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Instead of more nerf/buff solution threads, How about analyzing our mistakes.

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7 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Here let me at least support this idea with some, "as close i can get" evidence.


Here is just a thread i googled up just now:

In this thread I'll lay out the quote:


u/pyule667 said:

What's with the #Freecmc?


And the top comment with 66 upvotes:

burizar said:

CMC has been one of the better dev GW2 ever had for balancing (especially in WvW and PvP). The balance changes recently were not reflective of his philosophy so we meme that he was “jailed” by Anet and needed to be freed


This poster says here : The balance changes recently were not reflective of his philosophy. The balance changes being talked about here was the PVE oriented patch that introduced new skills like Blood Bank on July 2020 (a year ago which you can tell this post aligns with that timeframe.)


Generally speaking, you can look at the entire July patch here : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-07-07#Necromancer


Again people were shouting "FreeCMC" because this patch was PVE oriented, mostly mechanical changes and additions and buffs, and had close to no numerical nerfs. This is "against the philosophy of cmc" which had always been to just nerf numbers only.


I have no idea where you're getting that CMC's "design philosophy" was to only adjust numbers and avoid mechanical changes.


I'm fairly sure being limited to numerical changes was something imposed upon him, not a pro-active choice.


Hence why certain traits/skills that he wanted to remove but couldn't remove, were instead "soft" removed by nerfing the numbers into irrelevancy.

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17 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

I'm fairly sure being limited to numerical changes was something imposed upon him, not a pro-active choice.


I mean ya, but that's not my point though. My point is about the reasoning of the community. Which clearly has a separate identity to the actuality of CMC's situation.


What we know as facts, is that CMC never had control over anything more than numerical changes...so prior to this July patch, which is when the "freecmc" thing started, what changes did he ever do? Well they were all numerical nerfs (Right before July, was the mega nerf patch in February)


So when July came along and the changes weren't nerfs, it was "against his philosophy." referring clearly to the philosophy established by the February nerf patch


What other philosophy would he have instated if all he had control over was either buffing or nerfing things...and we overwhelmingly know that all he's ever done post december 2019 was nerf coefficients and numbers only.


Ahem...so again this is about the reasoning for the community and the reason for their response to the July Patch which was overwhelmingly a non-cmc patch clearly because it had buffs in it, numerous mechanical changes, additions and nearly no numerical nerfs. It is quintessentially, the complete contrast of what CMC's balance patches were prior to July 2020 (again refering to the huge mega nerf in Feb and earlier in December 2019)...so this is why people like in that reddit post were saying the July patch was against his philosophy.


Even if CMC wanted something different, there is no evidence that is even the case...there was literally no reference frame to show prior to July, that his philosophy was something other than nerfing coefficients, because that's all he has basically ever done.

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8 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


I mean ya, but that's not my point though. My point is about the reasoning of the community. Which clearly has a separate identity to the actuality of CMC's situation.


What we know as facts, is that CMC never had control over anything more than numerical changes...so prior to this July patch, which is when the "freecmc" thing started, what changes did he ever do? Well they were all numerical nerfs (Right before July, was the mega nerf patch in February)


So when July came along and the changes weren't nerfs, it was "against his philosophy." referring clearly to the philosophy established by the February nerf patch


What other philosophy would he have instated if all he had control over was either buffing or nerfing things...and we overwhelmingly know that all he's ever done post december 2019 was nerf coefficients and numbers only.


Ahem...so again this is about the reasoning for the community and the reason for their response to the July Patch which was overwhelmingly a non-cmc patch clearly because it had buffs in it, numerous mechanical changes, additions and nearly no numerical nerfs. It is quintessentially, the complete contrast of what CMC's balance patches were prior to July 2020 (again refering to the huge mega nerf in Feb and earlier in December 2019)...so this is why people like in that reddit post were saying the July patch was against his philosophy.


Even if CMC wanted something different, there is no evidence that is even the case...there was literally no reference frame to show prior to July, that his philosophy was something other than nerfing coefficients, because that's all he has basically ever done.

I'm fairly sure that wasn't what most of the community understood by the whole "freecmc" thing. It's certainly not what I understood by it.


But whatever, it's some absurdly unimportant, I'm really not going to pursue it.

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3 minutes ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

I'm fairly sure that wasn't what most of the community understood by the whole "freecmc" thing.


But whatever, it's some absurdly unimportant, I'm really not going to pursue it.


I mean if that reddit thread wasn't so clear, there are a lot of other threads from the same time period that you can easily reference to see...with a very quick google search



This poster here says:


"After CMC was added to the balance team and the last patch was a very strong step in the right direction I had really hoped we'd avoid patches like this. Please go back to the sweeping patches with WvW/PvP splits targeting over-performing builds with quick hotfixes afterwards."


The  intention of the poster is clear behind the "freecmc" thing.  To what it really means and how the community views cmc's philosophy: Target overperforming builds and nerf them. The July patch was a complete contrast to that philosophy.

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15 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


I mean if that reddit thread wasn't so clear, there are a lot of other threads from the same time period that you can easily reference to see...with a very quick google search



This poster here says:


"After CMC was added to the balance team and the last patch was a very strong step in the right direction I had really hoped we'd avoid patches like this. Please go back to the sweeping patches with WvW/PvP splits targeting over-performing builds with quick hotfixes afterwards."


The  intention of the poster is clear behind the "freecmc" thing.  To what it really means and how the community views cmc's philosophy: Target overperforming builds and nerf them. The July patch was a complete contrast to that philosophy.

You're conflating specific concerns with how a specific patch made nonsensical changes with an aversion to mechanical changes in general.


Nobody in the history of the game has ever said "I only want numbers changes, I am opposed to mechanics changes".


Moreover, a handful of reddit posts by who-knows-who, which don't even reference that hashtag, does not over-ride the way I have seen this term used on streams and discords.


But I really am done now. Goodnight.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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1 hour ago, BlueBoy.1236 said:

Op unironically shows what's wrong with the community


I'm probably one of the most extreme outliers of the community, I think Ragnar could tell you that my perspective on the game is the most uncommon you will ever see on this forum, and that is no understatement.


So I'm curious as to why you'd say this... What exactly did I say that makes you believe my views reflect the community? Actually...what do you believe my views are really?

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8 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Umm pretty sure that's not true at all. The only thing CMC ever did was numerical changes...ever. The community said #freecmc whenever there actually WAS changes to mechanics and buffs rather than numerical nerfs that CMC always did. 


I think you should go and check the history on this.


You should perhaps try to get out of your own bubble, CMC stated multiple times that he was constrained to numbers changes and that mechanic changes need to go through the skills team which takes a lot longer.


I and others said free CMC because they wanted him to be able to do more mechanics changes more often AND to be allowed to work more on live when he was having to work on EoD.

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3 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

You should perhaps try to get out of your own bubble, CMC stated multiple times that he was constrained to numbers changes and that mechanic changes need to go through the skills team which takes a lot longer.


I and others said free CMC because they wanted him to be able to do more mechanics changes more often AND to be allowed to work more on live when he was having to work on EoD.


I just linked two posts here that don't reflect that reality. 


Even if YOUR intention was that cmc should have control over mechanical changes (and i would also agree with that too btw) that wasn't a reflection of the communities intention at that time...that intention is clearly laid out in those threads, you can read them yourself.


Again this has nothing to do with CMC and his capacity as a dev at anet...this is about the hivemind community mentality, huge echo chamber people created about the game's balance.


You can look at it also from this perspective... who else in the world invents the kinda cringe-pilled hashtag slogan movements outside of gw2? I'll let you put that one together for yourself, But it's usually folks who are stuck in an echochamber...a bubble if you will.

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On 8/14/2021 at 6:07 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


I mean ya, but that's not my point though. My point is about the reasoning of the community. Which clearly has a separate identity to the actuality of CMC's situation.


What we know as facts, is that CMC never had control over anything more than numerical changes...so prior to this July patch, which is when the "freecmc" thing started, what changes did he ever do? Well they were all numerical nerfs (Right before July, was the mega nerf patch in February)


So when July came along and the changes weren't nerfs, it was "against his philosophy." referring clearly to the philosophy established by the February nerf patch


What other philosophy would he have instated if all he had control over was either buffing or nerfing things...and we overwhelmingly know that all he's ever done post december 2019 was nerf coefficients and numbers only.


Ahem...so again this is about the reasoning for the community and the reason for their response to the July Patch which was overwhelmingly a non-cmc patch clearly because it had buffs in it, numerous mechanical changes, additions and nearly no numerical nerfs. It is quintessentially, the complete contrast of what CMC's balance patches were prior to July 2020 (again refering to the huge mega nerf in Feb and earlier in December 2019)...so this is why people like in that reddit post were saying the July patch was against his philosophy.


Even if CMC wanted something different, there is no evidence that is even the case...there was literally no reference frame to show prior to July, that his philosophy was something other than nerfing coefficients, because that's all he has basically ever done.


They did so mechanical changes to scourge to make it more viable support such as make more skills that support by adding new stuff to put in the skill tree.  This and of course they've done it for other classes.

I would argue biggest one i can think of is guardians whom had a ability of their F button replaced with resolution so instead of doing thorns like damage and murder multihits, you reduce the condi dmg.

Its a nerf, but also a nerf to condi specs cause more condi resistance, and it works vs movement condis, so they do mechanical changes.



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On 8/14/2021 at 5:47 AM, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Here let me at least support this idea with some, "as close i can get" evidence.


Here is just a thread i googled up just now:

In this thread I'll lay out the quote:


u/pyule667 said:

What's with the #Freecmc?


And the top comment with 66 upvotes:

burizar said:

CMC has been one of the better dev GW2 ever had for balancing (especially in WvW and PvP). The balance changes recently were not reflective of his philosophy so we meme that he was “jailed” by Anet and needed to be freed


This poster says here : The balance changes recently were not reflective of his philosophy. The balance changes being talked about here was the PVE oriented patch that introduced new skills like Blood Bank on July 2020 (a year ago which you can tell this post aligns with that timeframe.)


Generally speaking, you can look at the entire July patch here : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates/2020-07-07#Necromancer


Again people were shouting "FreeCMC" because this patch was PVE oriented, mostly mechanical changes and additions and buffs, and had close to no numerical nerfs. This is "against the philosophy of cmc" which had always been to just nerf numbers only.


Me and a few other people started the freecmc trend on the community pvp discord as a joke that he's in prison (as no pvp updates were happening at the time).

I've personally been in many balance conversations with other top players, both part of the dev discord, the pvp discord and in a personal discussion about guardian with me him and Arken.


He can only do numerical changes, as everything else needs to go through the skills team. Which he is not part of. I think Karl MacLaine is head of that division. 


When this went public, that's where the unchain cmc came from. Let him do pvp splits without going through the skills team.

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On 8/16/2021 at 1:26 PM, Math.5123 said:

Me and a few other people started the freecmc trend on the community pvp discord as a joke that he's in prison (as no pvp updates were happening at the time).

I've personally been in many balance conversations with other top players, both part of the dev discord, the pvp discord and in a personal discussion about guardian with me him and Arken.


He can only do numerical changes, as everything else needs to go through the skills team. Which he is not part of. I think Karl MacLaine is head of that division. 


When this went public, that's where the unchain cmc came from. Let him do pvp splits without going through the skills team.

Even more knowing that numerical changes is all he can do...maybe he shouldn't listen at all to this so called "TOP player" cabal where in the end all they care about is their own profession...no matter what otherwise they'd like us to think. You mentioned one name Arken, watched few of his streams years ago and yeah..I can say that he's a  honest guardian main, he's not looking to have a broken guardian class but that didn't stop him from shouting for nerfs about ele at that time. How rightful were his remarks at the time is not important, what matters is that he doesn't main the class and the changes he was asking for were relevant in a vacuum ..and that's what  this community has been doing since launch.


CMC with his behaviour only incetivize people to cry even more on the forum before even looking at themselves, if this guy goes and "nerf the numbers" of every little thing , people whine on this forum....well does it come really as a surprise why we are at this point?



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44 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Even more knowing that numerical changes is all he can do...maybe he shouldn't listen at all to this so called "TOP player" cabal where in the end all they care about is their own profession...no matter what otherwise they'd like us to think. You mentioned one name Arken, watched few of his streams years ago and yeah..I can say that he's a  honest guardian main, he's not looking to have a broken guardian class but that didn't stop him from shouting for nerfs about ele at that time. How rightful were his remarks at the time is not important, what matters is that he doesn't main the class and the changes he was asking for were relevant in a vacuum ..and that's what  this community has been doing since launch.


CMC with his behaviour only incetivize people to cry even more on the forum before even looking at themselves, if this guy goes and "nerf the numbers" of every little thing , people whine on this forum....well does it come really as a surprise why we are at this point?



Well you have to start somewhere. Try putting yourself in his shoes and think how would you balance and how well do you think it will go. Think about how much time he might actually get to work on this and how he can't just arbitrarily adjust values because it becomes difficult to justify to his boss if it goes kitten.


Top players are as biased as anyone on the forum, perhaps more so if they have something tangible to gain from it however what we can say is that at least their skill is less likely to be an issue. This also presents a problem that they may not perceive something as being an issue to lower teirs because they outskill it like turret engineer.


Forum can be a good feedback mechanism but you need to filter it correctly because for every insightful bit of feedback there's likely to be 2-10 times as much "garbage". By garbage I mean feedback that doesn't mean much like "kitten dis spec itz so broken 😂 how can u leve it lyk dis!11". This also has it's own bias and skill component.


Reddit has the same problem but I would say magnified further due to the userbase and it seems users of reddit are influenced a lot easier into "joining the bandwagon" from what I have seen. This doesn't mean that valid trends and information cannot be elicited from the platform just that take it with a pinch of salt.


Anyway I try to keep replies short but I felt this deserved a little more, I personally would hope there's a lot of scepticism in feedback received and reliance on common trends to inform changes is more his thing. I can understand what he does and why he does it, I may not agree but at the same time I can't honestly say I'd do it better.

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1 hour ago, apharma.3741 said:

Reddit has the same problem but I would say magnified further due to the userbase and it seems users of reddit are influenced a lot easier into "joining the bandwagon" from what I have seen.


Right. Even if Math above intended for his #freecmc message to mean something, that message was warped into something else entirely...like a game of telephone. A large majority of the people were probably just saying "freecmc" because "it was cool memes."


1 hour ago, apharma.3741 said:

Well you have to start somewhere. Try putting yourself in his shoes and think how would you balance and how well do you think it will go. Think about how much time he might actually get to work on this and how he can't just arbitrarily adjust values because it becomes difficult to justify to his boss if it goes kitten.


Top players are as biased as anyone on the forum, perhaps more so if they have something tangible to gain from it however what we can say is that at least their skill is less likely to be an issue. This also presents a problem that they may not perceive something as being an issue to lower teirs because they outskill it like turret engineer.


Forum can be a good feedback mechanism but you need to filter it correctly because for every insightful bit of feedback there's likely to be 2-10 times as much "garbage". By garbage I mean feedback that doesn't mean much like "kitten dis spec itz so broken 😂 how can u leve it lyk dis!11". This also has it's own bias and skill component.


Ya, well said. That's a good mantra to have. Like what @Arheundel.6451 also said, everyone is biased. Even beautiful souls like Arken, you, me, cmc...everyone has bias to some degree, at varying levels of our relative position in the pecking order.


Jeff Bezos might complain about cooperate taxes or complain about whether the caviar on his spaceship was supposed to be wrapped in gold and not silver. Meanwhile, The homeless in Skid Row are probably complaining about finding needles in the food offered by strangers, or about passerby's ignoring them when they beg for help.


Should CMC make balance changes to the economy by listening to Bezos because he is rich/smart and knows his way around the economy? Or should he be listening to the homeless, who although may not be educated, are victims of those that exploit the economic system.

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2 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Even more knowing that numerical changes is all he can do...maybe he shouldn't listen at all to this so called "TOP player" cabal where in the end all they care about is their own profession...no matter what otherwise they'd like us to think. You mentioned one name Arken, watched few of his streams years ago and yeah..I can say that he's a  honest guardian main, he's not looking to have a broken guardian class but that didn't stop him from shouting for nerfs about ele at that time. How rightful were his remarks at the time is not important, what matters is that he doesn't main the class and the changes he was asking for were relevant in a vacuum ..and that's what  this community has been doing since launch.


CMC with his behaviour only incetivize people to cry even more on the forum before even looking at themselves, if this guy goes and "nerf the numbers" of every little thing , people whine on this forum....well does it come really as a surprise why we are at this point?



Our talk was strictly about guardian, what performs and what doesn't and why. Design philosophy and a way forward. How skills work the way they work (tracking issues was a huge topic) inconsistencies with wards.

See line and ring of Warding vs ele staff 4. 


You can stunbreak dodge through guard wards but not through ele ones for example. The reason is because the ele ward hits more often than guard ones. 

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13 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Right. Even if Math above intended for his #freecmc message to mean something, that message was warped into something else entirely...like a game of telephone. A large majority of the people were probably just saying "freecmc" because "it was cool memes."



Ya, well said. That's a good mantra to have. Like what @Arheundel.6451 also said, everyone is biased. Even beautiful souls like Arken, you, me, cmc...everyone has bias to some degree, at varying levels of our relative position in the pecking order.


Jeff Bezos might complain about cooperate taxes or complain about whether the caviar on his spaceship was supposed to be wrapped in gold and not silver. Meanwhile, The homeless in Skid Row are probably complaining about finding needles in the food offered by strangers, or about passerby's ignoring them when they beg for help.


Should CMC make balance changes to the economy by listening to Bezos because he is rich/smart and knows his way around the economy? Or should he be listening to the homeless, who although may not be educated, and are victims of those that exploit the economic system.

Should a finance minister take advice from proven financial consultants or from homeless people in skid row? 

These people are good people because they understand the game, not because they are rich. 

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6 minutes ago, Math.5123 said:

Should a finance minister take advice from proven financial consultants or from homeless people in skid row? 

These people are good people because they understand the game, not because they are rich. 


Except the game isn't built around the finance minister...the game is built around everyone.


The people that understand the game, also know how to exploit it at the expense of those that do not.

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39 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:


Except the game isn't built around the finance minister...the game is built around everyone.


The people that understand the game, also know how to exploit it at the expense of those that do not.

The people who understands the game deeply, know more about what needs to be done than people that are bad at it. Even if the worse player plays more. 


I guess I'll refrain from using analogies. 

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6 hours ago, Math.5123 said:

The people who understands the game deeply, know more about what needs to be done than people that are bad at it. Even if the worse player plays more. 


I guess I'll refrain from using analogies. 

no both analogies work perfectly to illustrate what the problem is. Each person has a different view point and so what they consider as problems, will be different, based on where they are within the system. 

a homeless person might learn a thing or two about how to get away with paying a fraction of their corporate taxes and how this has a ripple effect on the US economy…but he’s homeless…he needs some advise that’s gonna actually help him get a meal and get back on his feet...

I think it would benefit you to watch a YouTube channel called “Soft White Underbelly.” The interviewer who runs this channel is pretty much asking the same kind of question as CMC. He wanted to know; “what is wrong with America?” (Where the analogous question CMC would be asking is "What is wrong with Gw2 Balance.") and the appropriate follow up question being;" And how do we fix it?"

After doing all of these interviews interviewing every side…he kind of realized eventually, that the problem that is occurring, is the exact problem I'm pointing out here in this thread. It’s why I chose this particular analogy because of how well it mirrors this same situation.


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3 hours ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

no both analogies work perfectly to illustrate what the problem is. Each person has a different view point and so what they consider as problems, will be different, based on where they are within the system. 

a homeless person might learn a thing or two about how to get away with paying a fraction of their corporate taxes and how this has a ripple effect on the US economy…but he’s homeless…he needs some advise that’s gonna actually help him get a meal and get back on his feet...

I think it would benefit you to watch a YouTube channel called “Soft White Underbelly.” The interviewer who runs this channel is pretty much asking the same kind of question as CMC. He wanted to know; “what is wrong with America?” (Where the analogous question CMC would be asking is "What is wrong with Gw2 Balance.") and the appropriate follow up question being;" And how do we fix it?"

After doing all of these interviews interviewing every side…he kind of realized eventually, that the problem that is occurring, is the exact problem I'm pointing out here in this thread. It’s why I chose this particular analogy because of how well it mirrors this same situation.


Since you've never been part of these conversions, you don't know what questions cmc are asking. Or if he's even asking the questions.

The dev discord talks used to be flowing conversations with people playing every different class talking about 1 class at a time while cmc takes notes about what the general consensus seems to be. 


And just because each person has a view, doesn't mean each person should be listened too. 

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1 hour ago, Math.5123 said:

Since you've never been part of these conversions, you don't know what questions cmc are asking. Or if he's even asking the questions.

The dev discord talks used to be flowing conversations with people playing every different class talking about 1 class at a time while cmc takes notes about what the general consensus seems to be. 


And just because each person has a view, doesn't mean each person should be listened too. 

Sure, and look how well that has turned out.

This is a shining example for why middle management in companies in America have a huge disconnect with their employees. 

I mean, take CDPR. Middle Managements stubbornness to acknowledge the issues their dev teams were having on their game, lead to…well I think you know the story.

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1 hour ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Sure, and look how well that has turned out.

This is a shining example for why middle management in companies in America have a huge disconnect with their employees. 

I mean, take CDPR. Middle Managements stubbornness to acknowledge the issues their dev teams were having on their game, lead to…well I think you know the story.

What do you mean "and look how that turned out"? He doesn't have free hands, he can't do what he wants. Everything has to go through so many channels in order to get approved. Not to mention they pay for each of their updates since they don't host their own servers, meaning they have to bundle balance patches in with bigger pve updates.


Cmc has had a huge part to play with the EoD specs, which is why they are miles more healthy than their PoF and HoT counterparts. 


I don't see cmc as the second coming of Jesus, but saying he's not doing his job well is wrong. 

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5 hours ago, Math.5123 said:

What do you mean "and look how that turned out"? He doesn't have free hands, he can't do what he wants. Everything has to go through so many channels in order to get approved. Not to mention they pay for each of their updates since they don't host their own servers, meaning they have to bundle balance patches in with bigger pve updates.


Cmc has had a huge part to play with the EoD specs, which is why they are miles more healthy than their PoF and HoT counterparts. 


I don't see cmc as the second coming of Jesus, but saying he's not doing his job well is wrong. 

There’s a fine line between doing your job,

doing your job well, and whether the job your doing is even the job you should be doing.


like I said about management, you might have an organization of 50 or so people that work together to make a product. You find that the product isn’t making any progress at all, and the product you have currently, is basically failing. So what do you do? Well you can ask upper management what the problem is…and they say


“well, the employees are lazy and they aren’t working on anything. We should fire them all and get new ones.”

At this moment in time, your job now is to fire employees and get new ones….


But now let’s say you actually went to the current employees instead of just stopping at management and asked them what the problem is. All of them have different stories, but generally they tell you this:


“The product we are making doesn’t actually work. Piece X doesn’t react to Piece Y, and that’s required in order for the product to function. That’s why we mostly stand by the water cooler all day and sleep in the cubicles.”


So you can see how in this scenario, how your job is going to be different based on who you are listening to…


You might be stellar at recruiting new employees and firing the ones standing at the water cooler…but the product is still not gonna work, and this is the point of this post. CMC might be doing the best he can at the job he was given (moving numbers around) but this job might not actually solve the problem he was tasked with solving (balancing the game) 


So in no way did I ever say, that cmc is bad at his job.


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