with the layoffs.  The people who were fired weren't even working on GW2 anymore.  They (ANet) were moving their teams that were originally working on GW2 around to work on side projects.  Side projects that lead nowhere, took focus away from GW2 as the teams working on GW2 were now smaller, and were sinking money instead of making any. NCsoft came along  and put a stop to it all.  The layoffs were a good thing for GW2, not so much the people who got fired, but yes, Amazon poaching members too wasn't exactly helping matters as well.

Sure, but that just shows what Vayne said - that those layoffs have nothing to do with how casual or hadcore (un) friendly the game is. They were a result of out-of-game company decisions.

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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Why in almost every topic, whenever raid elements are mentioned, it always bog down to the same three guys ranting their entitlement over something they couldn't accomplish in-game, bogging down the whole thread into meaningless multi-hundred thread continuously over the course of years?


Nobody would feel encouraged to support this game after reading all these behaviors.


This forum needs real moderator.


Because alot of us say our piece and leave, i make comments here or there but i dont try and argue with people anymore in these, its pointless.


They wont change my mind, nor will their mind be changed.


So its a waste of time.


Edited bit: btw, i support a pve set that doesnt include raids. I can, and do do raids, and i will do the. until i get my light armor envoy set(finally cleared wing 3 last night.) After that i will have 0 reason to do raids anymore, and i wont. The content isnt enjoyable.

Edited by Dante.1763
added a bit.
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38 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You should read a bit and look at wnat exactly "equality of opportunity" means. Because any form of setting arbitrary criteria on reaching the goal, that have no connection to the goal itself, immediately disqualifies you from falling under that umbrella.


Bruh. This makes so little sense I dont even know how to respond to this.......

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22 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They are not exclusive. This type of decisions are bad, but it's that sometimes people do not care because it does not affect them to the point they do not even notice it.

A crumbling bridge is not a problem on a road that is closed, but that does not mean a crumbling bridge is not a bad thing.

I did not say that they are exclusive, just that they are not equivalent. 

Lets be ultra clear here, your example shows why you do not consider mode locking a problem (atleast if you follow what you have said.)


Mode locking would be the equivelent of a the bridge crumbling.

And the road being locked is equivalent with the population not desiring the reward being locked.


In the case of the bridge when being asked whether the bridge is crumbling is bad the response would be "yes, ..." with maybe some caveats.

While in the case of mode locks i have given you example where you said "NO, the bridge crumbling is not a problem because the road is closed."


22 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You can read it that way, yes.

That is the literal interpretation of what you wrote yes.

22 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. You just add additional interpretation into what i said - things i did not put there. You were doing it since our first exchange, btw.

These are moments where i wonder if i just suck at language. 

You say something, i respond to what you wrote, you add some extra things to what you wrote.

And now im the one adding additional interpretation?

22 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And you didn't realize that i don't care about this specific case exactly because it is purely fictional issue that affects noone?

I presumed you did not care, thats why i used it as an example of something which was mode locked but you do not consider a problem. -> even if it is an issue affecting nobody, the design problem behind both is the same in regards to mode locking. If you said one is a problem and the other is not then their is more to the problem then mode locking as you claimed-> this leads to questions aout what the actual problems are, which funilly enough could have been worded as "rewards people do not think are made for them when they want it are problems".


That last thing is interesting to me because actual dialogue can start from their:

-> How can we make more people that want reward think the reward made for them? More accesibility in different modes, more accesibility in the mode, making it so people do not want the rewards, etc. Why this third suggestion probably sucks etc.


22 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And i consider Envoy set to be raid armor due to mostly equal, if not bigger, need for raids in it. You do not only because you use different criteria for it than for Aurora and Vision.


I dont, Now i will call then lw trinkets and raid armour in casual conversation because that makes me more understandable. 

humour me for a second, What is the amount of raids that you would need before it stops being a raid set for you?


For me i just look at the gifts and see how they are distributed. 1 gift needs this, another this etc.

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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Why in almost every topic, whenever raid elements are mentioned, it always bog down to the same three guys ranting their entitlement over something they couldn't accomplish in-game, bogging down the whole thread into meaningless multi-hundred thread continuously over the course of years?


Nobody would feel encouraged to support this game after reading these behaviors.


This forum needs real moderator.


Not really true, astral as far as we know has the armor for example. 

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44 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

You should read a bit and look at wnat exactly "equality of opportunity" means. Because any form of setting arbitrary criteria on reaching the goal, that have no connection to the goal itself, immediately disqualifies you from falling under that umbrella.

No, like not at all. Equal opportunity just means that everyone should have the same outcome if they did the same things.

If you would give the same obstacle to everyone then everyone still has the same opportunity.


Thats also why just going for equal opportunity is not always the best.


BTW, you last line can be applied to literary anything in all games. So i'm going to assume that sentence needs some clarification, and that you don't mean exactly what you have written.

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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


He made all T1 weapons, multiple times if needed for dual wielding. All the armors. All the trinkets. The pvp backpiece. Within 2.5 months. He started working on achievements some time after the announcement was made.


The 2.5 months were basically the time gate on crafting the precursors and materials required (which he wanted to craft himself, or with help of other people like myself crafting cooldowns, instead of just buying everything off the TP) as well as finishing up some achievement stuff like the WvW ring and pvp amulet.


He could have gone on, given he is flushed with cash. It's just he is basically out the game by now and full legendary.


What you buy or not, I do not care tbh. I know other raiders who have EVERY weapon, every legendary and are playing multiple accounts. I was just making a mention of this specific case because I had never seen someone go from 0 legendary items to 60+ in less than 3 months.



Oh and FYI, I still have you beat on legendary gear myself, and I do not have 10+ accounts worth of login rewards to fund my main account if desired (nor do I convert gems to gold). In fact, I have 1 additional account which I had purchased for a friend shortly before PoF, and I've never traded anything over from that one.


I don't convert gems to gold either and I play my other accounts.  For example every single one of my accounts is current on the new Seasons of the Dragon meta.   I know you think you're more hard core, dedicated, amazing, because after all you're a raider and a poor casual like me can't possibly be working  as hard as you.


So you can name one guy who got what I got in 2.5 months (and I still don't believe it, btw, unless he spent real money to do it).  That likely means the other 6 raiders in the game haven't.


This is what I'm getting from your posts. I don't deserve the rewards that you get because I don't like that content and you work so so hard at it, that you deserve it.

I can't even imagine a more ludicrous position.  I support the game more than most people both by playing and spending. I have an opinion. I state it. Trying to trivialize what I've accomplished doesn't make you look like you've accomplished a lot.  And just shows that some raiders have no regard or respect for anything but raiding.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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1 hour ago, Vilin.8056 said:

Why in almost every topic, whenever raid elements are mentioned, it always bog down to the same three guys ranting their entitlement over something they couldn't accomplish in-game, bogging down the whole thread into meaningless multi-hundred thread continuously over the course of years?


Nobody would feel encouraged to support this game after reading all these behaviors.


This forum needs real moderator.


Will that moderator also delete posts by raiders that talk down to anyone that doesn't raid?  I'd be all for that.

It's like you believe that three guys are the only guys that have ever spoken out about this. It's not the case. And if people stopped replying to me, I'd stop answering. But I do have a right to argue my case when someone tries to refute it.  If the person who was doing that was a raider, I bet you'd have no problem with that, and this is where the problem lies.

Those who disagree with you are entitled, those who agree with you are in the right. Strangely, I feel raiders feel entitled. I don't say it very often, but it's true. Some of them (probably a small percentage) feel like they own the game, own the forums, own the right to say whatever they want because they're raiders.


There are plenty of people that feel like I do. In the old raid threads, half the people posted in favor of raids being added to the game and half the people posted against raids being added to the game.  I'm not alone in these thoughts.

I'm just silly enough to bang my head against the raider wall where smarter people than me have given up.

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24 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I support the game more than most people both by playing and spending. I have an opinion. I state it. Trying to trivialize what I've accomplished doesn't make you look like you've accomplished a lot.  And just shows that some raiders have no regard or respect for anything but raiding.

If a big ego would reward legendary raid armor, you sure would be the first to get it. 
But it doesn’t matter how much you allegedly accomplished or spent in the game. Even you have to play the content in order to get the armor. Just like everyone else. 

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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

If a big ego would reward legendary raid armor, you sure would be the first to get it. 
But it doesn’t matter how much you allegedly accomplished or spent in the game. Even you have to play the content in order to get the armor. Just like everyone else. 

As I've said repeatedly, the game originally required people to play to get dungeon armor and Anet changed it.  I'm saying that it can be changed, and I think it should be changed.

You're perfectly free to disagree with this, but it doesn't change any of those statements.  It can be something in the game and still be a bad decision on Anet's part.

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2 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

As I've said repeatedly, the game originally required people to play to get dungeon armor and Anet changed it.  I'm saying that it can be changed, and I think it should be changed.

You're perfectly free to disagree with this, but it doesn't change any of those statements.  It can be something in the game and still be a bad decision on Anet's part.

And they already changed it. You now can get legendary armor in WvW and PvP as well. Just like with the dungeon armor that we can now get via reward tracks. 

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3 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

And they already changed it. You now can get legendary armor in WvW and PvP as well. Just like with the dungeon armor that we can now get via reward tracks. 

Yep. But the only armor that animates when you go into combat is in Raids. Which I disagree with. I'm not sure why you have an issue with me stating my opinion on this, but I promise if you stop responding to me, I will stop answering.

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