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Life after 80

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I was playing my mesmer without rush, enjoying it (staff + condition damage). While doing Main Story got to level 80 and Masteries popup start to annoy me a lot. Basically every time you get XP it pops up above chat window and pointing down to XP bar saying that i have to unlock Masteries. And the Masteries window said that i have to do intro for HoT or PoF, so i decided to switch main quest for this, because i don't know if XP saved for future or its just lost as i haven't unlocked masteries (and at the bottom of the screen when you mouse hover the XP bar, it consistently say "0/~500k" so i decided to stop losing XP. When i get to HoT, i finished the first story line and unlocked masteries. But i died like the same amount of times as i died while leveling from 1 to 80, including some dungeons i tryed. Obviously my gear is bad (all green and blue with 1-2 yellow, and most of it not even for level 80). I switched back to Main quest (in the core game locations), but i feel like it will over soon and i will have to go to HoT and PoF. Not only because of story line, but also to unlock features accountwide (like glider and mount). So its inevitable. My question is: what can i do to improve my gear at level 80, i have some gold coins (maybe buy some from TP), or start leveling crafting (Tailoring) so i can craft decent grar for myself, or i need to do group events and kill world bosses (as i guess reward is level-dependent, so at level 80 i will get appropriate gear (?)).


I also think about trying another class, as i'm not sure if mesmer is what i want to main. But still, accountwide ability to have mount is very tempting.


Thank you!

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Generally, exotics are relatively cheap to craft (most of them at least), and a number of stats can be found very cheap on tp. If you struggle for cash, then aside from world bosses, dungeons are not so bad, and provide currency for which you can buy some of the stats combinations as well. Good luck 🙂

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Normally I'd say someone's gear is unlikely to be the problem, but in this case it sounds like there is room for improvement. But both the good and the bad news is it may not be as drastic as you're expecting. That means it will be easy to get yourself a set of nearly top-tier equipment which will help you, but it also means doing that won't make HoT and PoF as easy as the core game.


For now you should be aiming for level 80 exotic (orange) equipment. That's one tier down from the best available (which is ascended/legendary) but that's much more expensive and harder to get and not much better, so not something you need to worry about now. The simplest way to get it is to buy it from the Trading Post, and if you're going to do that I strongly recommend using the advanced search options on the left side of the buy window to filter for what you need then sorting it by lowest price because there is huge variation in the cost of level 80 exotics but most of that is because of the skins. Just like with lower tiers exotics with the same level and stats are identical no matter where they come from so there's no need to get some rare drop instead of the basics.


Other options are to craft them (you'll need tailor for light armour and artificer for a staff, both at level 400) or you can get armour from the Temples in Orr with karma (the only downside to doing this is less of a choice of stat combinations and it cannot be salvaged). You can also mix and match if you want to.


The important thing to consider is which attributes (stats) are best for your character, that will actually make a bigger difference than the level and rarity of the gear. You can see all the options here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations


If you're focusing on condition damage then Viper's is a good choice, but includes no defensive stats. You might find Carrion (Vitality) or rabid (toughness) makes you more durable. Don't forget to choose runes and sigils to complement your build as well, they can make a noticeable difference (and some add fun effects too).


But this isn't one of those games where your gear will carry you. It's not possible to gear up a character so that expansion content becomes easy. The other part of it is practice and experience, knowing your character and how to use them effectively. You've done some of that already by levelling up and I will bet you're a lot better than when you first started, but both HoT and PoF are designed to be a challenge to players who have already played through the core game. So keep practicing, both in the core game (you can keep playing there as long as you want, you don't have to go on to the expansions until you're ready) and in the expansions. HoT in particular has a lot of enemies which need specific tactics - the best way to fight a bristleback is very different from a stonehead or a group of pocket raptors - so it takes some trial and error to figure out what works and learn how to do it, but the process for doing that isn't really any different from what you've already done while getting to level 80.

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First step is definitely to upgrade your gear.  There are a few special sets of "named armor" https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Named_armor  that you can search for on the TP.  A complete set of most will cost you less than the 2 gold that you get for doing dailies.  If you're new, I doubt you have 250k karma for a set of Orr temple armor anyways.   If you're running condition build, probably search for Khilbron's (Rabid stats) or Jatoro (Dire stats) for now.  You'll probably want to level up tailoring long term, but it is worth 2 gold to get good gear immediately.  The runes in Khilbron and Jatoro armor aren't optimal long term, but are decent enough for the interim. 


As far as trinkets, here are some condition oriented ones that you can get a set of off the TP for another 2 gold:

Bone fragments of tequatl x2

Fang of Tequatl (amulet) x1

Connie's lost wedding ring x2 or Carrion ring x2

Crest of the rabid x5

Slap a Crest of the Rabid upgrade into each and you'll be in decent shape to at least survive while working on better gear.

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The least painful option will be for you to buy some gear from the trading post to update your current one. This is also a good time to learn how to use the trading post properly.

  1. Open the trading post and click on the item you are looking for, in this example I will use armor. Next click the cog icon to the right of the search bar, an advanced search window will pop up. In the advanced search window you select what you are looking for.

    Given your original post about mesmer with staff and condition damage plus having some trouble surviving I will recommend a stat combination called dire in your case now to start out with.

    Dire stats combination has
    Main stat condition damage: Increases the damage you do with conditions.
    Minor stat Toughness: Increases your armor rating which makes you take less damage from physical attacks.
    Minor stat vitality: Increases your health pool.

    Your search will look like this. Note how you are filtering for exotic rarity and only for lvl 80.
  2. With the advanced search options set click the price button so you are sorting for cheapest first. Now buy some gear, in this case you will find that the named armor set "Jatoro's" will be the cheapest. You would not have found this if you had just searched for "Dire".
  3. Do step 1 and 2 to get a good staff and trinkets. Below are some more screenshots of me doing this search for staff and rings as an example.

  4. You can also upgrade your armor, weapons and trinkets by putting upgrade items in them.

    For armor runes are always the best and there are many options. For you I will just go ahead and recommend some good cheap ones: Superior Rune of the Lich.

    For weapons sigils are always the best, and there are many options here too. I will recommend some budget ones that are good for your condi mesmer: Superior Sigil of Demons, Superior Sigil of Corruption.

    Exotic trinkets can be socketed with different kinds of gems and other items to give some extra stats. I recommend you skip this step for now, they are the least important for the price but get them later!
  5. Here is a link to the full build I had in mind when writing this post. It is designed for you to survive by having a lot of utility with stunbreaks, sustain,  condition cleanse while allowing you do kill stuff. I only assumed a staff since you did not mention another weapon. If you want to use your weapon swap to a secondary set try scepter and torch or scepter and pistol.

    You don't have to use what I suggest but use it as a guide to get you started in HoT.

    The build
Edited by LaGranse.8652
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The previous posters have addressed your main question: gear. Now, for the rest, a few pointers, in case you were not already aware:

  • Central Tyria, HoT, PoF, IBS each have distinct mastery unlocks that are zone-dependent. Your max-level characters will not earn experience in these zones until you have unlocked all relevant masteries. (Raid masteries are an exception.) With this in mind, mastery point unlocks should probably be on your radar, starting with those in central Tyria. It took me months to unlock all of central Tyria, and I had access to all LW S2 episodes. 🙁
  • The Maguuma Wastes (Dry Top and Silverwastes) can be seen as stepping stones between core game and HoT.
  • XP past level 80 means Spirit Shards. If you do not need them much, the Tomes of Knowledge you get from simply logging in are likely to answer all your needs in this regard.
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Comments on Mastery tracks: 

I'd concentrate on the Pact Commander track in Central Tyria first - the last one gives you autolooting and picks up your loot from 99% of the chests in the game.  It's one of the biggest QoL changes in the game, IMO. 

Heart of Thorns:  Gliding first, jumping mushrooms second, then gliding updrafts and lean techniques, then Exalted markings, then nuhoch wallows.  Fill in with the other masteries as you need to, but those should be your highest priorities, in my opinion.

Path of Fire masteries, do not bother spending mastery points on the 4 mount mastery until you have level three unlocked on all the mounts.  You can still train them up, just don't burn the mastery points.  You have to have raptor level 3 trained and unlocked before you can get the springer, and you have to have springer to level 3 before you can get either skimmer or jackal.  So, the level 4 mastery can comfortably wait a while.


Mastery experience is earned just like leveling experience, so make sure you are using you food and utility consumables for their XP bonus, along with the free XP bonus from the bar tender in the GH.  Masteries, once they are trained, are also available account wide, not just per character.  So once you unlock gliding, it is available to every toon you have, including your low-level ones.

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Thank you for all responses!


@thehipone.6812 @LaGranse.8652 (and any other), i've got some questions:
- I don't see "set bonuses" (?) meaning that its not a requirement for me to have all 6 armor pieces to be "Jotaro"? Basically its just a word that defined attribute combination and i do not benefit (as "set") when have all 6 of same named armor set?
- Why do you recommend me Khilbron set, as it has Precision which is useless (?), its only for Power builds (?). I see the best for me is Jotaro (cdmg + vit + t) as most defensive, but its ok for me to have some armor pieces (if they are cheaper) for example Ogden (cdmg + pow + vit) -- this one is better than Khilbron because it has "just power", not "Precision" as its not very useful without much "Power" and "Ferocity" (?). PS.: i just wonder why out of those sets, you choose to recommend two and Khilbron is among them.
- again, wondering about "Precision": Why do you recommend "Crest of the Rabid" and "Bone Fragments of Tequatl" as it has Precision? Maybe its better something with survivability (if not with condition dmg benefit)?


Other questions, general:
- Why "satchels" are more expensive than 6 armor pieces you get from them when using? (i haven't bought any, just wondering as browsing wiki and checking the content of the item)
- After browsing some wiki, i see that the best armor for a noob like me is "Celestial" because it allows me to change skills (and only weapon/s) to totally try any build (power or condition). Is my thinking is correct? or Celestial is super bad as it has no main damage stat bump?


@LaGranse.8652 about the build, you linked and i have little question:
- why do you take "Method of Madness" if you don't take "healing skill"? OR maybe Signet of the Either' passive healing will count as "use of healing skill"? or i'm expected to use Signet of the Either on cooldown (30 sec) (?) -- which is not good, because the passive effect will not work while skill is on cooldown (if im not mistaken).

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8 minutes ago, Lexx.7532 said:

@LaGranse.8652 about the build, you linked and i have little question:
- why do you take "Method of Madness" if you don't take "healing skill"? OR maybe Signet of the Either' passive healing will count as "use of healing skill"? or i'm expected to use Signet of the Either on cooldown (30 sec) (?) -- which is not good, because the passive effect will not work while skill is on cooldown (if im not mistaken).

Any healskill works, I picked signet of ether cause it heals for a decent amount, gives 1 second invulnerability, some agis, passive healing until you need to use it and it recharges your phantasms. Also method of madness is a good trait for when you need to use your healskill cause of a bad situation you get some extra boons.


Edited by LaGranse.8652
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1 hour ago, Lexx.7532 said:

Thank you for all responses!


@thehipone.6812 @LaGranse.8652 (and any other), i've got some questions:
- I don't see "set bonuses" (?) meaning that its not a requirement for me to have all 6 armor pieces to be "Jotaro"? Basically its just a word that defined attribute combination and i do not benefit (as "set") when have all 6 of same named armor set?
- Why do you recommend me Khilbron set, as it has Precision which is useless (?), its only for Power builds (?). I see the best for me is Jotaro (cdmg + vit + t) as most defensive, but its ok for me to have some armor pieces (if they are cheaper) for example Ogden (cdmg + pow + vit) -- this one is better than Khilbron because it has "just power", not "Precision" as its not very useful without much "Power" and "Ferocity" (?). PS.: i just wonder why out of those sets, you choose to recommend two and Khilbron is among them.
- again, wondering about "Precision": Why do you recommend "Crest of the Rabid" and "Bone Fragments of Tequatl" as it has Precision? Maybe its better something with survivability (if not with condition dmg benefit)?


Other questions, general:
- Why "satchels" are more expensive than 6 armor pieces you get from them when using? (i haven't bought any, just wondering as browsing wiki and checking the content of the item)
- After browsing some wiki, i see that the best armor for a noob like me is "Celestial" because it allows me to change skills (and only weapon/s) to totally try any build (power or condition). Is my thinking is correct? or Celestial is super bad as it has no main damage stat bump?




There are no set bonuses, the name simply refers to an old Guild Wars character and is flavor more than anything.


A couple of reasons to go with precision:

-there are traits that are very condition build relevant that rely on critical hits.  Illusions inherit stats, so they will be able to inflict a good amount of bleeding (especially fast-hitting ones like phantasmal warden or duelist if you use them as the swap from staff).

-Power is ok, I guess, but you're running a condition weapon in staff (which has low power coefficients on skills, but that's an advanced topic).  Power damage without any precision or ferocity is probably going to be disappointing.

-Dire is ok choice too if you really feel the need to tank up, but too much can build bad habits that will hurt you when you eventually switch over to viper's or berserker's gear.  Might as well learn to "git gud" now and learn to use your active defenses.  Exception is if you think WvW looks interesting, Dire gear will serve you just fine there for a while and will save you having to have 2 sets of gear. 

-The recommended trinkets are because those are what's cheap (30silver) and have condition primary.  Most other trinkets start at 2 gold/each and up.  I also realize that I screwed up and fang of tequatl is also an accessory like the bone fragments, so no need for that one.


-The main issue with Celestial is how are you going to get it?  If you can get stat selectable gear, you might as well take viper's.  IMO, don't sink 120 gold into an exotic celestial set, you'll likely regret it.

-Satchels have never made sense economically, and are gated by needing a recipe. 


Even with the above, in the end it is your decision how to play and build, so don't take it as written in stone.  I just wanted to give an option that should show significant improvement in gear with minimal cost.

Edited by thehipone.6812
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8 hours ago, Lexx.7532 said:

Thank you for all responses!


@thehipone.6812 @LaGranse.8652 (and any other), i've got some questions:
- I don't see "set bonuses" (?) meaning that its not a requirement for me to have all 6 armor pieces to be "Jotaro"? Basically its just a word that defined attribute combination and i do not benefit (as "set") when have all 6 of same named armor set?
- Why do you recommend me Khilbron set, as it has Precision which is useless (?), its only for Power builds (?). I see the best for me is Jotaro (cdmg + vit + t) as most defensive, but its ok for me to have some armor pieces (if they are cheaper) for example Ogden (cdmg + pow + vit) -- this one is better than Khilbron because it has "just power", not "Precision" as its not very useful without much "Power" and "Ferocity" (?). PS.: i just wonder why out of those sets, you choose to recommend two and Khilbron is among them.
- again, wondering about "Precision": Why do you recommend "Crest of the Rabid" and "Bone Fragments of Tequatl" as it has Precision? Maybe its better something with survivability (if not with condition dmg benefit)?


Other questions, general:
- Why "satchels" are more expensive than 6 armor pieces you get from them when using? (i haven't bought any, just wondering as browsing wiki and checking the content of the item)
- After browsing some wiki, i see that the best armor for a noob like me is "Celestial" because it allows me to change skills (and only weapon/s) to totally try any build (power or condition). Is my thinking is correct? or Celestial is super bad as it has no main damage stat bump?


@LaGranse.8652 about the build, you linked and i have little question:
- why do you take "Method of Madness" if you don't take "healing skill"? OR maybe Signet of the Either' passive healing will count as "use of healing skill"? or i'm expected to use Signet of the Either on cooldown (30 sec) (?) -- which is not good, because the passive effect will not work while skill is on cooldown (if im not mistaken).




The set bonuses are not on the armor themselves but on the upgrades you put onto armors.


It's highly advisable that any build you decide to use, utilizes a set of 6 runes of the same name.


Sigils are for your weapons.


If you have decent precision, earth and blood sigils are effective and cheap for your condition build.  Sigils are pretty much personal preference at this point.  When you get to more advanced gameplay, you'll have a better handle on what the best sigils are for any particular build.


Last tip, this game places heavier emphasis on your actual skill at the game, not in-game stats.  Learn to react to the enemy's attacks, dodge red/ornge circles on teh ground, use defensive skills to nullify what the enemy is doing, know when to dedicate to a burst of damage, etc.  Just playing the game and actually paying attention to what you're fighting and how you fight it is enough to be skillful.  


Whenever you roam around in the open world of the core maps, try soloing champions you meet along the way.  These are good tests of skill for beginning players.  As a staff mesmer, you have ample tools to deal with champions on your own (remember, the objective is to never get hit).  

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