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Everything posted by Silvia.9130

  1. I'm pretty sure Charr don't display nips unless pregnant and surely more than two, in that case. You guys should really try to take a 30 second break from your 24/7 fights in game to take a look at what your characters look like.By the way you speak, I also have to assume you all just took the preset character for the class you picked and skipped all the way down to name selection, since, after all, when do you ever get to see their faces in all your fightings? :v
  2. I'm pretty sure Charr don't have nips by default. You should try to take a break from the 24/7 battles you all are while in game to turn your characters around for a minute.
  3. Then we could as well remove characters faces at all, we see them from the back most of the time, no? -.-
  4. As others said, your in-game gold can be used to buy gems, but it's not going to be cheap.Keys can also be obtained as a certain drop from some story steps (level 10 last story, but only once per week, level 40 first story and, iirc, level 60 second or third, the Claw Island attack.)I don't think it's convenient to rely on keys to get skins, though, since the wardrobe unlocks are not a sure drop and they give you totally random skins. (Make sure to unlock all the very cheap ones, or they will give you many disappointments) Overall, it's always more convenient to farm and use the gold to buy the skins you want than take your chances with keys, there is way too much garbage to make it worthwhile, unless you are blessed by luck and could get some exclusive drops.If by some luck you got enough weapon scraps (10) for a ticket, you can use that to buy one skin of your liking from the black lion weapon specialist. Though, save your statuettes. Occasionally they add outfits there, as well as cool skins from keys and even endless gathering tools.As you were suggested, keep one slot free to make one character every week, level it to 10, do the story and get the key.Personally I save all my keys and open them only when there is a new item I want, among the uncommon drops. (Always preview the content of black lion chest before using keys on it, or you risk to get a big drop that may not be of your liking.) I think this is all I can advise :)
  5. Please, could we get some new designs of Asura ears with earrings in them? Just pre-made, in the ears selection, I'd be so happy with it.They have such nice big ears it almost feels like a waste not to add some decorations to them! I understand that adding earrings and piercings to character creation could be quite a hassle, but I feel like this other way to implement them would be easier.If it was for races without customisable ears, the earrings or piercing could be part of the face design.I don't know, I just had this idea and hope it could be supported, maybe implemented within the next expansion. :) Side note: this thread mentions Asura because of their big ears and because I love them. I don't have anything against every other race getting similar features.
  6. I really wish the same. To me it entirely looks more like a novelty than a skin.
  7. I never hated him nor I was annoyed by him and you can bet that up to this day, I haven't yet learned how exactly his name is written or pronounced. ?But I never loved him either, never missed him nor felt extremely sorry for his end.
  8. Yes, please. They are so expensive and we have to buy them just out how we think they would look or from what they look like on someone else's character or a low quality YouTube video... ?Also, infusions wardrobe section would be highly appreciated.
  9. It'd be helpful for me too, I really have big difficulties and sadly my screen isn't so huge, can't really increase my ui more than I did already ._.
  10. I would like longer capes too and also to balance them better for Asura... I mean, some shrink into such tiny things that it's almost embarrassing. I don't want my Asura to look like he's wearing a little towel from his bathroom!! ?
  11. I agree, please ANet, let us do it like for outfits so that we can see for sure what the colour schemes will look like!
  12. It would probably sell, but it's the kind of things that'd risk causing an uproar, like when they added some fire effect to light human T3 gear (Flamekissed skins first look) and tried to sell it on the gem store. There was such a fuss that the devs had to change the skin entirely.
  13. I haven't seen many HoT runs lately, maybe because most people simply go to the easier HPs in desert maps.If you have a mentor tag, you can try to ask for help in map. When I do it, usually a few people who need the same HP come over to get it together. :)Alternatively, you can try to check the LFG at around 8pm (CEST), they used to be advertised there when I used to do them. In the weekend there might be higher chances to find trains!
  14. I'd honestly like this, I dislike the current look of necromancer minions so much it's enough to discourage me from playing my reaper.
  15. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bria Am I the only one who thinks she is kinda wasted rotting just in that event in Iron Marches?I think she would make a cool Fractal boss. I'd love to see more about her, even that spooky forest surrounding her place, with some darker theme, would seem cool to me for a fractal design.
  16. I can understand why not do that on Fractals, since it's still popular and ANet surely want to promote teamwork, but in dungeons... that are close to dead.Half of the time have to stop Arah P1 because we aren't enough to spawn Tar, although we could perfectly defeat of and proceed to the end of the path.Same in CoF P1 and any CoE path. Half of the times we duo or trio till the braziers room (in CoF 1) and have to wait for whole ages till the team fills to do the mechanic. And very often, while waiting endlessly, people also start to leave the team, making it even more frustrating.Please ANet, think about our sanity!!
  17. I'd be ok even with a story mode with no fights and no rewards, where you can access and explore just to see and learn the story.I know it can kinda be done, but you need to find someone willing to invite you when they are done clearing. (Or at least I think that's how it works)And it'd still lack cinematics and dialogues (?) Anyhow, I'd like to be able to witness those stories in game and not only from other sources.
  18. I'd love extra things from dungeons and also to have more people running them, but I fear that ANet actually wants them to be unpopular so they won't have to bother about them anymore...
  19. I totally agree this is needed. What's even the point to block someone if they can still do pretty much anything...
  20. I wish there was an every day daily for dungeons, like there is for fractals and strike missions. Sometimes it can be hard to fill your team, especially when trying for a full run.A couple of weeks ago we got stuck in CoE with nobody joining for so long we had to give up.It's so sad dungeons ended this way...
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