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The opposite of Resistance?


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Just came to my mind lately because the resistance convert was changed again in one of the last patches.So i wondered, what if there is a condition that makes all your boons ineffective?Maybe something called "susceptability" which makes you ignore all beneficial effects on boons?Ofc this could make a heavy impact on competitive so this is not a "i wanna have this" thread but rather a bit hypothetical.

Would also make a interesting boss mechanic, so you need flips and cleanses to make enough dmg.It should not affect traits that give bonus dmg per boon on you and it should not be effected by resistance and vice versa.So you can be immune to conditions except susceptability and you can be ineffected by boons except resistance.

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The game certainly doesn't need more conditions. Even it it was a condition, it would be cleansed fast anyways, unless it's spammed all the time, which would be unhealthy.

Matthias is good example of condi spam boss where you need cleanses, but having your boons ineffective is just bad and makes fights slow for no reason.

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:Neat idea but no thanks. It would just add to the boon and condition spam.

Personally i am fine with boon and condi spam actually. I hate flip spamming which was made very prevalent in PoF.In PvP its hard countering everything with to much boons/not enough cleanses and in PvE its annoying as hell.More diverse counters would be healthy for the game (although i am not advertising my idea here, more spread out converts, transfuses and shares would be interesting)

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Uhhhh... its called boon rip. Been in the game since release.

That Anet choose to intentionally make PvE bosses with stupid ai and/or weak by not giving them the same abilities players have because PvErs would cry its too hard is an entirerly different matter.

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Its counter is its short duration relative to the already short life span of defensive boons. Like everything else thats wrong with PvP, you can't give something profoundly effective in PvP without it scaling out of control in WvW due to sheer numbers. More over, nerfing it to minuscule amounts in singular situations doesn't stop it from scaling rapidly in large group dynamics. Limit it to certain builds, and those builds will dominate the meta.

Resistance came about as an answer to Condi needing abhorrent levels of spaminess to be even remotely effective in any game mode, and thus was its counter for PvP and WvW. But in any PvE mode, Resistance is not particularly effective due to condi being low intensity and long on duration. Thus you tank the application, and then purge in the down time window.

Countering Resistance directly (or boons in general) breaks this dynamic, as boons and conditions have a 3:2 intensity balance, but evenly spread across the possible combinations. Thats part of the reason why the Devs thought they could balance the boon spam meta by adding a ton of conversions through 2 major support classes. Scourge is there to nullify boon spam, while Firebrands can convert them back...... But a critical difference here is the boon durations don't have an opportunity to indefinitely increase over time, since conversions result in pre-set duration. Theres also a purposeful bottleneck with Scourge converting almost everything into Cripple and Torment; which in turn convert to Might and Swiftness- the 2 most commonly stacked boons across all classes.

The reason the WvW meta is the way it is right now comes down to how numerous both boons and conditions are in many classes, and how Strip, conversion and cleanse are still heavily bottlenecked. But damage can stack indefinitely, while boons can not.... and other then resistance, boon can't not completely nullify damage sources. This was the failing of the balance attempt, in that neither is being effectively suppressed in practice, which is putting more pressure on healing vs incoming damage. If Scourges were any longer ranged, we'd actually end up in the Pirate ship meta again; but at the same time, its also too dangerous for any class other then Warrior or Firebrand to front line, as Warrior doesn't rely on boons to tank burst damage, and Firebrand can heal through it. By all accounts, Druids should actually be more prevalent in WvW- but CA is just too unreliable and Rangers have abysmal trait based defenses (which is needed when your weapons and utilities are monopolized for external support). Even prior to POF, Druids were rare in WvW outside of Roaming, since they lack any serious condition purging that could be used in motion. Another reason Seeds of Life needs significant refinement by condi removal on impact, and healing on blossom.

I'd also like to see Glyph of Unity reworked into a Condition handler skill. Offers a base line 20% Condi damage reduction, with normal mode reflecting that portion of the damage back via tether, while the CA mode draws conditions from Allies so the Druid can internally purge or heal through it. This WAS the concept they built Mallyx around originally, but Rev lacked a way to juggle conditions once its gathered them.

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@"InsaneQR.7412" said:Just came to my mind lately because the resistance convert was changed again in one of the last patches.So i wondered, what if there is a condition that makes all your boons ineffective?Maybe something called "susceptability" which makes you ignore all beneficial effects on boons?Ofc this could make a heavy impact on competitive so this is not a "i wanna have this" thread but rather a bit hypothetical.

Would also make a interesting boss mechanic, so you need flips and cleanses to make enough dmg.It should not affect traits that give bonus dmg per boon on you and it should not be effected by resistance and vice versa.So you can be immune to conditions except susceptability and you can be ineffected by boons except resistance.

It would be a desaster to code because what would win if both are applied at the same time.Resistance lets you ingore conditions but then you have a condition that forces all boons to be ignored.... do you see the problem.

Resistance is already one of the strongest boons in the game easily more valuable than any other defensive boon honestly. If there was a condition that did this people would just fight over which one should be stronger.

While anet does need to cull the boon spam in this game just as they did with the instant melting condition bombs this is not the solution.It would be better for them to just nuke the application frequency, duration, of and stacks of boons across the board of all professions that can currently be dripping in them.

If your idea was an effect (which is stronger than a boon as it cannot be cleansed or removed) that was limited to say necros next e-spec only then that would be ok because its a unique thing to 1 profession but to make a simple condition like that just wont be a good idea.

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@Coldtart.4785 said:I'd rather see resistance removed or changed into something else.

I thought on this for a while. I wish Resistance was just a buff that can't be removed, limit the duration and severely limit what can apply it. Conditions need a good counterplay that isn't a cleanse, because all those conditions you just cleansed can just get reapplied the very next moment. You can make yourself immune to physical damage, then something for condis should also exist. Would be easier to balance.

Maybe that's just because I look at it from a warrior's perspective, with Berserker Stance basically doing exactly that.

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Resistance and the current state of condi spam are both power creep. The way condi vs condi clear works has pretty much been broken since day one. Condi will either dominate or be useless in almost every fight with the occasional knife-edge case where it's relatively balanced. The whole thing needs to be overhauled.

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@Coldtart.4785 said:I'd rather see resistance removed or changed into something else.

I thought on this for a while. I wish Resistance was just a buff that can't be removed, limit the duration and severely limit what can apply it. Conditions need a good counterplay that isn't a cleanse, because all those conditions you just cleansed can just get reapplied the very next moment. You can make yourself immune to physical damage, then something for condis should also exist. Would be easier to balance.

Maybe that's just because I look at it from a warrior's perspective, with Berserker Stance basically doing exactly that.

@Coldtart.4785 said:I'd rather see resistance removed or changed into something else.

I thought on this for a while. I wish Resistance was just a buff that can't be removed, limit the duration and severely limit what can apply it. Conditions need a good counterplay that isn't a cleanse, because all those conditions you just cleansed can just get reapplied the very next moment. You can make yourself immune to physical damage, then something for condis should also exist. Would be easier to balance.

Maybe that's just because I look at it from a warrior's perspective, with Berserker Stance basically doing exactly that.

I would love to see this change actually.Atm you need resistance to counter condis and boon corrupt which is basically everywhere destroys this counter in seconds.Dmg Immunity has CC as counter and condis.Resistance should get CC as counter and raw dmg.This would make it easier and would rwmove its weird position on the boon table.

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