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We have the opportunity to grow the game's popularity by being an example of united community and promoting the game

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9 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:


FFXIVXIIX has taken a big chunk of GW2's playerbase.

For this im gonna need some data, other than "because i say so." The two games are vastly different. Tried ffxiv and i didnt enjoy it at all due to how different it was(to traditional), so players who are GW2s actual market base(those who dont like traditional MMOs) probably wont be going to a more traditional mmo. To try it out? Yea i can see that, to stay? No.

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If I wanted to do that, I'd see about getting a job at ArenaNet as a community manager. I'm all for supporting the game, but screw social media (it's a cesspool of misinformation and beggars of attention). Also, GW2 already IS successful. It has an active player base, a THIRD EXPANSION on the way, and plans for more beyond that. GW2 does not need to have the largest player base in the world to be successful. Just because your favorite tiddy streamer isn't a hard core GW2 player does not mean that GW2 is unsuccessful.

The greatest measure of success is this: After playing this game for nearly 9 years (just days away), and GW1 for about 7 years, I AM STILL HERE! Social media be damned.

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5 hours ago, LSD.4673 said:

Why, is this a dissertation or a forum?


The neglect is well established.


WvW is bereft of veterans who've moved on to other games. The exodus of PvPers happened when GMs stopped dealing adequately with bot spam. FFXIVXIIX has taken a big chunk of GW2's playerbase.


And as for new players...you need only look at 3rd party forums. It's been the same way since the game's release, only back then you had players asking what the hell they were supposed to do at end game, while die-hards derisively told them to go replay Queensdale.


The good that's in the game is neglected, and has been appropriated by other games. What remains is hard to find. And due to the antisocial nature of the game, it won't be found in in-game communities, but rather on the external wiki. Never mind "traditional" MMO: when a new player asks a question and gets no response from the barren map chat, they don't stick around...

You are the one with the claims. 


What "large tracts" are being siphoned off "month by month"?   And you know that EVERY NEW PLAYER is "put off" by the core side of the game.


Either you have a source for it or it is simple hyperbole.

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Heh.. last year we had a big streamer try out gw2... I made a post about this, and it later got dumped in a sub forum that basically no one reads. So... good luck trying to increase gw2 presence, because it doesn't seem that anet care all that much about it either. Marketing has been a weak point for the game since forever.


Oh, and that streamer is now playing ff14 now, and his reception along with other big streamers from their player base has been remarkable, of course it also comes at a time wow and blizzard is crashing, and other similar games should probably be taking advantage of this....

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On 8/8/2021 at 9:39 PM, chromaticwyrm.8435 said:

4)  Everyone should promote the game to keep it alive but there are other ways for us introvert types like just being helpful and kind to other players new and old. 

This.  If you do nothing else, just be kind.


I saw a random in map chat asking how to get the White Raven ranger pet.  So I explained about the Hall of Monuments.  Then he asked about HoT pets.  I didn't have to, but just for kicks I literally spent the next three hours helping him get pets!  It was pretty fun and we lucked into the start of a Dragon Stand meta so I did that for the first time in ages.

I'm not going to do this every night, but it's just an example of how you can help the game simply by being nice and helping others.

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On 8/9/2021 at 10:34 AM, LSD.4673 said:

WoW didn't get popular from social media. It got popular from having stuff to do, socially, collectively, with clear progression.


GW2 is a mess. A bunch of nobody accounts tweeting and twitchering about it won't change that.

It doesn't have progression (please don't throw around the term "horizontal" in response).

It isn't social -- in fact it's anti social. It's a single player online game with other people in the world to see your expensive hats. 


So the game appeals to an extremely small portion of people who want to play games like this. Large tracts of the community are neglected and siphoned off month by month, and every new player is put off by the god awful core side of the game, with its ahoddy story, repetitive "heart" system, and locked up mechanics (press #1 for the first few levels? and then unlock skill #2? wtf is this system).

i really dissagree with you on thise claims. 

1) I do play Gw2 quite a lot and i do all modes but i only do it w my friends this game sucks alone and the best w friends, if i log in and there is nothing to do w friends just simply log off unless i have a collection i really fancy at the moment or smthing i have to play for the reward i want later. Maybe im alone with this but this game is pretty much a social life for me. 

2) Kill stuff until you level up and learn skill2 is a really good way to introduce new skills and mechs to new ppl you not going to get overloaded w 10million skills and choose what you want to use as you level up you get a new ability so you can try it out and actually discover stuff, if you level up a new char for the 10th time you will have enough tomes/scrolls or whatever to skip this process so its not affecting you at all. 

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On 8/9/2021 at 9:24 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Heh.. last year we had a big streamer try out gw2... I made a post about this, and it later got dumped in a sub forum that basically no one reads. So... good luck trying to increase gw2 presence, because it doesn't seem that anet care all that much about it either. Marketing has been a weak point for the game since forever.

Yeah, because spamming on the forum every time a streamer tries the game is somehow supposed to bring new players...? If that's remotely the case, I'd like to hear more about that.


On 8/9/2021 at 9:24 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Oh, and that streamer is now playing ff14 now, and his reception along with other big streamers from their player base has been remarkable, of course it also comes at a time wow and blizzard is crashing, and other similar games should probably be taking advantage of this....

He doesn't, he went back to spamming gta rp.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, because spamming on the forum every time a streamer tries the game is somehow supposed to bring new players...? If that's remotely the case, I'd like to hear more about that.


He doesn't, he went back to spamming gta rp.


I made one thread, I did not spam the forums.

He plays games on a rotation, he played like a month of ff, same he did for gw2, same for eso which he has game back to multiple times. New viewers could mean new players, he has a view base 10x more than the entire gw2 channel on twitch.

But oh well, let anet carry on their current marketing strategy, it's worked wonders.


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1 minute ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

I made one thread, I did not spam the forums.

I wasn't trying to say you are spamming about it, "every time a streamer tries the game" was a more important bit and it doesn't need to be one person posting about it.


1 minute ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

He plays games on a rotation, he played like a month of ff, same he did for gw2, same for eso which he has game back to multiple times. New viewers could mean new players, he has a view base 10x more than the entire gw2 channel on twitch.

But oh well, let anet carry on their current marketing strategy, it's worked wonders.

Yup, he plays mmorpgs for a short time, says it's ok, interesting, fresh and new and then stops. Claiming that he suddenly jumped on ff and will stay there is a reach. That's simply doubtful. For comparison you could see how long he sticks/comes back to gta rp, because he actually enjoys it.



All that aside, you still didn't explain to me how these posts/threads on gw2 forum are supposed to achieve anything you claim they could achieve. So can you explain now?

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On 8/9/2021 at 10:11 AM, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

the issue I find with this idea of OP is that as far as my experience goes, "community" of this game has that very interesting split that there is alot of folks that are super nice in game and on certain discord servers, but when you try to peek at official forums, or reddit and suddeny here are all those toxic people I never meet in-game 😉

That's because when you play in the game, you usually move in places filled with players with similar playstyles and likes as you. So, it all works well. It's only when player groups that see the game differently, have different goals and different vievs of it meet in one place that sparks start to fly.


Because this community is divided in subgroups separated by really massive rifts. Rifts so big that players on different sides don't even understand each other.

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On 8/8/2021 at 8:35 AM, Demeth.5816 said:



The most successful MMOS have very dedicated communities outside the game. Wow, FF XIV, ESO...



This line in your post really caught my attention because whenever I think of the successful and good mmo's that are out today, I think of all the ones you listed and Guild Wars 2. 


Guild Wars 2 seems quite successful to me. I always see tons of people and my main guild is super active and has been for years. 


I am seeing a lot of threads here by people wanting more advertising for the game, more of a presence outside the game, etc. Would more players be good? I'm sure it would. But I got to say, if I had the choice between the game and community we have now, as opposed to a game with mass amounts of players with a worse community and it causing the game to change from what it is, I would much prefer what we have now.


This game is different, unique. I love it for that reason. It isn't a WoW clone, a FFXIV clone or a clone of anything. It's different and I for one hope ArenaNet never strays from their formula for this game because I love it. My son actually just decided to try it last week and he has been loving it. It's a great game. It doesn't have to be like WoW, FFXIV or ESO to be successful. It already is successful. And honestly not sure how much success WoW is having these days. Classic has definitely helped them bring some back for sure, but WoW has lost tons of subscribers the last couple expansions and I don't think they are doing so great these days.


I have played WoW since early 2006. I have played this game since the first closed beta. I pre-ordered the day it went on sale because I was a big fan of the original Guild Wars. I have played ESO and FFXIV, to a lesser extent. All are good games for different reasons. 

Edited by SummerRayne.4672
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I recently got my friend to try out the game, most of the time he's super confused about things as they aren't totally clear or straightforward. Things that are obvious to us have been learned in over all the years we've played but to him he also where all his gear went when in the wardrobe lol.


I think the game could use a better tutorial experience that kind of explains the menus while also showcasing some of the more modern events and content while keeping it strictly to new players. Y'all going to say the starting zones do this but there's so many people zerging stuff down that he can't even really try stuff out properly


Some other games I've seen usually use little pop up videos to show an example of what to do for new things. It's been a long time but I think the GW1 might have even done that lol


Anyway, I keep telling him the game gets better but so far he's mostly confused and wondering why this random lady is purifying sticks with owls under them 


Back in the day the story wasn't so spaced out so it wasn't really that confusing what was going on. Usually you did a lot of map completion to where the story took you, which doesn't happen now either


The inventory system is pretty rough too because you get all this stuff but have no idea if salvaging is a good idea or not, nor what you should keep. I had to give a good lesson on inventory stuff like even knowing there's a material deposit box. I could go on for awhile about it but we all know how much of mess the inventory system is


If Anet wants to make the game popular again, I'd start there. If they didn't want to change anything in game they could at least make a new player tutorial guides on YouTube. I remember the Titanfall 2 ones being pretty cool back in the day

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21 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I wasn't trying to say you are spamming about it, "every time a streamer tries the game" was a more important bit and it doesn't need to be one person posting about it.


Yup, he plays mmorpgs for a short time, says it's ok, interesting, fresh and new and then stops. Claiming that he suddenly jumped on ff and will stay there is a reach. That's simply doubtful. For comparison you could see how long he sticks/comes back to gta rp, because he actually enjoys it.



All that aside, you still didn't explain to me how these posts/threads on gw2 forum are supposed to achieve anything you claim they could achieve. So can you explain now?


The thread is about marketing. Streamers are a marketing tool.


This isn't about how long a streamer bothers to play the game, (and I never mentioned he would stay there, he has a rotation of games he goes through, and gets the mmo itch every once in a while). This is about a big streamer even bothered to play the game, but it got buried with no interest from the company.


What should I explain? that in order to get people to play the game they need to learn and see the game in the first place? That maybe we should show off the community to the streamer like they did for ff14?


Do you want new people to even bother playing gw2? or you think we good where we at? I mean hey we got another WoW streamer trying out gw2 today, maybe we should tell him to go back to wow huh.


Don't bother answering, I'm gonna use the new great feature of the forums.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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22 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

The thread is about marketing. Streamers are a marketing tool.


This isn't about how long a streamer bothers to play the game, (and I never mentioned he would stay there, he has a rotation of games he goes through, and gets the mmo itch every once in a while). This is about a big streamer even bothered to play the game, but it got buried with no interest from the company.


What should I explain? that in order to get people to play the game they need to learn and see the game in the first place? That maybe we should show off the community to the streamer like they did for ff14?

SPECIFICALLY what I quoted right at the start and you didn't bother responding to:

On 8/9/2021 at 9:24 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Heh.. last year we had a big streamer try out gw2... I made a post about this, and it later got dumped in a sub forum that basically no one reads. So... good luck trying to increase gw2 presence, because it doesn't seem that anet care all that much about it either.

I even repeated what I'd like to have explained a the end of the post you've just quoted:

All that aside, you still didn't explain to me how these posts/threads on gw2 forum are supposed to achieve anything you claim they could achieve. So can you explain now?


How is moving a thread about "a streamer playing the game" relevant to anything in this thread or marketing strategies of a company? A thread on THIS FORUM does nothing to increase the playerbase, because people on this forum ALREADY play the game. Anet doesn't exactly need to do anything with information about the streamer ALREADY PLAYING the game, because that streamer is ALREADY giving the exposure of the game to his fanbase.

I didn't understand your complaint about "moving a thread working against the interest of the game/company" ("so good luck trying to..."), I still don't understand it because you didn't bother to explain anything and judging by the instant defensiveness of the response, it seems you realised that it didn't have much to do with anything in this thread. You just didn't like your post getting moved, but it has noting to do with marketing or exposure to the streamer's viewers.


Hopefully that's enough of an explanation.


Edited by Sobx.1758
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