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  1. One of my issues is flow should be regulated like adrenaline, where once it's build up we should be able to use to our burst immediately instead of having to charge it up. It's like a double penalty and flow need to have it's decay timer returned to it's original configuration. Actually get rid of flow all together and stick with adrenalin, too much bloat need a lean affective warrior. Turn all traits and skills related to flow into enhancments for adrenalin.
  2. Seems like an effort to deprive others from enjoying a game mode, if not there's a simple solution. Like I've always been told find something else to do, try a new build or new armor. Can't power damage down all content especially when there's a big group participating. If anything should be removed i vote for removing 3rd party software that allow others to peek and search through your build and software, heck remove game applied software that allows the others to see to see what you're wearing. All it does is allow those who can, switch out their armor and build on the fly after looking at what others are wearing. That's not skillful that's just being safe.
  3. Warrior also has no channeled skills that goes through combo moves (staff 1 don't fit) every attack takes input from from the player. No hitting a skill sit back and letting it do it's thing, and adrenalin is a joke. If a player is ready to throw down he /she should already pumped up to lay the hammer down, it don't take any magic attributes, instead of being after a bunch of weak hits then it's [alright here it comes]. For a class that benefit mostly from making contact with the target it sure does miss allot, especially with all the nerfs to it's targeting and precision mechanic. It's bad enough the projectile skills got the speed of a drunk turtle on fire, there's just not enough of them. It's sad actually to see so many people needing a crutch from the company in order to feel as if they're making a difference. The old tropes of [get guud, change classes, do more crafting] just don't seem to apply to some people, so they have to run to daddy Anet for help. Very disturbing.
  4. I've done that and every time I went to a new class and got them up to speed that class was attack relentlessly in the forums. You know with the same tired old trope of being carried by this or that, unfun, unskilled... All in a bid to get that class nerf in one way or another. So going to another class just bring more heat especially in the competitive game mode. Better off just letting them have it and even that don't work, because then they start creeping into the pve game mode being hooliganlistic..
  5. Bladesworn was just fine in wvw a year or two ago with the right build and was making a impact. Just go back and look at the threads about Bladesworn then compared to now. You'll find so many complaining about Bladesworn being a newb build and being carried by it's build, enhancements and Dragon slash. You know the same excuses they used 10+ years ago. The weird thing about it was as folks was saying Bladesworn mains was [skill-less, suffered from LTP issues and it's gameplay was not fun],they were steadily advocating for it's nerf nonstop. Now that it's been gutted it's a total mystery as to why it's in the position it's in today. Just one of those things that makes you say ummm! Here's the problem through all the nerfs warriors have been able to adapt and develop new play styles. But these last couple of years have been brutal, every change attracted a new attack on warriors with some changes lasting only a week or so. Ex: When banners were made mobile there was pushback but some of us embraced the change and made it work. When it was seen that warriors had become mobile boon machines that ended within like a 2 week period and banner use dropped off. No ifs, ands or butts about it, it was changed. Now ask yourself who's really ruining the game and turning it sour.
  6. Concentrating on past mistakes and screwups would have went a long way in making the game more enjoyable, instead of adding more bloat to the game. Most of the new stuff I'm seeing is all about [hey look at me]. A concept I just can't fathom.
  7. It seems like a little small nerf would have done the job instead of gutting it all together. Warrior is caught up in someone's perception of what warrior is supposed to be in real life instead of being a fantasy depiction of a warrior. That ideology was used earlier in the game to nerf warrior, ex: comparing warrior to a human wearing thick plate armor in order to nerf our land speed. GW2 is supposed to allow any class to take on any role, well that don't apply to warrior, there's just too many that will complain and whine if warrior is given an ounce of love.
  8. Just go and clear a meta event alone, that'll add some spice to your gameplay. Anyways solo content players have always been frowned upon and attacked in the forums, not because of them doing anything wrong they just did things their way instead of needing a crowd around them. Doing a event in Bjora marches saw a player with their very own buffer following them around even when travelling from one spot to another, it's different strokes for different folks. There's just some who's a bit more vocal and crass about respecting others who choose to play in a way that's fun for them.
  9. I believe one the reasons blade sworn is being continually neutered is it's ability to reach out and touch with it's range ability. That's competitive mode influencing all other modes. The other warrior power modes hardly gets a peep nowadays, a few months ago warrior was a pariah recieving constant criticism for being too this and too that. Maybe it's due to wvw participation decrease, idk but it sure is quiet on that block now. One good thing is I'm starting to see more warriors in pve doing their thing and tearing things up.
  10. Headbutt used to do a two second then it was upgraded to 3 second stun with a 1 second self stun. I remember it well, during in-forum poll on what to change for warriors I suggested a # second range stun shout. A few weeks later it become what itis now minus later changes. It actually had the short stun prior to the self stun.
  11. I agree with you 110%, there are some petty acting individuals playing gw2. They do try to block your fun and gameplay basically projecting themselves and their hangups onto others. Gatekeeping, game setting manipulation and all sorts of immature trickery. The sad part is there's a bunch of them that all run together and come to each others defense when one is called out, unless it's only a few hopping on different accounts trying to seem like it's many.
  12. I was actually able to make my Bladesworn work in wvw, not so much dualing (I pretty much suck at dueling) but as a means of setting up an enemy zerg for my own zerg. But it seemed that everytime anyone was able to build around the nerfs they'll come back with a new set of nerfs. I truly think folks was just kitten whenever things didn't go their way. It got so bad it started bleeding down into pve. The thought of a warrior running behind them throwing explosive rounds at their backside just couldn't be allowed to stand. Warriors biggest weakness was very little range until Bladesworn hit the scene so they had to minimize it to take away some of the threat. The same reason for the warrior speed reduction while everyone else was getting speed and super speed boosts. The meta is hit and run and they don't want that jeopardized I call it the butt-hurt mentality, where folks whine for nerfs then turn around and defend other op builds that they man. Again I say all this is player driven but just not any players but ones that hold influence.
  13. Not a bad idea but I don't think those with the influence will go for any changes that may diminish the boonball. Someone championed this type of gameplay and someone didn't provide any pushback. Are there not game masters in this game that actually participate in the game instead of random content creators beating up on bots in the pvp area trying to maximize their builds? Like I said before, the e-sports fiasco told all there was to know about balancing and policing in game.
  14. Another broken meta to replace a broken meta, perfect all player driven. History repeats itself.
  15. Isn't the new meta basically attack a structure, run off if reinforcements come, once reinforcements leave sneak back and reattack, if reinforcements show up again run off, rinse repeat. as many times as necessary until the structure can be safely taken or just give up. It seems as if everyone should be able do what warriors had to do... Adapt to any changes made, it's the nature of the game.
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