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Everything posted by Josiah.2967

  1. I hate the new mastery. Went back to other zones. At least I am still playing.
  2. I would prefer my Primeval Skyscale, Starfall Skyscale, Mad King Mount Pack, etc... It seems they are in no hurry.
  3. Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy. The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different. Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based. We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale. The operative word is necromancy. Explain to me how animating food and toys constitutes being necromancy. They reanimate dead things. That goes for Sylvari necromancers as well. Just because Sylvari are plant-based, doesn't mean their minions have to be, or that the whole nature of necromancy changes. Comparing golems/robots to undead minions is like comparing apples and oranges. It just doesn't work. Yes, we can have different opinions. But necromancy is necromancy, regardless of anyone's opinion. And I am a whale too. I would not spend a single dime on skins that spit in the face of necromancy. If you want cute and cuddly minions, play Pokémon.This is a paradox. The exact same argument can be applied on the flip side. There is no reason a necromancer can't use Silvari parts to make a minion. This is not Guild Wars 1 where you can only play humans. In that game, I would accept your argument... This is a fantasy game with more races. We already have living robots and plant people... Welcome to Guild Wars 2.
  4. Is the Boneskinner event different than the strike mission? I have only done the event which was easy, but expected. I guess I need to try to do some strike missions.
  5. Hard pass on that. Necromancer minions are made from the remains of dead animals and people, basically constructs. Some of the suggestions you make (gingerbread man being the most obvious) are frankly ridiculous as Necromancer minions. There is no way to make a construct of dead and rotting body parts look cute, and they're not supposed to. There's nothing necromantic about the gingerbread man, or skyscales, or toys for that matter. In my opinion it would be nothing more than a cheap gimmick and a slap in the face of necromancy. The story has:1.) Syvarie being sacrificed to power golems2.) Scruffy or robots (which toys could be robots) animated I consider the current restrictions a slap in the face. I think Necromancers should be able to animate more than a few exact combinations that can never change. They get the parts out of nowhere, so that's not the problem. I want to animated something different. Look at Sylvari. There creations make no sense for the race. There minions should be plant based. We can have different opinions. I am willing to pay $$$ for what I want. Listen to the whale.
  6. I think the difficultly is just right. To be honest...I have no sympathy to those that want a harder game! You can change gear or play an unoptimized build... Those players can easily do something about it. I can sympathize more with the players that struggle playing the build they enjoy over the meta build, and those that are new to genre or the game in general. I know an equal amount of people that think it's to hard to those that think it's to easy. I actually probably know more that thing the game is to hard, but they aren't as vocal.
  7. For anyone interested in the G600. It is on sale today at Amazon for only $23. I remember getting it on release at 79.99. Been thinking about switching the mouse with one of the 3 backups I purchased, but the original is still going. Just got dirty over the 5-6 years of use. In comparison, I was going through Naga's every 6 months. I love this mouse. I tried a lot of mice before this one became my daily driver. https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Gaming-Backlit-Programmable-Buttons/dp/B0086UK7IQ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=g600&qid=1576176669&sr=8-1
  8. How can anyone thumbs this up? Before there was an alternative to Arenanets templates that worked better, and didn't cost a thing. Arenanet made sure we can't use it so we wouldn't have an alternative.
  9. Glider/Backpack combos already have dye patterns, multiple models, and more. There is no reason not to update these.
  10. I am sorry but their is no excuse for the Backpack/Glider combos. The dye set are done. The patterns are created Their is already both a model for the backpack and a model for the gliding. Literally no reason it would be easier to start new.
  11. Are you talking about eater of souls?Then yes it was nerfed hard but is still to hard for the lowest skilled players. Got it... The only fight I would remove is Scruffy.A.) It is not funB.) The fight is a plot hole How is it a plot hole? It’s also an easy fight if not going for the achievement. Scruffy is only vulnerable to one thing. Dragons are no match for Scruffy. That’s a very big leap to make that assumption. Do the fight again. You will see.
  12. Can they?Not on mine.Only gliders as they always been. I believe he was referencing the new back piece in the gem store. That back piece (cape) is dyable. This allowed us to know it is possible.
  13. 1.) More Skyscale skins.a.) Primevalb.) StarFallc.) Exaltedd.) Arctice.) ExaltedI assume you probably have the most used themes; however, I am super excited for a Primeval Skyscale to complete the set. You and I know I would buy all of these. Perhaps release it as a pack. :-) 2.) Another Premium Skyscale Skin. I want something different that make sense. Some ideas include a Phoenix, Bat, Dragon Fly, or Gargoyle. 3.) Dyable Glider/Backpack combos now include the Backpack to match the dye for the glider. I would by more combos. 4.) Revive Orb (Reusable with cool-down). I honestly don't need them, but I have friends that it would help, and would buy one for support.
  14. Are you talking about eater of souls?Then yes it was nerfed hard but is still to hard for the lowest skilled players. Got it... The only fight I would remove is Scruffy.A.) It is not funB.) The fight is a plot hole How is it a plot hole? It’s also an easy fight if not going for the achievement. Scruffy is only vulnerable to one thing. Dragons are no match for Scruffy.
  15. Are you talking about eater of souls?Then yes it was nerfed hard but is still to hard for the lowest skilled players. Got it... The only fight I would remove is Scruffy.A.) It is not funB.) The fight is a plot hole
  16. I would totally pay for Skin Packs. I can just imagine holiday theme skin packs.1.) Ginger Bread Men2.) Toys3.) Robots (Azura Necromancer Tech?)4.) SkyScales (using the different baby stages would be so cute)5.) Zombies6.) Plants (got to have Zombies vs Plants)6.) Skeletons We really need cuter alternatives for a contrast. They have to sell.
  17. Was this nerfed? I finally got around to doing the story. I have now one shot this boss on two melee toons. The first time I beat him, I assumed it wasn't the boss the forums were talking about...
  18. My cape disappears when using a glider. Meteor, bubble, carpet... Seems weird.
  19. Looks horrible on a great sword asura. Like it always is in hero wind... Does not work with most outfits. It has a lot of clipping. All it did, was make me wish the backpack/glider combos. Would allow coloring for both the back and the glider. That would be excellent.
  20. Dye able Backpack and Glider combinations where the Back matches the gliding color. I just bought the skeleton wings.1.) No jump animation, the previous dragon wings had a jump animation.2.) No dye option for the backpack. This feels really cheap now. It's a new item. The dye patterns are already there. Simply just need to make it apply to the back and I would be happy. I would be willing to pay for an unlock for all combinations to be dyable in back form if needed.
  21. No variety. Worse than previous deals (within months). Hard pass. I hope they have something that isn't listed.
  22. Trying to make this work make me more frustrated than ignoring the feature.... The more I try, the more problems I run into. BTW: Why can't we store dyes colors per change. This is something I highly wanted, and would help the sting.
  23. How this is resolved, will determine my future monetary support for this game.
  24. Mesmer > Engineer = Ranger = Necro > The rest.
  25. I would prefer an insect like a Butterfly, Moth, or DragonFly. Something that actually has legs and can hang onto things and push off of things with them.
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