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Marauder Weaver


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Hello guys, is it worth if I make a full marauder gear for my weaver? I like to play with sword and trying to get into raids and fractal.I thought about using full berserker, but I will be one shoted on open world. Is it viable to these modes or should I just git gud and try to survive with full berserkers so I don't need to get multiple sets right now?

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If you were going to WvW I'd say marauder is good. On the other hand, you're getting marauder for PvE.

You could run Berserker's armor and use "Berserker+ Valkyrie" trinkets (accessories) with just marauder amulet for more HP + marauder sword while keeping your ferocity higher.Bloodstone for Marauder amulet = + 710HP / Bud of the Pale Tree (amulet) = +180HPExperiment ZX-27115 (accessory) = +180HPZinn's Data Crystal (accessory) = + 180HPBloodstone (Backpiece) = + 180HPVine of the Pale tree (ring) = + 180HPBagh Nakh (ring) = + 180HP, I don't advise doing this since rings have up to 3 infusions.

Full zerk ascended + scholar with fire+ weaver (elements of rage) + arcane = 2826 power, ~50% crit chance, ~229% critFull marauder + scholar , same traits = 2618 power, ~60% crit chance , ~213% crit damage , which is a sharp drop in power for about 6K HP

I know that feeling though, weaver doesn't have stability+ protection from overloads and the nature of dual attuning results in you being locked out of what you want sometimes.

Something like this (example mix 1) would be 2785 power , ~13.8K HP, ~ 48% crit chance , 226% crithttp://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsIWEAsiNZb4Tevqn136gAQB4AA-jxBXAB9o+TIaBEVHgwKDoRJYAK9AY/BA-e

Using 2 marauder weapons, marauder amulet , "berserker+valkyrie" accessories is 2748 power , ~14.5K HP , ~53% crit chance , 223% crit:http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJAsIWEAsiNZb4Tevqn136gAQB4AA-jxBXABAs/o0oH1dkVlgHUCKsygAUiJqeAA-e

Power x crit % = effective power on a critical hit.For the zerker setup it is 6377First example mix = 6294 or 98.7%Second example mix = 6128 or 96%Marauder is 5576 on crit about 87.5% of the damage but with 10% higher chance

I'd also go with Final Shielding if you're running arcane.

If you're willing to use fire+ air + weaver, running Ferocious winds (7% precision to ferocity) trait helps a bit but you lose Final Shielding.Full zerk becomes 238% critThe first mix reaches 235% critThe second mix reaches 232% crit which is better than full zerk on arcaneFull marauder becomes 223% with air line, not really worth it

Hope that helps.

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Marauder is useless in high-end instanced content (fractals & raids):

  • You get no value from the extra Precision, as you're capped on crit chance anyway
  • You get no value from the extra Vitality in high-end groups as you have a support and you don't need the extra HP.
  • You get very little value from the extra Vitality in random groups without support (and you'll only really find these in fractals), because stuff will still deal enough damage to kill you if you're not using your dodges. And if you do, then you can survive with the lower health pool as well.
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@Infusion.7149 said:If you were going to WvW I'd say marauder is good. On the other hand, you're getting marauder for PvE.

Only if he goes freshair.Sw/d with full marauder/zerk is like suicide (trying to act like thief,but with much less sustain and damage potential).Copy mender/avatar build from PvP if you wanna play this build on WvW

Marauder should work at PvE tho,if you can’t sustain with zerk stats (not highest dps build,but still)

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@Wentworth.6901 said:You could always try a stat with condi perhaps? I'm running celestial right now and I like it. I'm not sure about things like raids or high tier fractals, but my survivability is a lot better, and you can really stack some burns.

See above my comment why Marauder is not worth running in fractals and raids. Same applies to cele, only worse. On top of everything, the unnecessary Toughness you have can (and probably will) mess up the aggro management in your raid groups.

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@"Feanor.2358" said:Marauder is useless in high-end instanced content (fractals & raids):

  • You get no value from the extra Precision, as you're capped on crit chance anyway
  • You get no value from the extra Vitality in high-end groups as you have a support and you don't need the extra HP.
  • You get very little value from the extra Vitality in random groups without support (and you'll only really find these in fractals), because stuff will still deal enough damage to kill you if you're not using your dodges. And if you do, then you can survive with the lower health pool as well.

This is objectively wrong. There is contingent value in not being downed constantly, because your group isn't functioning smoothly. The more Pug the group is, the more this becomes a practical concern. If its a static group, with a record of high reliability, then there is greater merit toward min/maxing. The real measure is how close the group is performing to a given margin of error.... and stat shuffling to compensate for a lack of, or unreliable source of "full set of buffs" is prudent to aid success, even at the cost of being at sub-optimal performance.

Even in WvW, a perfect sustain comp can completely cover the vulnerability of allied glass builds....... but most will still have partial Marauder or Soldiers gear, since that perfect sustain comp can still collapse from the myriad of imperfect conditions its operates in. A perfect Raid comp has the exact same problem..... "It works until it doesn't". Then the blame shifting starts, players deemed inadequate, and the assertions of fundamental truths about "X being useless" become even further disconnected from reality.

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If you're getting downed constantly you need to up your game. Defensive stats can be used as a crutch meanwhile, but it doesn't make them better in any objective way. They will just be applicable to your subjective, current situation and level.

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  • 2 weeks later...

WvW - Maurauder is ok, your only role is to take out minor siege since your dps isn't nearly as good as a scourge or thief. If you're going to roam, you'll probably want to mix your stats with some toughness/ healing power and vitality and pray that you only 1v1.PvE- it's fine, as long as you know what you're doingRaids - I believe it's recommended aside from going full glass.

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Zerker's just better in organized groups obviously and the minimal survivability offered by maurauder isn't gonna save you when you get hit by a thief or concentrated zerg focus anyway. It's really a question of Marauder's vs Celestial for those situations.

For open world, central Tyria content should be fine in Zerker but in HoT, PoF and certain LS maps where PvE mobs are less forgiving, I find changing out my rings to celestial is enough to survive.

So go with a Zerker set but hold some cheaply available celestial trinkets and mix and match as your experience requires.

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