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Everything posted by Valfar.3761

  1. That is actually the build I'm using, but I'm not sure how he was able to hit 20k DPS. Seems the only thing different is that he is using Eagle runes and has 90 more power from Fractal infusions, but I don't run Fractals so IDK. Does the storm spirit alone allow you to reach 25 stacks of might? If so then the sigil of strength could be swapped out for sigil of force but IDK how much of a difference that would cause.
  2. For group PvE content (meta events or strikes) I am playing a Ferocious Symbiosis Alacrity Untamed. It deals 10-15k DPS, helps other people, and is casual to play. [&DQQePRkdSDclDyUPrAG3ALwAvQC2ALYAlwGXATMtLRMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]. Before entering combat, switch to Unleashed Pet and spawn your spirits. Enter combat, press F1 F2 and F3 so your pet does damage. Activate your spirits. Switch to Unleashed Ranger and press hammer 1 for a burst of ambush damage. Sit in Unleashed Ranger state forever and press hammer 4 and 2 when you can. Use hammer 5 if you get knocked back so you can leap back to the target. Activate spirits when off cooldown as the more spirits you have the more damage you do. In open world I start off with my longbow, which has Sigil of Bloodlust. I tag as many mobs as possible to get my +250 power before switching to my Hammer. If you are only facing a couple normal mobs then don't bother with the spirit setup and just whack the mobs down. For solo PvE, I run a Fervent Force double axe build. [&DQQIGx43SBWhAHkAuwC7AAEbtgC1ALUADxsPGzMtLRMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=]. Before battle, I activate Forest's Fortification and "Protect Me!" (if playing with other players then replace "Protect Me!" with "Guard!" because that gives a 33% damage reduction that isn't mutually exclusive with protection, which other players can provide). Press 1 to throw an axe at my enemy and enter combat. Press ~ key to weapon swap and gain fury. Press 2 > 4 > 2 > exploding spores > 2 > rinse repeat. Use Frost Trap on cooldown. Weapon swap when possible to gain fury (preferably before using splitblade). Pet swapping also grants fury, if you need it. If you miss exploding spores and you can't use 2 yet, then use 5. Does 10-15k DPS. For both builds I am using berserker gear with superior sigils of strength, superior sigils of impact, and Rune of Fireworks for 25% movement speed. For pets I just like to use the Wyverns and the Reef Drake because I like the way they look, but for strikes I switch to the Lynx (damage) and the Red Moa (heal and fury buff).
  3. It is very disappointing that the Skyscale chair doesn't reflect your skin and dyes. I play a Charr and my character looks goofy riding any Skyscale other than the Broad Horned Bull, but I can't lean against him with the Skyscale chair. More draconic ranger pets in general would be appreciated.
  4. I think the problem a lot of people struggle with is that Untamed has a lot of moving parts, and trying to master everything at once is too difficult. I would suggest playing a double axe build and stay in Unleashed Ranger form permanently and get used to how Fervent Force works, before trying out the Unleash mechanic. With a double axe build you just go 2 > 4 > 2 > stun utility like Exploding Spores or Spike Trap or Storm Spirit > rinse repeat. Mix in whatever other abilities you like, be it Guard for damage reduction or Frost Trap for even more damage. Once you've become comfortable with that, then start flipping back and forth between the different unleashed stats to min max their benefits.
  5. What do you want changed? Buffing their stats? Reworked beastmaster traits? Doing what WoW did and giving them a 90% reduction to AoE damage so pets don't instantly die in WvW? Reworked AI? I do think we should get a new F button, one that allows us to point and click and tell our pet where to go and stay there until they either die or are recalled.
  6. For PvE I am playing ranger with double axes in unleashed ranger state, which means I can still press the same pet abilities as before and the pet isn't covered in green goo. For PvP I switch to unleash pet so I can teleport my pet onto an enemy player, then switch back to unleashed ranger, so your pet isn't covered in green goo often. Yeah, Untamed not really improving the pet is disappointing. The real reason to play Untamed is if you want more intense gameplay over core, since Fervent Force allows you to spam your buttons.
  7. I agree that the visual noise is one of the biggest detriments. Doing the story boss fights by myself is one of the few times where I can actually see what's going on, because there isn't a cacophony of spell effects going off. During open world boss fights, half the time I can't tell if I am standing in fire or about to get hit by something because there are just too many spell effects. WvW is impossible without turning down all of your settings but then you're getting a subpar war experience. Just look at this: https://i.imgur.com/I4qGcOc.jpg https://i.imgur.com/OfZf8cr.jpg I can't imagine any other game that looks like that. As effects heavy as FF14 is, you can still clearly see the telegraphs on the ground.
  8. Reef Drake - Jasper Smokescale - Soot Fire Wyvern - Ember Electric Wyvern - Spark
  9. Not fond of the Shared Anguish rework. I prefer to just use my one pet and this change will make soloing and story content more difficult.
  10. I am an Ash Legion Charr ranger. The Ash Legion is the least defined so you get the most leeway to headcanon your Charr as being a ranger who could have picked up a little bit of magic. Ash Legion also makes sense because it is made up of Charr who mainly operate alone or in small groups, which is how the GW2 story plays out (aside from the last 1/3rd of the vanilla story where you are the Pact Commander, you're mostly doing stuff by yourself, or maybe with a couple of NPCs like Rytlock and Braham), as opposed to the Blood and Iron Legions which are more like organized armies.
  11. Same issue. My settings are fullscreen 3840 x 2160, DX11. DPI scaling turned on. UI is far too small with DPI scaling turned off. https://i.imgur.com/KQT3yi4.jpg
  12. @Mell.4873 what traits are you using for your frost trap/guard/Spirit of Nature build? And rotation? Also, how does being in the Unleashed Ranger state improve Frost Trap's damage? And does the Lesser Muddy Terrain created by Child of Earth when using a healing skill also trigger Fervent Force? And would Nature's Vengeance combo well with spamming the Spirit of Nature elite? For story and open world.
  13. A higher age rating wouldn't make the game's story less juvenile. Besides, I don't play this game for its writing or the drama. I play it to beat up dragons and go to fantasy locations. The living world seasons are always a snooze because it's just people standing around and talking for hours and hours. The expansion stories are short but at least they are mostly action. If I wanted to play a game with lots of drama then I'd pick up a JRPG.
  14. I've played 500 ranked games over the past four-five months, sitting at around silver 2 with a 50% winrate. I've seen maybe two or three games where a team spent the whole game sitting in base. I've certainly seen dozens of matches where there is an AFKer (or worse, a player who is moving around but deliberately throwing the game and dying over and over and has the audacity to call the rest of us kitten), but very few ranked games were an entire team threw. The automated tournaments, however, are infested with teams that AFK in base. Anyone can create a tourney group in LFG and expect to walk away with at least 10 to 15 gold in half an hour because at least 1 or 2 teams you get matched up against won't even try. Then again, you can make almost as much money just doing ranked, and ranked gives you ascended shards of glory and PvP league tickets so you mind as well just do that instead.
  15. Only people who were already actively playing at that time got those episodes for free. People like myself who play on and off missed it. And new players ofcourse never got the chance.
  16. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/studio-update-guild-wars-2-tenth-anniversary-and-steam-launch-on-august-23/ I see the Decade of the Dragon world boss kill achieves, but where are the new WvW and PvP achievements? And are all of the PvE achievements just killing bosses and doing events?
  17. As aforementioned your server doesn't matter. If you landed on an unpopulated map. Try zoning in and out, or search for a group on LCG and join it and right click a party member and select join in map.
  18. I found sic em soulbeast sniper to be very ineffective in WvW. Your commander wants you to be moving with him 100% of the time and you're liable to get kicked if you stop to cast barrage (not to mention the high chance of dying as your zerg moves away from you while you're stuck casting barrage). There is also the problem that zergs have the anti-projectile bubbles up most of the time, so there goes your DPS. Better to move with the group and stance share while hurling the auto-attack axes.
  19. I loved the lethality of the pre-nerf mobs, I just didn't like their massive HP pools. So your average encounter would last at least a minute but if you screwed up once you died. That's too exhausting.
  20. You need 3,600 ascended shards of glory to make a full set of PvP legendary armor. The difference between being a plat with a 60%+ win rate and a silver with a 50% win rate is hundreds of hours of grinding. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jNJob0zFk6JzjXA4q2ZCvfuu43r_1afuFgXlv11y1c0/edit#gid=547760379
  21. Because SPvP gives out rewards not for mere participation like WvW, but for winning. Which means that if you want to win the most often, you most adopt the most effective builds. Due to Anet's understaffed class design team, the classes are not remotely balanced, which means that there is a massive gap between builds. Don't expect anything to change. Class design has been on a downward trajectory since PoF. You need to make your peace with it. The SPvP grind isn't worth it if you're going to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours having a less than fun time, when you could be doing something else with your limited free time that you find more enjoyable.
  22. Will probably be out before the August sale to drive up revenue as people become interested in buying S2.
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