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  1. It has been a few years, but I think I remember it would not work in one browser but did in another.
  2. No, I do not do gems for gold, but I did just buy 6k gems with gold.
  3. Or they could just put pauses on both metas if certain conditions are met. That is the east meta would pause at lighting beacons if the west meta was moving to the boss, and the west meta would pause after information collected if lighting beacons was active. The notice would change to NPC XYZ is waiting at location 123 while NPC ABC leads the assault on loation 456.
  4. I would say they would be better off just making a new game and not attaching the Guild Wars name to it. If that is done too many people who have some investment in GW will be turned off by it. A better option, I would think, would be to advertise (something Anet is very bad at) that the game is from the creators of GW, but is a completely different game. There have been many examples of developers trying to leverage the name of an existing IP and ending up alienating the existing fans, while simultaneously turning off people who are not fans, or actively dislike, that IP.
  5. The crafting vendors do. Also, I agree with all the suggested upgrades to the various Lounges.
  6. At this point I tend to only be on the SotO maps for metas, but when I was farming rifts if I saw someone asking for help with events I would go help them and I would guess people still would. So that is what I would suggest, just call it out. If people from the map will not help you and you are NA, drop me a line in game.
  7. I think I did that exact thing a few years ago, I know that I was trying to make one item for a legendary and made something else. I sent a ticket and it got sorted out. It did take a little back and forth as they needed to see that I had deleted the item before replacing it, but it was not a difficult process. I would say that give them some time to respond, the odds are you are not the only person who has done this in the last day or so, they might be bit swamped.
  8. One thing that I have not seen mentioned in all of this, but I will admit I could have missed it, is the fact that the ease of making gold continues to increase. Every expansion seems to add another Meta for 2 gold a day. All of those add up, so there is just more gold in the economy. If you put more currency, gold, into circulation the value of it decrease. If the rarity of the item you are interested in buying stays the same, that is to say its effective "value" stays the same, as the value of the currency, gold, decreases, the cost will increase. It would be interesting to see how much gold is in the economy at various times, and how prices react to that.
  9. /s If a mount is getting a buff I think the warclaw should get a PvE mastery line that will give it better movement in OW. Not because it is needed, but for the most important reason of all (or so it seems in these forums), I like it and want it to be better in OW PvE.
  10. I would guess that pins were intended for WvW, and the cost was based around an organized group/guild pooling gold for their Commanders to be able to pin up. Perhaps that is still the intent, if you have a group of people that play together and want you to lead, they can help you buy a pin, if you are a solo player who wants to pin up, you need to earn the gold as a solo player. I have pins on 2 accounts, as a mostly solo player who bought them so I can occasionally pin up and lead things. One of my accounts has both the original pin and the Catmander, but that account got the base pin for 100g and the Catmander is only 150g if you already have the other.
  11. I ran mostly marauder gear for years, the extra survivability is nice (necros love the extra shroud up time) and the increased crit chance offsets some of the DPS reduction vs berserkers. That started changing some when celestial got the extra stats added as I swapped professions that could make full use of that, but I think the only build I run berserks on is my mechanist, as that build can maintain range and use the mech to tank if need be. The exception to all of that is my renegade who runs a mix of various things, I honestly do not remember what, due to crit capping without needing all the precision stat when accounting for the traits. All of this is based on solo play, in an organized group that I know and trust I will run full zerker and depend on the others to do their job.
  12. I play human or norn, I have tried the others and did not like they way they moved. I do have one asuran, but I built that character based on one of my cats, and she has since died, so I keep the asuran character. As for missing out on special dialogue, I keep NPC dialogue volume at 0, so I would not really notice that.
  13. I play pretty much full keyboard, do not use mouse much in combat, I know many/moat find it less effective, but it is what I got use to and relearning it would be a pain. I use movement on the right side,: forward I, back K, Left J, right L. Skills 1-5 are Q,W,E,R,T. Heal is H, Utility 1 is U, 2 is O, 3 is M, Elite is N. The profession keys are 1-7.
  14. There is a slider in the audio options to turn off all NPC sounds. It means you will miss out on some of the more interesting ambient conversations, so that is a choice you will need to make. I have it turned off, mainly because I hate NPCs talking in the story mode, which I dislike in and of itself.
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